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Tiffany Crosara
Angelic Happenings Diary
Summer 2010
The hottest summer britain had seen in a good few years, in London people were fainting on the pavement, high above that I was teaching a class how to remove psychic cords from their aura, we were high and hot, psychic delusions/visions ... Views: 1654
Article Title: Sharing a few Quotations/Thoughts on HOPE (an extract from the new novel 'Stirling' )
Category (key words): Hope, New books, Stirling, Quotations, Inspirational Quotes, Thoughts, “Inspiration, Spiritual", Inspirational Writings.
The submitter's blog (with extracts from his ... Views: 1299
From Hole to Whole
On March 20, 1992 I was convicted of five armed bank robberies, over a six-month crime spree when I was 28 years old. I was sentenced to 157 months, thirteen years and one month behind the razor wire of a Federal Correctional Institution in Florence, Colorado. The same ... Views: 1589
As a child i always seemed to be very sensitive to the issues of the world. My brothers and sisters would find me crying my eyes out, while watching a program on TV. They would wonder what was up with me. Why were things affecting me so deeply. Back then i didn't know where the emotions were ... Views: 1091
This article is about seeing and being able to use the positive in everything. We will start with exploring the foundation of being able to live a fully positive and successful life, what prevents it, and then proceed to more detail about the method. There is no point in discussing how to be ... Views: 1148
At the onset of a new year, many Christians resolve to draw closer to God. Some commit to read their bibles more, some pledge they will attend church more regularly, while others determine to spend more time in prayer. Even though God knows our every thought, He does like for us to communicate ... Views: 1599
I am married to a holy vibe chick. Can I discuss this with you? We all know that women like to share. Holy vibe chicks like to share a lot. If they share a whole lot together they have something called a share-gasm. In fact, they are capable of multiple share-gasms, if conditions are right and ... Views: 825
This is a true story!
A few months after my 40th birthday, on January 14th 1986, I was rushed to the Emergency Room due to the devastating effects of a misdiagnosed illness. Had my sister not been visiting to see my condition and insist I go to the hospital immediately, the doctors said I ... Views: 1567
Every one alive has the presence of love their lives. Love itself is uniquely different concept which describes it self as something that cannot be described while a person is restricted within the logical reasons. A man simply might love a woman because he frequently gets to meet her at the ... Views: 7597
Working with other people is a daily fact of life for most of us.
Corporations, nonprofits, private industries and consultants all depend on people to remain viable. Even more so, their employees need to provide at least some level of cooperation among themselves in order to promote and ... Views: 1190
Every day of year is related with some value close to it. The day is observed for any specific occasion according to its related incident that occurs on the same day or other prospective. As every people want to celebrate few days with some values so they celebrate the day according to their ... Views: 1036
There is a world of difference between running towards God and running away from the world.
If you find the world empty of value, void of meaning beyond the very short and temporary life span of a human being, and this causes you to turn towards a spiritual life, leaving the material world ... Views: 1808
Other treatment being insufficient to address his needs, the patient decides to add prayer to his treatment regimen. He is only vaguely familiar with this approach in spite of having been reared in a “religious” family. He has little understanding or past experience with faith healing. However, ... Views: 717
Chinese New Year 2012 is one of the most popular Chinese celebrations of the year 2012 and it is not a spiritual event. Chinese New Year initiates with the new moon on the first day of the New Year and ends on the full moon of fifteen days soon after. The Chinese New Year celebration extends to ... Views: 1019
Chapter 1 - Study of How It Works (p.13-15 Spiritual Infusion)
Here is a simple study approach to use. I learned it when attending an Inductive Bible Study course. It involves three basic skills: observation, interpretation, and application. (1) Observation answers the question: What does the ... Views: 2434
Christmas a Time for Hope Anew
Tags: Jesus, Jesus Christ, Christmas, New Zealand Herald
Jesus' birth still resonates 2000 years after the event.
Prime Minister John Key, in his speech at the recent memorial service ... Views: 819
What does Doing Whatever It Takes Mean to You?
"It doesn't interest me
to know where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up
after the night of grief and despair
weary and bruised to the bone
and do what needs to be done
to feed the children."
