It is reality of the nature of human to always want the best thing in life.
We are always striving for something better. We want to have a bigger home,
a better car, or more knowledge. Whenever we acquire anything we want, soon
another desire for something greater develops.
Therefore, we are just programmed to advance our lives and it is not only our
right, but what we have to do, to always pursue something better.
Everyday we attract something into our lives by just expecting it. This is the
principle which works everytime and for both good and bad circumstances..
If we want good things or and less bad, then we need to learn and understand
the law and how to use it.
When we are aware of the laws, we will only get great benefits of the universal
laws and our lives and our circumstances will be better with the power of
universal laws.
Personally, I believe that the Creator is our supply for everything.
But in actual fact, a lot of people believe that "creature" is the source.
We need to recognize and believe that the supply comes from the Creator not from
the creatures and things that we see. But there is often uncertainty, because
it's difficult for many of us to believe in something we do not see.
If we look through and see abundance or plenty, we are eager to accept it as
true and take pleasure in it.
If we see lack around us, we will have a much harder time believing in plenty.
So which comes first, seeing or believing?
Belief is the foundation of the law, which consecutively determines what we see.
So believing comes before seeing.
If we look at Nature, If we look at Nature, we will come to understand
how the latter (believing) comes first.
A tree goes through a life cycle during which nothing in its physical essence is
ever lost. A tree starts as a seed. The seed absorb the moisture and nutrients
from the earth.The seed grows into a tree and sprouts leaves. When the autumn
comes, it begins to shed it's leaves and the leaves will turn into mulch on the
ground. After some time, they break down into carbon, which eventually forms
into peat and coal. Coal is mined and burned, producing ash in the air.
As the ash falls to the ground, it becomes nutrients for a new tree to grow.
Nothing is wasted, its essence is never lost, the cycle of life continues.
So, all the supply that ever was, still is, and ever will be, remains the same.
And there can never be a shortage of supply.
For those who don't know the Law and do not have the knowledge to apply the law
will always see shortage of supply.But if they open their mind and know the law,
they will come to realize that there is a lot of supply for them to use.
Demand is always followed by Supply. For example, an automobile hadn't been
available before a man imagined it. When there was a demand for a car, it could
be built. The same principle is the same for the all electronic devices
and flying vehicles.
An important trick of the law of supply is the thinking way. If we worry about
where our next dollar will come from, it will cause supply to be limited and
restricted. Do not insist of the way! You may not know the best
way for your desire.
When we feel the fear and the worry, it gets worse which means more limits
on what we want to have. Sometimes it may be hard to avoid worrying but we have
to know haw to relax and open our minds to a larger state of thinking in every
situation. When we achieve thinking abundance, we will simply get more.
Your mind is just like a magnet and it attracts to you the things
and circumstances you think.It has a tremendous power but it must
be trained to attract things you want, but not you don't want!
If you can understand all the laws with their small tricks and secrets,
you can boost your power and do, have or be whatever you want
in the soonest time.
Your mind is just like a magnet and it attracts to you the things
and circumstances you think.It has a tremendous power but it must
be trained to attract things you want but not you don't want!
Having a coach for developing mind power is always better and
quicker to show you how to develop your mind magnet.
Mustafa Yucel mastered the universal laws 2 years ago and he is extremely pleased for using the laws in all areas of his successful life. Now, he wants to share his way and show "how he exactly did" to everyone! You can easily learn how you too can rise your inner peace and make your dreams come true from his website at:
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