We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Faith". If you have expertise in Faith and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
The economic collapse we’re experiencing was really a long time in coming and now that we’re looking backwards with clear and sober eyes, we can recognize the signs for what they were. Many of us were spending as though there was no tomorrow, investing our money without fully understanding or ... Views: 943
To have an opinion is often times bold; however, to have an opinion to have no opinion at all is still an opinion. Not to bewilder, but it makes perfect sense! One can choose not to choose rather than make a choice of no action. To be neutral by choice can be not unlike shades of gray verses ... Views: 1117
2 Corinthians 12:9: "And He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
Humility is the genuine acknowledgment of one's weakness, ... Views: 4382
Act from Fear and Die or Trust in Our Higher Nature
by Neil Fiore, 1st Lieutenant, 101st Airborne 1965-1966
I’d been in Vietnam exactly four months with an advanced unit of the 101st Airborne, when Francois invited a Special Forces Lt. Colonel, me and two other lieutenants to his exclusive ... Views: 1413
Many years ago, my husband and I decided to divorce. We listed our house for sale. At the time it was a downward market, and houses were not selling.
Patiently, I waited. While the house was listed, I began a search for a new home, but we were losing equity in our home every day. Our house was ... Views: 1206
Worry, this is absolutely the biggest waste of time ever. There is no place for worry in your new and improved life. Worry is proof that subconsciously, way deep down inside, we don’t really believe that we will get what we are asking for. If we really believe with all of our heart that our ... Views: 1360
So here I am. Although where “here” is, I don’t know. I do know I died, that is my physical self died and then I was here. A ghost I guess!
I often wondered how death would come. Now I know. In fact, I now know it was not something I should have given any precious moments think about when I ... Views: 1225
As Christians we know that faith is the substance of things hoped for (Hebrews 11:1). So, faith is a thing – a substance. It’s not a substance like a chair or a car. It is not a visible, solid, or at least what appears to us as a solid, substance. But it is a substance none-the-less. In ... Views: 2313
A month ago my brother Frank was in a terrible motor bike accident in the sand dunes outside Doha, Qatar, where he has lived for the last 3 years. He broke many ribs, collapsed part of his lung, damaged his kidney, broke his femur but worst of all, badly injured his spinal cord at T12 (waist ... Views: 1192
For this purpose the Son of God was manifested,
that he might destroy the works of the devil. 1 John 3:8
Have you ever asked yourself why Jesus had to die? If what the Bible and Christian tradition says (that some 2000 years ago, Jesus dies on a cross for humanity) is true, the questions ... Views: 1615
“Never instead of…always in addition to” reflects what, to me, lies at the heart of the interfaith movement.
Interfaith is a “spiritual philosophy that respects and fully accepts, the wisdom contained in the worlds religions.” The understanding of the truth contained in those religions brings ... Views: 1576
"The Doctor's Opinion"
-It Defies Psychologists
Why Co-Creative Life Recovery may be the best option to those with addictions; it works for everybody! A spiritual awakening plays a key role in the recovery of a life ANY person wants. While it works for those with addictions, it works for ALL. ... Views: 1065
With our country in economic chaos, like we’ve never seen before in our lifetime, now more then ever we need to be praying that God blesses our new president with divine guidance. No president since Franklin Roosevelt has faced the challenges that are ahead for President Elect Barack Obama. We ... Views: 1152
Someone wrote to me asking ‘how do you stay strong, hold onto faith and hear your inner voice when life presents you with challenges?’ It is a question many people struggle with myself included, when ’stuff’ happens it is difficult to hang onto the belief this too shall pass and everything will ... Views: 1639
On a typical Saturday afternoon in my Home Based Music School, I was teaching a Voice Class and my 96-year-old mother was her usual self in her own room-watching TV after having her breakfast and morning medications.
Before I continue, let me state that for a long while now privately and in my ... Views: 1342
The light of a star guided three wise men to a stable to find the light personified by the baby Jesus. Throughout the gospels the concept of light was often used as an analogy for wisdom, goodness, and the Spirit of God. Jesus frequently referred to Himself as “the Light,” especially ... Views: 1514
Two years ago actress Gabrielle Union, in an interview with Oprah, spoke about the day she had been raped. She was 19 years old at the time and was working at a shoe store. One evening, around closing time, a man came into the store. “Within seconds, Gabrielle says she knew something was ... Views: 3982
Bill Cottringer
“Faith doesn’t fixate on the ownership of absolute truth of the mystery of life, it allows our experience and understanding of this mystery to grow as it may, with or without our belief and consent.” ~The author.
