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[Colossians 1:13] Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son.
The purposes of the Kingdom of FatherGod are two fold: (1) to help spread and establish Heaven on Earth (especially in the life of every believer), and (2) to provide ... Views: 1664
[Colossians 1:13] Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son.
A desire to be a good citizen of the Kingdom of FatherGod should be one of the main Spiritual focuses of our Christian life. HIS Kingdom is the framework that we ... Views: 2508
Many Christians freeze up when they hear the word "evangelism." They say things like, "I can't share my faith!" "I don't know what to say!" "Where do you begin?" "It's so complicated!"
But in fact, it's not complicated at all. It begins and ends with a Person ... the Person who is at the ... Views: 875
It's so easy to remain where we are comfortable. Our rounds of church, work, friends, and family are reassuring, pleasant, and peaceful.
But Paul urges us in Romans 12:16 to get out of the comfort zone where we talk and interact with people "just like us" day after day. He urges us to ... Views: 1007
By now you have probably heard about the Law of Attraction, but you may feel a bit uncertain about it. Is it real? Is it true that you can deliberately create your life just by changing your thoughts? Any experienced Law of Attraction practitioner will tell you that there’s a little more to ... Views: 2969
From all the different communications I have received lately it seems like people are greatly confused about what happens after death. Everyone has a different belief and we are all right and we are all wrong. To understand spirituality is like trying to encompass the ocean in a cup. You ... Views: 3191
New Scientific Research on Benefits of Belief in a Deity?
Let’s get on the same footing – whether the reader is personally a believer or not – this serious research authored by Professor Michael Inzlicht at the University of Toronto, has something important to teach us about our brain.
The ... Views: 1413
This is an outline for a Bible study I conducted in Autumn 2004.
While Revelation has been used, rightly and wrongly, as a picture of early Church history, ongoing history, and the future, near and far, Revelation is also packed with references to Hebraic and Christian worship, is outlined as ... Views: 2489
We all love the “just do it” slogan for Nike, we all love that leap of faith, don’t we?
Some may say “Yes!” and some of you may say “No!”, and the good news is… this is for all of you!
Let me make something very clear today, you are putting your faith and taking a “leap of faith” every ... Views: 1762
When it is all said and done, when you have done your work, done it well, and “tilled the soil” of your success, one thing remains: To trust that the “what” you have done will bear fruit. Trust is an inner knowing and a “focused surrender” that things will work out.
Martin Luther King Jr. ... Views: 571
I have read almost all of your books, & other spiritual books for no avail about faith. why is it neglected, or become above human knowing despite it was the basic of Jesus’ teaching. can u have a clear insight about it like how it can be developed, lived. Please do not say faith ... Views: 656
Jesus’ message was entirely about the Father and not about himself. He did not make an explicit and overt claim to deity. He did not say in so many words “I am God.” What we do find are His claims to his deity. For example, Jesus said that he would send “his angels” (Matthew 13:41); ... Views: 5941
What is the relationship between God’s sovereignty, human responsibility and the Christian’s duty to proclaim the gospel message? In J.I. Packer’s book entitled Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, he disputes the wrong view that faith in the absolute sovereignty of God hinders a full ... Views: 1214
“You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26, NIV).
All of us have things related to our lives that give us our identity. Our job, family, and friends, along with our interests and hobbies, are some of these areas. They each contribute to our image of who we are. ... Views: 972
It’s a very seductive idea: That God, the creator of the universe, has a special life plan for each of us. No matter what slings and arrows we encounter during our time on this planet, it was meant to be. No matter how much we exercise our free will, and no matter what the outcomes, it’s already ... Views: 900
That is the definition of “faith” according to my morning tea mug. I like to be greeted by this reminder first thing because I’m a learned optimist. I used to be a shocking pessimist who availed of every opportunity to worry. But now I know that worry is such a waste of time!
