So it was New Year’s Eve, and family and friends together sharing what they wanted for 2010. So round the table we went, and I was very surprised to hear what people were asking for. It started with “In 2010 I would like to handle all the pressures thrown at me and cope better than I did in 2009?. Wow, this person is expecting to experience lots of pressure, not just coming her way, but actually being thrown at her, like a target. Just hoping that she can cope better than last year. (Believe me, she does great, she’s a perfectionist!) And as we shared more and more, I was shocked to realize just how little we do expect, or that many are expecting more of the same, they seemed stuck.

Then this week I was coaching a client and worked through some of the main issues affecting her life. I taught her simple steps on how to perceive her problems differently, to regain her power and release from pain.

And then I asked, “What is it that you ask God for?” She quickly stated that, “The only thing I have ever asked God for is Courage. Courage to be able to deal with all my problems.” (eg. job, illness, relationships). I then had her take a good look at that statement ”Courage for All My Problems”, she was shocked, “Oh my, I have been asking for more and more”. She had never seen it in this way, and in a moment knew she had so much power. By changing her expectations, she will now create new things in her life.

I went on to share that now may be a good time to start asking God for new things.

How about Healing, and expect it.

Peace, and expect it.

Tell God to show you Love, and then be grateful.

God is waiting on you to ask. “Ask and you will receive”, but you must ask and expect it. Have faith. We have been given everything we could ever desire, yet we ask for so little. We actually believe we deserve so little.

So today check in with yourself: “What is it that I am expecting in my __________” and write it down so that you can see it clearly in front of you, and you can then change it to create something magnificent. The ______ can be my relationship/financial situation/career/family/spiritual growth, etc. Are you expecting problems in those areas? You’ll create and see whatever it is you focus on.

Are you stopping yourself from love because it will probably all go wrong, or there may be issues? How about expecting it to be new and fresh, that these 2 individuals have grown and have new things to offer the relationship. Only when you are completely open to love, are you able to receive it.

Expect It!

Author's Bio: 

Maria Portas is an Intuitive Healer, Speaker and Spiritual Teacher
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