“I am surrounded by an Infinite Ocean of Mind that receives the imprint of my word.” Ernest Holmes
If I believe God is ALL there is (and I do) how can I possibly doubt that I or anyone is not part of that magnificent whole. If the One Mind is like an Infinite Ocean accepting thought like ... Views: 1260
“No longer will I go for my good, carrying only a dipper to be filled. This day, I turn to the Power within, I bring “all the empty vessels” knowing they will be filled, and my abundance will become manifest.” Ernest Holmes
Spirit always IS; therefore I know I must BE. As an individualized ... Views: 1511
“Because life is a living, breathing work of art, you are a painting as you go. Be a masterpiece. Drink in life. Laugh too loud. Compliment others constantly.” —Nicole Johnson, author, performer, motivational speaker
God is the infinite wisdom, the magnificent joy, the unconditional love, the ... Views: 1600
“Persistent thought about prosperity, and how prosperity is brought to us, will make us magnets for prosperity. Your prosperity will not be the highest prosperity, it will not be useful prosperity, unless you know how to teach others to be prosperous.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – ... Views: 1160
“Moses and Jesus teach the same story. Let it be of the soul you speak, let Spirit utter itself.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“Today, I covenant with Spirit for my speech. I will do nothing for my wit and retorts, for my words are the words of the Holy ... Views: 1024
“By the study of Spirit we become acquainted with Spirit and realize that the trees are in reality Spirit, whispering great secrets of how to be happy and free.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“Today, I see with spiritual eyes and behold the world around me with ... Views: 1046
“It is human nature to wish to compel others to do as we think they ought to do. It is divine to see that their own way is their true way.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“Today, my desire is to live close to Spirit and to know with all of my heart that It works ... Views: 956
“There is no death, yet we speak of raising the dead as a work of science. How is this? We mean that we see life when we believe in death.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“I am an ageless, deathless being of Light and Love. My life is God and nothing can destroy ... Views: 1034
“If we speak of casting out passions . . . . we mean that we see the Holy Spirit in mankind instead of passions and tempers.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“Today, I give thanks that I can see the Good in all people, places, and things. I will not be fooled. God ... Views: 1120
“If we tell of healing the sick, we do not mean that there are sick people. We mean that we see people more nearly as they are.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“Today, the Holy Spirit reveals to me my Spiritual Wholeness and the Spiritual Wholeness of others. All ... Views: 1723
“If we speak of preaching the gospel, we mean telling the world of the Spiritual Kingdom – speaking from the absolute standpoint.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“Today my words and actions reflect my inner confidence in God. God’s Kingdom is revealed through me.” ... Views: 2861
“I work the works of God, who works through me to will and to do that which ought to be done by me.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“Today, I bring heaven to earth. I am a blessing to others, just as I am blessed.” 40 Days with Emma Curtis Hopkins – Rev. Dr. ... Views: 1922
“Our own will says: ‘Believe with the world.’ God’s will says: ‘Believe in me.’” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“Today, I say yes. Yes, God! Yes, Life! Yes, I trust! Yes, I believe.” 40 Days with Emma Curtis Hopkins – Rev. Dr. Kathianne Lewis
I know we are ... Views: 965
“I do not believe in sickness. I believe in health. I do not believe, or think, that misfortune has any power whatsoever. I believe in prosperity and success.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“Instead of looking to God to heal us or get us out of difficult ... Views: 3489
“Take some two tendencies you have as a consequence of being in the absence of Good, and tell God that they are in truth no part of you, because God fashioned you in the spirit of his own nature.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“God fashioned me from itself. I am ... Views: 1136
“You will notice that the instant you acknowledge that there is Good for you which you ought to have, the thought arises within your mind that you do not have the Good that belongs to you. You feel that your good is absent from you..” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis ... Views: 970
“If you think that health is Good, have a clear idea of how sweet joyous health would feel.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“Today I declare myself healthy. My health is the providence of God. I am well.” 40 Days with Emma Curtis Hopkins – Rev. Dr. Kathianne ... Views: 1115
“Many people would have their Good come instantly if they could name it and have a clean idea of how it ought to be.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“Today I not only name my Good, I own it. I’ll carry it with me everywhere. It’s Real. It’s God. It’s Mine.” 40 ... Views: 1161
“Love is the Good we are seeking. Love is the highest name of God. Love is the fulfilling of the law. At the height of our spiritual teachings, we find God covering us with love. We find ourselves loving all things and all people.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis ... Views: 1690
“God does not work in the lie which a man tells when he is seeking work. He must tell the truth and God will work for him.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“Today I once again tell myself the truth. I’m clear on what I want to express and the gift and talents I ... Views: 1393
“God works in Truth.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“Today I will tell myself the truth and only the truth. The truth shall set me free.” 40 Days with Emma Curtis Hopkins – Rev. Dr. Kathianne Lewis
As I gratefully awaken to another day filled with ... Views: 975
“There is Good for everyone, and everyone ought to have their Good.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“I am so thankful that the goodness of God blesses me and everyone around me.” 40 Days with Emma Curtis Hopkins – Rev. Dr. Kathianne Lewis
As I align my thoughts, ... Views: 1216
“It is well to give one day a week to acknowledging that we are seeking for our Good. We tell what our Good is. Is not our Good the free life we want? Do we want a burdened, obstructed, hampered life? Out of the word Good name a good which is Good to you.” Scientific Mental Christian ... Views: 1513
“If I should take the unspoken sentence which lies like a hidden jewel under the jagged covering of your thoughts about the things you do not like, I would read it, ‘There is a good for me and I ought to have it.’” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins
“There is Good for ... Views: 1086
“Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.” Alcoholics Anonymous