But still, the ... Views: 941
Faith has awesome power. Faith has the power to shape your words, thoughts, and actions. Faith has the power to remove things from your life and bring things into your life. By faith you receive from God. Before you receive anything from God you first have to have faith that it is as He said ... Views: 756
In Greek mythology, when Pandora opened the box and let out all the troubles that have since plagued the world, she also let out a tiny fairy who said,
“Yes, it is true that you have unleashed all manner of afflictions upon the world, but you have also let me out. I am Hope and will always be ... Views: 1890
When people are challenged with illness the best and worst comes out in them. They are tried and tested through the spiritual, emotional, and physical "fire."
Sometimes they come out pure GOLD.
Knowing God loves me,
I have no fear.
His love never faileth.
He wants only the ... Views: 1325
Do you battle with negative thoughts or just can't turn off the dialogue in your head? Do you find yourself having conversations with people who aren't even there? Many people suffer from compulsive and negative thinking, but you can learn to stop these voices in your head by creating a mental ... Views: 2051
I love asking people if they feel that God loves them. Most respond,"Yes!"; I then ask the more challenging question: "How do you know?"; That's when it becomes interesting.
I invite you to join me in raising a toast to God, Who made it very clear to me, once again, that He must really love ... Views: 883
In my book Why Is God Laughing, the premise is that the ground of our being is joyous and full of laughter. I have often been asked, “With so much suffering in the world how can you say God is laughing?” There is extreme exploitation of people everywhere , 50% of the world’s population are ... Views: 882
Ancestor Yule Passing:
To my Grandfather, my forgiveness and peace.
To my Granny Pat, may grace kiss your cheek.
To my Father, May the Halls of Valhalla open wide their arms to receive you.
To my Mother, My Love, My Respect, My Wishes for a grand and everlasting peace.
I respectfully ... Views: 1712
One of the most essential parts of Christianity lies in recognizing the fact that Jesus Christ was divine. And one of the ways in which his divinity is proved by scholars in the Bible is to emphasize the several miracles that Jesus in academic circles, are oftentimes categorized according to the ... Views: 886
"So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today. – Matthew 6:34
Despite the challenging financial times, the wars, crime, job loss, divorce, etc. you have plenty to be thankful for. Only if you look around and acknowledge the good ... Views: 1201
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he ... Views: 797
"God's the kind of guy you can trust," was my friend John's advice on a particularly bleak autumn morning. At the time, I probably gave him one of those oh-please-do-you-think-this-is-going-to-help-me-pay-my-bills looks. Sure, he could trust the Universe. He had a beautiful wife and a great ... Views: 721
[1Corinthians 13:13] And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
Please see the following website for scriptures pertaining to Love, Faith and Hope.
... Views: 2966
If you're not relating with God at the level you'd like, or if you're just plain "stuck" when it comes to praying, below are some suggestions you may want to consider. If you wish, you can incorporate one of these suggestions into your current prayer practice, or you can use one or more of the ... Views: 2803
Many people get chill(s) such as "cold" chills or "shuddering" chill which will be addressed in a future article . What we are talking about here is..................
Have you ever felt a "chill" or "chills" where it feels like a current of energy has gone through you for a moment or two? ... Views: 12835
Discouragement is not a terminal disease. It is an ailment that we have all had at one time or another but it can be healed. Whenever I get discouraged I reconnect spiritually by reading some of my favorite biblical passages as well as using prayer. Some of the great leaders of ancient Israel ... Views: 1277
It's a hard thing to observe in a person: the loss of hope when her doctor has informed her she has an "incurable" disease; yet on a surprisingly regular basis I see someone who has cured the incurable, who has held fast to hope in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
Perhaps it's ... Views: 1324
A tragic event took place last week. A man by the name of Jason William Schultz was sitting and waiting at a bus stop in Southern California when he was struck by an elderly driver who lost control of his car. A fireman at the accident site spoke with a witness…a woman was there with Schultz. ... Views: 743
My dog died this morning. He was a small, black, mixed-breed, part Chihuahua, perhaps part miniature pinscher. I adopted him five years ago after someone dropped him off at a pet shop in South Miami Beach. The owners gave him to their parents, who are my friends, and I fell for his hyperactive ... Views: 1084
When the subject is: Communicating with God, "How do you know when you're hearing God's voice?" is the most often asked question.
