Help Someone
No one is indispensable. There is no self-made man; we are all made up through contribution of others. Life is usually a combination or components of raw materials before it turns to the purpose of intention in the heart of another. The waste at a point is the raw materials of ... Views: 1124
Watch What You Say
What you say determines what is in your heart and eventually determines your placement in life. Out of abundance of heart speaks the mouth, since thoughts are words spoken that shapes our destiny, for better or for bitter.
“How long will this wicked community grumble ... Views: 1255
Stand Your Ground
God is not the author of confusion and you must not loose sight of the fact that He does not work or bound by human reports. He is not in the business of deception, oppression, manipulation or afflicts anyone. He is the light, and in Him is no darkness neither shadows of ... Views: 1206
You can Make It Happen.
God gives every bird its food, but He does not throw it into the net!
You have a beautiful enviable future because destiny is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice. There is something about life, if you refuse to accept anything less than the best, ... Views: 1205
The Yeast to Rise
When God gives you a seed, He does not want that seed back; He wants a forest. He wants you to plant and grow that seed with the ability He gave you. Myles Munroe
Use the talents you possess, the wood would be very silent if no birds sang except the best. For those ... Views: 1312
No limitation
There is no dry place or dry land except a dry head, nor is there a dry season except a dry mind. Dr. Henry Aghorunse
There is no limitation, restriction, hereditary or genetic factors that are so strong enough to stop you to your placement in life. Whatever might be the ... Views: 1255
Knowledge and Information
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children. Hosea 4:6(NIV)
Nothing destroys quickly or causes decay and ... Views: 1373
You are the handicap you must face. You are the one who must choose your place. James Allen.
The price of not knowing the rudiments of certain things in life could lead to frustration, embarrassment and untold hardship. Some penalties we pay in life are due to ... Views: 1033
You are more than Conquerors
Persistence makes you to stand your ground in Christ any day. It makes you to stand for the cause you believe. It brings you into the realm of not turning back from your assignment. It makes you to forgo pleasure and endure to the end for the crown set for the ... Views: 1297
Everything in Life is a Choice
Every one has a great destiny in life in God. The force of persistence in your quest for freedom is of importance. Your level of persistence will determine the kind of results you get, that eventually or consequently determines the level of freedom and access ... Views: 1224