"If God is already perfect, free, deathless, and complete, it would be impossible for this ... Views: 2369
“Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.” Alcoholics Anonymous
"Step 10 isn’t only about our relationship with other people. It’s about our relationship with ourselves, and with our God. What and how did I think today? How did I speak, to others, and ... Views: 1262
“Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.” Alcoholics Anonymous
"Today, I will be open to making any amends I need to make with people. I will wait for Divine Guidance in the process of making any amends that are not clear to me. I ... Views: 1469
“Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.” Alcoholics Anonymous
"Negative states of mind such as guilt, shame, judgment, or non-forgiveness cloud our sense of worthiness and we begin to feel that we are not worthy to receive. If there is any ... Views: 1329
“Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.” Alcoholics Anonymous
""Take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame." - Erica Jong
As I allow the power and presence of the One Infinite Source to move in, ... Views: 1388
“Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.” Alcoholics Anonymous
"Forgiveness remains the only path that leads out of hell. Whether we're forgiving our parents, someone else, or ourselves, the laws of mind remain the same: As we love, we shall be released from pain, and as ... Views: 1788
“Make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understand him.” Alcoholics Anonymous
“. . . if God is one, the one God is wherever we are because God is not divided into a lot of fragments. All of God, like the principle of mathematics, is present wherever we ... Views: 1494
“Came to believe that a power higher than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” Alcoholics Anonymous
“We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable.” Alcoholics Anonymous
“In our ignorance of the truth, we have misused the highest power we possess. And so great is this power -- so complete is our freedom in it, so absolute the domain of law through it -- ... Views: 1564
“Don’t blame the world, others, or yourself. But be willing to acknowledge it is a reflection of your inner thoughts.” – Ernest Holmes
The good news is – I am responsible for my own life. AND the bad news is – I am responsible for my own life. Realizing that I am a manifestation of the ... Views: 1011
“Making Peace with My Today Will Improve My Future... It may sound odd, but the fastest way to get to a new-and-improved situation is to make peace with your current situation. By making lists of the most positive aspects you can find about your current situation, you then release your ... Views: 1488
"You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger." — The Buddha Spiritual Teacher and Founder of Buddhism
As I look out through the windows of my life I realize I can step into the flow and enjoy the ride OR I can try to swim upstream and make the experience as ... Views: 1200
"The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." William James, a Harvard Psychologist
Mind to Mind, Soul to Soul, Heart to Heart; we are all connected through the One ... Views: 2741
“I Have Complete Control Over My Own Thoughts... You can find yourself in an endless loop where you explain that you feel negative because of the negative behavior of someone else. But if, instead, you take control of your own emotions and you think an improved thought because it feels better to ... Views: 2105
. . . if you could realize the tremendous power of attraction that holds everything in its place, it is yours, it is yours, this gift. It is the divine birthright of every living soul, but we limit ourselves by thought of limitation. Now, we must open up the doors of our consciousness and ... Views: 2485
“I believe in God, the Living Spirit Almighty; one, indestructible, absolute and self-existent Cause. This One manifests itself in and through all creation but is not absorbed by its creation. The manifest universe is the body of God; it is the logical and necessary outcome of the infinite ... Views: 1822
“Stand in wonder before the majesty and might, the beauty and power, of that Divine Presence which seeks expression through your individual life.” – Ernest Holmes
God is the majesty of the Universe, the might of Mother Nature, the beauty of the ocean, the desert, and the sky, the power and ... Views: 1319
“The Truth (and healing) is instantaneous in demonstration. The process (or delay) is only the time and effort I undergo in my realizations of Truth.” – Ernest Holmes
With each breath I align my mind, my heart, my soul with the One; the One Mind, the One Heart, the One Soul that manifests in ... Views: 1259
“I am so filled with Love that no fear can enter my thought.” – Ernest Holmes
I know that the Infinite Source, God, always IS. I know that God is the unconditional Love that is over me, around me, through me, as me. I know this Love permeates every fiber of my being and is always available. ... Views: 3232
“My word is the presence, power, and activity of the Truth which is within me. There is none other.” Ernest Holmes
Knowing that the God within and the God without are the same God, I claim that the Infinite possibilities of the universe are available to me now. I know these infinite ... Views: 1205
“I see through all physical and mental issues to the one perfect Presence within me. My body is a Divine idea.” Ernest Holmes
I know there is an Infinite Source of all that is; I choose to call this Source God. I recognize this Source as the power, the presence, and the Love of All that Is. ... Views: 1085
“I control my mental household and conquer all fear and doubt. I control my life.” The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes
God is omniscient, infinite awareness and universal knowledge. God is omnipresent, present in all places at all times. God is omnipotent, unlimited power or influence. I ... Views: 1107
“It is not necessary to spend your entire time in prayer and meditation. Rather, seek to make your work a prayer, your believing an act, your living an art. It is then that the object of your faith will be made visible to you.”
God the omnipresent is wisdom, is joy, is love, is the creative ... Views: 1199
“It is better to cultivate the consciousness of abundance than to struggle against poverty.” Ernest Holmes
I connect to the Divine Spirit through my breath knowing that God is over me, around me, and through me. I connect to the innermost God through this breath realizing that the God within ... Views: 1052
“I live in a surrounding River of mind, into which thoughts fall, and which ceaselessly turns ALL these thoughts into form.” Ernest Holmes
There is One Life, One Heart, One Soul, One Mind that manifests in, through and as each of us. On this glorious God morning I connect to this oneness ... Views: 1403
“I recognize the Power of the Word, operating as the Truth, that can do all things!” Ernest Holmes
“The Word was with God and the Word was God.” We each are a manifestation of the whole; God IS, therefore, we each ARE a part of that which IS. As such our Word is powerful. Our Word can put ... Views: 1038