GOD intend each individual. to do well. Its God's plan that a human should grow to be great. Its God's plan that persons must not just utilize, but take pleasure in all goods in the universe. The universal laws of God and law of success denies man nothing.
A human is born to be stuffed. The ... Views: 1387
The law of attraction states that if you want something badly enough and believe that you'll get it then you will. It's not about chance or fate but rather influencing the natural order of things by projecting a need so great that you actually motivate that thing into happening.
The entire ... Views: 828
It is reality of the nature of human to always want the best thing in life.
We are always striving for something better. We want to have a bigger home,
a better car, or more knowledge. Whenever we acquire anything we want, soon
another desire for something greater develops.
Therefore, we ... Views: 1604