Do you nourish the women in your life? Do you want to be more nourishing and learn how you can teach others to be so as well?
First, let us start by identifying what nourishment is. According to the Macmillan dictionary, "nourishment" means "food or the substances in food that are necessary ... Views: 1882
Do you know God? If so, do you know Him intimately? And how should you respond to your knowledge of Him?
We can know someone in two ways: impersonal knowledge and personal knowledge. To know someone impersonally is to know of the person's existence, their name, what they do, where they live, ... Views: 1849
What is a prophet? A prophet is a person who receives a prophecy, message from God, and then communicates that message to others. A divinely inspired message is always direct, specific, and tells exactly what will happen, to whom, and precisely what people should do. Moreover, a true prophecy ... Views: 1951
Do you have an idol in your heart? Now, before you say no, let us define idolatry and see what it means today.
In ancient times, idolatry was the worship of idols or the use of idols to represent the "gods" people believed in. Such idols were carved images in various forms made of stones and ... Views: 1865
Do you live a life that is pleasing and acceptable to Yahweh God? Do you know how you can do so?
Yahweh told His people, "You shall be holy; for I Yahweh your God am holy." (Leviticus 19:2, WEB) If you profess to be His, then your lifestyle has to mirror or reflect your relationship with your ... Views: 2091
Question: Why should Christians obey God's commandments?
Answer: Why should children obey their parents? The answer to this question is partially the answer to the question posed.
The purpose of obedience to God's commandments is twofold:
a) It shows that you love Yahweh your Heavenly ... Views: 1782
"Good riddance to good works!" is the mentality of some Christians who believe that obedience to Yahweh God's holy commandments is no longer required once you put faith in Jesus Christ for your salvation. Is this belief Biblical? When we accept Jesus as our Savior, does it mean we can indulge in ... Views: 1758
December 21, 2012 came and went, and we're still all here. Whose fault is it that this and similar prophecies about doomsday did not come to pass? Who are we to believe anymore? Jesus had warned us, "Many false prophets will arise, and will lead many astray." (Matthew 24:11, WEB) So how can we ... Views: 1571
Are you a good learner? Life is about growing--physically, mentally, and spiritually--but in order to grow properly, one needs to be a good learner.
The Word of God provides us with valuable tips and principles that will help us be better learners in life. Here are some principles I've ... Views: 2088
Question: Did God create evil?
Answer: No, Yahweh did not create evil. Evil is simply the result of disobedience to His moral laws. Where there is no light, there is darkness. Likewise, where God's principles and precepts are not kept, there is evil.
Some people point to the King James ... Views: 2418
Question #1: Yahweh (Jehovah) God Almighty operates on this principle in His justice system: "You must take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound, and bruise for bruise." (Exodus 21:23-25). What does this principle ... Views: 3652
Beware of false teachers! Since nearly two thousand years ago, we have been warned of false teachers by Jesus Christ and His earliest apostles. False teachers had crept into the early church, misleading many Christians with untruths. Today, many false teachers are in our world, teaching others ... Views: 1985
Question: Jesus told his disciples, "Seek first God’s Kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things [food and clothing] will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33, WEB) How can we seek God's Kingdom and His righteousness first?
Answer: To seek Yahweh's Kingdom above everything else, ... Views: 2500
They say, "Like father, like son" or "like mother, like daughter." If you are a child of God, can you say that about your relationship with your Heavenly Father? Do your spiritual qualities illustrate that you are your Father's child?
Yahweh God's Word informs us that whoever "doesn't do ... Views: 2422
Do you love and care for "the least" in your community? Who are "the least"? Jesus answered this question in his parable in Matthew 25:31-46 (WEB):
When the Son of Man [Jesus Christ] comes in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. Before him ... Views: 2541
The Gospel of Jesus Christ started out as a small spark in the Galilean hillsides nearly two thousand years ago, but rapidly blazed across all geographical barriers to become the world's most well-known Good News in the history of humanity. A brief overview of how the Gospel spread will not only ... Views: 19324
Millions around the world, of different colors, languages, and cultures, have received the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. This Gospel is not merely good news, but the best news, for when you accept the Gospel, you will have accepted the gift of a lifetime, as only through Christ will ... Views: 2715
Do you produce good fruits? If so, are they sweet and nutritious, or are they shining on the outside but wormy on the inside?
