So it is 2010!
What I love about a new year, is just that! That we acknowledge it is new, we can claim it to start afresh. For me, it gives me permission to wipe everything clean, to start with a blank canvas. To expect great people and situations to enter my life, and to also expect the best ... Views: 1134
So it was New Year’s Eve, and family and friends together sharing what they wanted for 2010. So round the table we went, and I was very surprised to hear what people were asking for. It started with “In 2010 I would like to handle all the pressures thrown at me and cope better than I did in ... Views: 1317
I remember a time when someone wonderful had entered my life. I had been a single parent for some time, and although it was difficult at times I was really blessed by the individuals that occupied my home – my kids! Such beautiful people
And together we had such a bond, such a tight unit, ... Views: 1062
Fear is not from or of God. It is what you have created to keep you small. Keep you little and unassuming. Your world is abundant, and yet you live in fear. If only you knew that fear is not real, it is but a fantasy to destroy the life which lives in you.
We are filled with the power of ... Views: 1110
Forgiveness will give you the freedom you search for. You remain trapped in your heart, your life. You search and search, when all that is needed is the release of a hard heart. What is it that someone can do, that you cannot release to God?
You know, God will search your heart. Allow ... Views: 1630
Your thoughts bring with them the power of your being. In every moment, every particle of the world you see has been brought about because of what has been portrayed in your mind. Your thoughts create what you see, and in fact bring all the people that surround you in your journey called life. ... Views: 1209