~Excerpt ... Views: 1374
Pharaoh had a problem. It doesn’t seem too serious, but it has the potential to explode. Moses arrived with Aaron to demand; “Let My people Go!” The people in question are not there. Oh! They set out with Moses and his brother to confront Pharaoh, but they dropped off, one by one, and by the ... Views: 751
Our lives are worth more than gold or silver or any other riches this world has to offer. God sent His promise to us. Jesus Christ is the Promise from God that none should perish, but through belief have eternal life. A Promise from God is a promise kept.
We hear promises every day…it ... Views: 845
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Its Ok to ask - by Dirrick Williams / Principle Living
It has been said we should be careful of what we ask for, hope for, wish for, and pray for-- as this infers we may not like what we receive. Why would someone not like the manifestation of his or her own request? Maybe the reason someone would not like the manifestation of his or her own request ... Views: 1307
Thanks to Natalie I have a whole new understanding of the word “bless.”
Natalie received her first Holy Communion almost twenty years ago with great joy and the accompanying ceremony that welcomes new members to experience the body of Christ in this way. Her uncle, a devout man of the Greek ... Views: 1239
God with Us comes in suspicious surprises.
Today it is nineteen degrees before the wind chill in Cincinnati, Ohio. That, my friends, is the high temperature. The natives are more comfortable with a high around forty degrees and rightly so as that is the norm here in what I have fondly come ... Views: 1438
You may already know this about yourself, but for me it came as a surprise: I don’t really enjoy shopping. Admitting this publicly is the first step for a fuller life, I am sure, but I haven’t figured out what the second step would be quite yet. I’m a patient woman, so I’ll continue to work ... Views: 1053
A follower of Islam, Ishmail (I) and Christine (C) a "follower of the teachings of Jesus"
The following is a short extract from a new "work" titled 'BEYOND THE RAINBOW', that is "virtually writing itself"
Tags (key words): New ... Views: 1401
(Kings II Chapter 25) “It happened in the ninth year of Zedekiah’s reign, in the tenth month, on the tenth of the month, that Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylonia, he and his entire army, came to wage war against Jerusalem and encamped near it, and built a siege tower around it.”
Jeremiah had ... Views: 761
There was a time in my life when I felt I had lost my joy. I felt miserable. I didn’t want to do anything or be around anybody. But slowly and surely, my joy returned as I began to rest more on the Lord. My strength returned too. Nehemiah 8:10 says this: “…for the joy of the LORD is ... Views: 2137
Have you ever tried running with weights? It’s hard! It takes way more effort. We all know that life is like a race we are running. Many of us carry unneeded baggage in our lives that gets in the way of our running the race God has marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1 says this: “…let us throw ... Views: 3889
Israel, Israel, Israel! Will they ever get it? Will they ever figure out that God wants to be their only King? That they can fully trust in Him for all their nation’s needs? First Samuel 8 is indeed a sad commentary on the level of trust Israel places in God. If it’s a king they want, it’s ... Views: 1665
There are many times in life when we find ourselves walking in the dark--faithfully moving forward but unsure of where we are heading or what obstacles we will bump or stumble on along the way.
The only way to navigate through the uncertainty of life is to have faith in something greater ... Views: 1572
Jesus said, "the Father is in me, and I in the Father." (John 10:38, WEB.) What did he mean by that? Does that mean that God and Jesus are one and the same?