One process seems most real to me—the creative movement ... Views: 936
An excerpt from Talitha Cumi; Mothers and Daughters Arise!
At the age of fourteen, I made up in my mind that I would never do drugs, never become a whore, nor would I loose my mind and I would be a success. Why did I make such an affirmation? Well, a very significant occurrence happened at ... Views: 902
Part One - The Powerful Cycle of Prayer
I know of a young mother who recently took her own life. As I was discussing this tragedy with my teenage son, we pondered the immeasurable pain she must have felt to take this drastic action. To leave the lives she brought into this world, she must have ... Views: 1376
Sanctification. A long word for a long process.
Once, a friend I was discipling asked me, "What does it mean to be sanctified?" I took a deep breath, and said, "Well . . . !"
You can talk about positional sanctification, that the moment you accept Christ as your Savior, you are sanctified: ... Views: 1025
I believe that God is my Father
and I am His child.
I believe that I have right standing with God
because of what Jesus has done,
not because of anything I do.
I believe that Christ is with me,
whether or not I "feel" Him.
I believe that my worth is intrinsic
because I am ... Views: 1100
Have you ever sat in the coach cabin of an airline flight and noticed the special treatment extended to those beyond the blue curtain in First Class? Sure some of those folks paid for that special treatment, but others get it because someone else, like an employer, has paid the price. Yet I ... Views: 763
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Faith. Faith is the confident belief in the truth, value or rightness of an idea or religious system, without resting on logical proof or material evidence. Janet Daughtry is the Official Guide to Faith.
I Don't Have Enough Faith to ... Views: 1097
Faith is a belief in the trustworthiness of an idea. Formal usage of the word "faith" is usually reserved for concepts of religion, as in theology, where it almost universally refers to a trusting belief in a transcendent reality, or else in a Supreme Being and said being's role in the order of ... Views: 1079
The Walk of Faith
By Lissette Rios
Edited by Patricia Beck
It was an absolutely heart breaking moment in my life. Between crying inconsolably, praying, and giving thanks for the next step, it seemed that I would never finish unpacking all the boxes. I was settling in to my cousin’s ... Views: 1016
There is much written today in the life coaching world about the law of attraction. If you think and act positively then positive things will happen to you. There is much truth to the fact that we really are attracting positive and negative things into our life everyday by our conversations, ... Views: 3268
I have had writer’s block for almost two months now. Today, was the final deadline for the article, I was asked to submit to Rivaaj. I was feeling the pressure of the situation until I was asked to do a critical incidence debriefing (a fancy word for helping people (with grief/loss/trauma) ... Views: 1309
The catastrophic weather conditions are our nation has been experiencing have caused a tremendous amount of fear because of the imminent dangers involved. Many people have been disrupted from their home and families, losing their connections.
Fear can cause you to become paralyzed and ... Views: 2037
Spiritual Truth is not something that you have to meet some type of qualification or condition. One has to realize that truth is not for sale. Truth is in and of itself does not come to you for a cost. No one has exclusivity on the spiritual truth of life.
In our search to grow spiritually we ... Views: 1458
Before “What the Bleep” . . . before “The Secret” and any other similar movie since . . . there was a film that provided The Key. And, it was so subtle (yet obvious, now) I only just got it nearly two decades later. And, just when I needed it.
If you’re not ... Views: 1436
Throughout my 20's and early 30’s I fancied myself the Great Artist, my ego swelling with each affirmation. When people gave me the compliment; You have a God-given talent, I would respond with; If you knew how hard I worked to hone my abilities you wouldn't say such a stupid thing! During ... Views: 4167
Everyone has a desire to see things more clearly and more truthfully...even if they are not aware of it. We all have a drive to grow and learn and discover who we are and who created us. Like our creator, we are also creators, thus we are creative and love to build things and express our true ... Views: 3041