Good fruits? Well, I'm talking about the good works you do. But how can good works be wormy? "Good" works are wormy and rotten when they are done with the wrong ... Views: 2439
On a wintry morning, shoppers scuffled through the streets of New York, wining in and out of crowds. Amid the crowd was a young woman walking along the shops with a slight frown. She looked at the toys displayed in the windows, but quickly turned away with a sigh. She just did not have the money ... Views: 2412
Question: How do we know that we can trust the Bible as the Word of God?
Answer: We can trust the Bible as the Word of God because the Bible is proven to be:
1) Historically accurate: Archeologists have unearthed evidences of certain people, places, and events described in the Bible, and ... Views: 2236
A man named Jacob once vowed, "If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and clothing to put on, so that I come again to my father's house in peace, and Yahweh will be my God, then this stone, which I have set up for a pillar, will be God's ... Views: 2334
Whose slave are you?
Before you protest and say you're nobody's slave, understand that we're all slaves to one thing or another. Do you know that "you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey?" (Romans 6:16, NLT) In other words, we are slaves to whatever controls us (2 Peter ... Views: 2275
Do you feel fulfilled? If you have spent time trying to find fulfillment in material possessions, in traveling and sightseeing, in good food and fine clothing, in fame and power, have you been able to find what you're looking for? If not, do you know why not?
Delicious food leaves us patting ... Views: 2763
God is happy with us so long as we attend church regularly, sing psalms to praise Him, and donate to church activities...or is He? Does our church activities alone please God, or does He require something else from us? We can learn the answer to this question by seeing how God Himself feels ... Views: 1789
Question: Why is every person a sinner?
Answer: To answer this question, we need to understand how sin entered our world by reviewing the spiritual condition before and after the first man, Adam, sinned.
When the first man Adam was made, he was perfect and sinless since he was made in the ... Views: 2472
Here's a riddle for you: what death brings life?
Answer: the death of Jesus Christ in our place.
But how could Jesus' death bring anyone life? Why did particularly Jesus have to die in our place? Why die in our place at all? Finally, how should we personally respond to his death? Our ... Views: 2384
One day, during his earthly ministry, Jesus and his disciples got into a boat to cross a lake. As they sailed, a violent storm suddenly raged, tossing the boat around like a toy and quickly filling it with water. Frantic, the disciples went over to Jesus, who was peacefully asleep in the stern, ... Views: 2639
Once a person becomes a Christian by trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation and eternal life, would he or she experience less suffering in the world?
Answer: Being a Christian will bring more suffering of one kind, and less suffering of another kind into our lives. What it will not ... Views: 2136
"Help! Please don't leave me here." Joseph's muffled cries rang out from in the pit. He couldn't believe that his elder brothers could actually cast him into this hole. They wouldn't leave him here, would they? They just couldn't. "Help!"
"C'mon, don't mind him," said one brother. "Let's eat; ... Views: 2278
What is true wealth? Is it gold that glitters under the sun? Or is it wealth that no one and nothing, not even death, can take away from you?
Let's consider material wealth for a moment. We can have absolutely everything we want in life: huge mansions, fancy cars, ever-expanding wardrobes, ... Views: 2237
In a small town lived a young Christian woman named Erin who whole-heartedly followed the Bible's commandment, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Leviticus 19:18, WEB) Whenever her neighbors were in trouble, they could always count on her for support, be it emotional, spiritual, or ... Views: 2526
What do the sun, a lighthouse, a police officer, and a Christian have in common?