Perhaps you've been praying or meditating and you sense you're hearing God's voice - but you're not sure - how do you know?
I suppose we'd all like definitive ... Views: 2076
I am sure the nurses at Muskogee Regional Medical Center must have thought I was a “first-time father”, an inexperienced rookie dad, because I stood outside the hospital nursery, peering through the window at my newly born baby girl (Haylee) for more than an hour. In fact, one nurse came out to ... Views: 2024
Are you really there, God? Are you deep inside of me and all around me? Have you not created everything I see and all of the unseen? Are your miracles of life everywhere present? Is your hope of eternal life possible for me? Do you love me like your child? Is it time for me to grow up? ... Views: 1237
During my last few years of study at the university, I discovered that I could not digest any food or drink water. That unhealthy condition started with my strong belief of tainted food I had eaten. Whenever I was taking some food, afterwards I felt an unbearable pain in my stomach and gradually ... Views: 1677
I've heard it a thousand times. I've probably said it a thousand times myself. Someone bares their soul to me, and the situation is terrible, painful, difficult ... far beyond the reach of anything I can do – or anyone can do – to help. And then those six words slip from my lips:
"All I can do ... Views: 1810
1997 was a very hard year for me. I was 30 years old and came back home to take care of my dad. He had been ill for a number of years and I had been his primary care giver.
My dad was 72 and had several mini strokes over the course of a few years and diabetes, dementia and heart disease. He was ... Views: 1103
It was nearly a decade ago, and rock climbing was all the rave. I found myself with a harness wrapped around my torso and legs with a line running up the rock wall above me and another running behind me to someone who ‘had my back’ and who was there to help with my novice descent back down.
As ... Views: 1059
Of all our emotions, faith is probably the strongest. It is a state of mind that most effects the subconscious. This is important when it comes to putting your thoughts into action in everyday life. If you set yourself a task but are lacking the faith in yourself to complete it then ... Views: 2535
Perhaps it is not God turning away from people, so much as people turning their backs on God. It begins with the assumption presented that there is only ONE religion.
God is found in all religions. He expresses him/her self in many and varied ways. There are many paths up the mountain (to the ... Views: 1180
With each new year we re-adjust our course and set new goals. These goals, born in winter, are set forth in hopes of a spring bloom. As winter gives way to the early signs of spring, we see the budding trees and the days growing longer, little by little. It’s at this time that we often realize ... Views: 1974
As I write today we are two days past Easter and one day away from the income tax filing deadline here in the United States. Redemption wrapped in hope could not be more powerfully met in any two days. Or so it seems. Easter is about believing that God's power can defy death. Paying taxes is ... Views: 1012
I was tossing around a topic to write on today, some great ideas came to mind, and then I received an email that redirected my focus. The featured article in her newsletter is entitled “Forget About Miracles” with an opening line of “Whatever the case may be, you can stop praying for a miracle. ... Views: 1124
Such a time as today when around every corner appears fear and worry, what can someone do? The question coming through loudly is; how can I overcome this issue of fear and worry? Then you hear the self-blame of what did I do wrong? In a country so rich in resources it is shocking to see where ... Views: 1128
The philosophy of a skeptic: show me the proof and then I’ll believe. People who call themselves realists are given to following logic and will trust only where reason leads them. But here’s the rub when it comes to logic and reason, it’s all open to interpretation. Have you ever heard the ... Views: 969
One of my favorite quotes by Jesus is found in Matthew 17, versus 17 through 20.
The story is about a man who brought his son to Jesus to be cured of an evil spirit. The man had told Jesus that the disciples were unable to cure him.
Here is the King James version;
Matthew 17.17 – Then Jesus ... Views: 8814
How often have you asked for assistance, signs, insight, clarity…only to feel confused when the outcome is contrary to what we received? This happens to all of us – lately I have been asking for signs, confirmation, from my angels and guides to remind me that the messages I am getting are true ... Views: 896