Are you willing to commit the next 30-90 days to this prayer?
Can you visualize yourself in the place of being with your soul mate?
Are you ready to replace the negative self talk with positive thoughts, words, and actions that will attract your soul mate?
Will you allow God to work through ... Views: 9517
We live in very challenging times and need to find ways to help us stay centered. The best practice is to go deeper within oneself by talking with God. Prayer is a simple communication with God. The best prayer is the practice of gratitude. The more gratitude we are able to feel, the better our ... Views: 7610
Most of us dream about the perfect partner to share our life with. We search for our soul mate someone to adore us, someone who makes us laugh, and someone to understand us. What we do not realize is that this life-long search is actually a quest to feel whole within ourselves. We search outside ... Views: 1251