We can understand what Jesus meant by reading what Jesus said to his disciples next: "In that day you will know that I am in my Father, ... Views: 5183
Have you ever thought that Esau ended up with the short end of the stick? His brother outwitted and deceived him twice. With brothers like that, who needs enemies? But, believe it or not, God used this tangled mess of events to bring all glory to Himself even though Jacob was a master ... Views: 2717
The fact that God even leans His ear toward us is amazing enough, but that He actually grants our requests is even more astounding. God answered Hannah’s prayer and we have a record of her rejoicing before the Lord in one of the most beautiful prayers of the Bible. It is important that our ... Views: 1350
The story of Samuel hearing the Lord speak to him has got to be one of my favorite Bible stories. Not only is it amazing that God entrusted some very important news with a child, but it is also a bit ironic that Eli the priest was not the one who heard the voice of God. Isn’t that just like us ... Views: 1389
Not being able to have children of your own can be completely heart wrenching. Hannah was no stranger to these devastating feelings and was extremely saddened by this circumstance in her life. The story of Hannah praying for a baby is an interesting one. Your kids will get to experience a ... Views: 1917
I was brought up in a Jewish, kosher home. Our family life revolved around Judaism. My grandfather was an Orthodox Cantor. I went to Hebrew School three times a week for six years and became a Bat Mitzvah. Even our kitchen clock had hebrew letters instead of numbers. Although the ... Views: 1390
I think my favorite figurines in our manger scene we put up at Christmas time are the 3 wise men. Even as a little girl, they were the ones I would play with and enjoy pretending that they were bringing gifts to the baby Jesus. The story of the wise men following the majestic star in the sky ... Views: 1316
When Moses met God on Mt. Sanai, he was required to take off his shoes because the ground he was standing on was holy ground. I think wherever we pray, it’s as if we are entering holy territory. The Lord’s Prayer is a beautiful example of how we should communicate with our Father and it is one ... Views: 2360
What are some things you’d like to add to your life? How about kindness or integrity? Or maybe patience and peace? I think all four of these are worthy characteristics to add to our growing character. II Peter 1:5-7 says this: “…make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to ... Views: 866
One of the most beautiful transformations in all of nature has to be the caterpillar becoming a butterfly. The old has gone, the new has come. Second Corinthians 5:17 is the ultimate showcase verse for this amazing principle, which says, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old ... Views: 1035
What are some things you’d like to add to your life? How about kindness or integrity? Or maybe patience and peace? I think all four of these are worthy characteristics to add to our growing character. II Peter 1:5-7 says this: “…make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to ... Views: 1445
I think it’s safe to say that a sign of spiritual maturity would be a boldness to share the Good News or Gospel of Jesus Christ. Roman 1:16 says, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes…” What a great verse and one that every ... Views: 1368
I don’t think a person exists anywhere on earth that hasn’t lost something at one time or another. Losing something or someone really important can be especially horrible and stressful. Luke 2:14 says this: “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” Each of us must be ... Views: 1264
Why do you believe what you believe? Are your beliefs established on sound basis? How do you decide what to believe?
Let's do a fun exercise together. Answer "true" or "false" for each statement below, and then explain why you believe it is true or false. Go ahead:
1) The sun will rise ... Views: 6343
As an emotion, faith is among the strongest and is a state of mind that most effects the subconscious mind. This is important when it comes to putting your thoughts into action in everyday life. If you set yourself a task but are lacking the faith in yourself to complete it then subconsciously ... Views: 1924
While critics have expressed irritation at the solipsism and self-centredness of the protagonist in Elizabeth Gilbert's popular memoir "Eat Pray Love," there is some enlightenment to be found in her journey. Initially impatient with her self-indulgent episodes I began to feel sympathy for the ... Views: 3085
Have you ever seen a show that made you jump to your feet for a standing ovation? I have. I have seen many wonderful talented people over the years, but no one’s talent can compare to God’s glory. Actually, God is the one who deserves all the applause. Psalm 29:2 says this: “Give unto the ... Views: 1709
What’s your favorite perfume or cologne? There are hundreds of them, yet none of them last for very long. But have you ever heard of the scent called “Eternal Encouragement”? OK. It’s not really a perfume. But isn’t God’s encouragement sweeter smelling than any perfume ever made? I think ... Views: 3169
On a scale of 1 to 10, how glad are you that God has forgiven your sins so that you can be in His forever family?
I sure hope it’s a 10! How glad are your kids? Here’s a fun Bible object lesson to help your kids learn that because of the work Jesus did on the cross they can be exceedingly ... Views: 1515
Genesis 9:14 says this: “The bow shall be seen in the cloud.” There are very few things in nature as beautiful as a rainbow. Not only are they lovely to look at, but they are a wonderful picture of God’s grace and forgiveness for all who will receive it. Here is a fun Bible object lesson to ... Views: 4337