They are all lights of the world, providing warmth, guidance, warning, and exposing darkness. The sun brings warmth and delight, a lighthouse aids and guides, a police officer maintains order by warning and ... Views: 2735
"With all the controversy in the early first millennium about the nature of the personage known as Jesus Christ, such as the Council of Nicea of 325 A.D., the myriad of versions of the Bible, including the many 'mistake' Bibles that have deliberate or otherwise mistakes, and the many editings of ... Views: 3058
If you could be any flavor you want, which flavor would you choose? Sweet, sour, salty, or bitter? At first thought, I would want to be sweet as honey. But after careful consideration, I realize it may not be a very wise idea. While candy can bring a smile or two to someone's face, too much of ... Views: 2310
There was a foolish man who lived a lavish lifestyle and squandered all he had. When he died, the only inheritance he left his five children was heavy debt. Unable to pay off the debt their father had accumulated, the children were forced to live and work on the streets. One day, a wealthy ... Views: 3583
Do you want to live forever in a world where only love, peace, happiness, and goodness exist? You can, and it is up to you to make that happen.
The Bible says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have ... Views: 2405
Is sex dirty? Some people view sexual love as dirty, but it, in fact, is a blessing from Jehovah God Almighty, our Creator.
However, while sex in itself is not dirty, it becomes polluted when it is not valued and when it is not shared in settings other than what it is intended for. Do you ... Views: 6609
In his beautiful prayer to his Father before his death, Jesus said: "This is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and him whom you sent, Jesus Christ." (John 17:3, WEB.) This important verse tells us three things:
1) Our eternal life (salvation) is dependent on an ... Views: 3837
Jesus said, "the Father is in me, and I in the Father." (John 10:38, WEB.) What did he mean by that? Does that mean that God and Jesus are one and the same?
We can understand what Jesus meant by reading what Jesus said to his disciples next: "In that day you will know that I am in my Father, ... Views: 5195
Do we have an immortal soul in each of us? Do we live on as spirits or ghosts after death?
Before I learned what the Bible really taught, I incorrectly believed that we all have souls that lived on after our physical death, and that these souls are conscious of everything. I believed more so ... Views: 3681
Why do you believe what you believe? Are your beliefs established on sound basis? How do you decide what to believe?
Let's do a fun exercise together. Answer "true" or "false" for each statement below, and then explain why you believe it is true or false. Go ahead:
1) The sun will rise ... Views: 6351
Do you give to everyone what you owe? Do you give respect to whom respect is due and honor to whom honor? (Romans 13:7, WEB) When we rise from our seats to greet a newcomer, help an elderly person across the street, care for our parents when they are in need, and abide by the laws of our ... Views: 6498
"We are God," or "the Messiah is us" is the belief many of us hold today. But is this belief correct? Can we, mere mortal beings who can die, be God, who alone is immortal and cannot die?
God, whose personal name is Jehovah, is absolutely holy and perfect and sinless. Jesus our Messiah, the ... Views: 2126
Imagine someone you do not particularly like coming up to you, and in front of all your friends, begins to passionately accuse you of things you have never thought of, let alone have done. How would you react in such circumstances?
In such cases, maintaining temperance is the key; otherwise, ... Views: 2995
With love shining from his eyes, the handsome groom vows, "I take you to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."
Smiling tenderly ... Views: 4253
All unrepentant wicked people will be cast into hell, where the fire will burn for eternity. But what does "eternal" fire of hell mean? What does the Bible say?
Let us study what the Bible says below about the condition we know as "hell:"
1) Jesus said, "…fear him who is able to destroy ... Views: 3821
Beware of false teachers! Since nearly two thousand years ago, we have been warned of false teachers by Jesus Christ and His earliest apostles. False teachers had crept into the early church, misleading many Christians with untruths. Today, many false teachers are in our world, teaching others ... Views: 3615
Do you desire to know the truth? How valuable do you believe the truth is?
Nowadays, people believe there is no absolute truths--it's just a matter of personal choices. When we believe that everything can be true, then it means that we should agree that stealing and murder are okay because ... Views: 4051
When you wake up each morning to the sweet melodies of birds, how do you feel? When you admire the spectacular spectrum of sunsets, are you awed? When sunlight warms your skin and gentle summer breezes softly kiss you, are you not delighted? Do you not enjoy the fragrance of wildflowers, the ... Views: 7529
How do you feel when you picture your loved ones in your mind? Does thinking about your good friends and family bring a smile upon your face? Now, picture in your mind those you really don't like. How do you feel when you think about your "enemies"? Do you feel angry, sad, hurt, frustrated, ... Views: 9309