I remember feeling my mother’s sorrow as a child. Sometimes I would stand next to her and begin to cry. “Why are you crying” she’d ask bewildered? “I don’t know mommy, because you are sad” I’d say. Some of us physically register the suffering of others in our bodies. We tap into their feelings subconsciously. The metaphysical terms “sentient” and “empathic” are often used to describe people who have this keen kinesthetic sense.
Do you get choked up when you hear someone cry? What happens to you when you pass an accident on the road? Whether I avoid looking my body responds. I automatically shudder and feel a chill coursing though me. Through the years people have told me that I am too sensitive. Have you heard these comments too?
Yet it is this incredible sensitivity that allows us to connect on the deepest human level and be moved to aid people who are grieving. In times of global catastrophe the reality of our human fragility stares back at us from the faces of those who have survived and the ruins of that which has fallen. The media bombards us with the rude reality that life is precious and precarious. Yet the enormity of disaster seems to act as a catalyst to bring the masses together.
Have you experienced this in your own community? There is greater movement in my community. People seem to be crossing personal barriers and uniting to help the greater cause; the human cause. Misery doesn’t need company. Misery needs a sturdy frame for all of us to lean on.
I want to share an amazing clairvoyant dream my friend had years ago. It speaks to her spiritual path and spiritual calling, and it is an invitation to feel the human spirit in all of us. I hope this post will open a dialogue in which we can share some helpful coping strategies that will also be useful in dealing with personal loss.
Have you ever psychically intuited suffering from afar? My friend and I met for coffee. We were speaking about being intuitive and about an upcoming fund raiser she organized to raise money for Haiti. She told me that she has clairvoyant and premonition dreams about global disasters. “Perhaps working for global causes in part of your spiritual calling” I said...We can’t change what happens. We have no power or control over the forces of nature, and death. But we can rise up and answer the call for help in whatever way we are able.
The dream occurred twelve years ago.
My friend dreamed she was on a ferry with a group of Haitian people .They were all dressed in long white robes. The ferry crashed into something and sank. There was total chaos. Running to the front of the ferry she cried out, “Follow me I will lead you to the light”…
The following day my friend shared her dream with another woman who was spiritually oriented. “Have you seen the news”? “No I don’t have a television” my friend said. “Last night a ferry from a town in Haiti hit a sandbar and sank.”…
Here is the news brief from that incident.
Fifteen killed in Haitian ferry accident 26 Apr 2007 22:40:37 GMTSource: Reuters]
PORT-AU-PRINCE, At least 15 Haitians died and dozens were injured when a ferry hit a sandbar and spilled passengers overboard off the impoverished Caribbean nation's southern coast, authorities said on Thursday. Civil Protection Director Alta Jean-Baptiste said the packed ferry was leaving the southern town of Jeremie for the capital Port-au-Prince when the accident occurred on Tuesday evening.” Fifteen bodies were recovered, but rescuers have stopped searches because they don't expect to find other bodies," Jean-Baptiste told Reuters
In the years since my friend has devoted herself to working in third world countries and the states teaching cross cultural and spiritual appreciation through dance. She also does body and mind energy work. Her recent fund raiser generated over $800 for Haiti earthquake relief!
There is pain and suffering all around us. Commit to many acts of kindness everyday.
“Fine-tuning your intuition safeguards you future and opens doors to the extraordinary”. Stephanie Rachel Alt
Stephanie Rachel Alt, holds a Masters degree in Counseling and Human Development. She is also Master Certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (N.L.P.) and hypnosis. Stephanie teaches her clients to use “intuitive intelligence”, logic and reason, in daily life and decision making. She created “Of 2 Minds” Coaching and Consulting services, to offer these services; intuitive readings, intuitive coaching, conscious communication & NLP techniques.
Stephanie’s work experience includes leading NLP training seminars, for NLP Co-founders, John Grinder, and Judith Delozier. She is also a contributing author in an NLP casebook; Leaves Before The Wind. She currently resides on the Central Coast, in California, where she maintains an office. Working with individuals, couples, families, and groups you can consult with Stephanie in person or conveniently by phone and online. For more info visit her website; www.of2minds.com and reading her blog; Amazing Stories About Instincts and Intuition www.stephaniealt.com
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