Lucid dreaming may be one way of accessing information from the recesses of your mind or participating in a dream but sometimes, it involves even more. Lucid dreamers and those that practice dream control sometimes find themselves viewing places and people that exist and situations that occur ... Views: 1498
Lucid dreaming is one method of solving difficult problems you have during the waking hours. Since your mind isn't focusing on other tasks as you sleep, like sensory input, it allows it to be far more creative. If you've ever forgotten a name, a date or even something important you wanted to ... Views: 5876
Albert Einstein, Strictly Scientist or Simply Intelligent Intuitive?
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Is one quote that gives you some insight into the mind of Albert Einstein.
A few quotes by Einstein enlighten us on his belief in intuition and creativity as an aid to ... Views: 1787
Lucid dreaming may occur intentionally or quite by accident. Many often have a lucid dream by accident and realize they can control the destiny of their dreams. A lucid dream occurs when the dreamer realizes he's asleep and dreaming and takes control of the dream. It may be to solve a problem in ... Views: 1724
When you think of hypnosis, you automatically get one of two mental pictures. Either you see the evil Svengali character making people do his bidding or you picture an audience in a nightclub bouncing around squawking like a chicken. In reality, hypnosis is more the second than the first and has ... Views: 1025
Your mind is a valuable tool that most people don't use to its fullest. If everyone used it to the maximum capability, there would be no more war, illness or anger. We simply access a small portion. This is not true of every civilization or person. Some use means to increase their awareness and ... Views: 6784
Hypnosis is a powerful medical tool. Mayo Clinic devotes an area to the use of hypnosis. The primary reason is that it works. Of course, placebos also work. This is probably the reason that the hypnosis is so effective in many areas of medicine. Just like the placebo, the belief of a healing ... Views: 1054
Do near death experiences awaken the mind? Some people witness those in the waiting room, viewing from above the room they almost die in and seeing people from their past that went before them. Others have near death experiences that involve light and a loving beautiful feeling surrounding them. ... Views: 1234
Madam Blavatsky, born Helena von Hahn, was a free spirit in a time when women were not free to roam the world alone. She dreamt about her teacher of Theosophy at an early age and then met him many years later in London. Weeks before her seventeenth birthday, she was married to a 44 year old man, ... Views: 1237
An important side effect of yoga training is the development of psychic abilities. The term development is appropriate, as everyone has these abilities.
Every culture has had healers, shamans and mystics. Some people seem to be born with this ability but most honed the skill through training ... Views: 2096
Yoga Nidra is deep sleep. Many people mistakenly believe it's twilight sleep, that stage between awake and dreaming, but it's even deeper than that. It goes beyond the dreaming stage and into a state of conscious deep sleep. While that sounds like an oxymoron, it's not. It's the third of the ... Views: 2660
There’s often discussion of whether an aura is real. In order to answer this question you must turn to science and the belief that humans emit energy from their bodies. That’s all an aura is, the visual appearance of the energy that flows from a person. You not only can learn to read another’s ... Views: 2009
There are not only several different levels of Samadhi, but also different ways to achieve Samadhi. Samadhi is a state of consciousness described as a state of spiritual ecstasy in which the consciousness leaves the body.
There are several different levels of Samadhis and within them, even ... Views: 3134
You may have heard the word kundalini but never experienced or even knew what it was. Kundalini normally lies dormant in most people but for those trained, it often awakens with a vengeance. The word kundalini means coil in Sanskrit. It describes the coil of 3 circles in every individual. It is ... Views: 3538
Doctors and researchers use hypnosis for everything from helping people lose weight, quit smoking and overcome fears to developing ESP capabilities and healing incurable diseases. Studies done in parapsychology labs show that PSI scores are higher when the subject is in a state of psychological ... Views: 4549
Modern doctors are looking at the danger of addiction and overdose when they use drugs as a form of pain control and turning to other than mainstream methods. For many years, hypnosis was part of the birthing process for women that didn’t want to experience pain, wanted to remain alert and ... Views: 1110
The Pali Canon is greatly debated by historians and followers alike. Some believe it is the exact words of Buddha from the fifth century B.C., transferred in the oral tradition for many centuries and finally transcribed to written form. Others believe it has additions and deletions by followers ... Views: 1749
Consider what the cave man might have thought of the airplane or car. He would believe it mystical, be frightened or consider it a new type of animal. We, however, are unimpressed since we know on some basic level how these methods of transportation are made. The automobile, for instance uses an ... Views: 1367
Huna is a label given in modern times to the art of healing and spiritual development of the ancient Hawaiians. Once these were a secret but today, it is openly taught to thousands of people around the world. The goal is to connect to the universal spirit and the practitioner’s personal ... Views: 1872
There is an experience called the Kundalini that occurs when you reach a higher level of spiritual discipline, although, sometimes it occurs spontaneously. It’s an awakening of the energy that lies at the base of the spine and means snake in Sanskrit. Those that experience this awakening find ... Views: 3084
There are various methods to alter your consciousness, sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, drugs, alcohol and training. Most people have heard of all these things and the term “altered state of consciousness”, but don’t really understand what it means. Consciousness has three states.
The ... Views: 1532
If ever an art received a bum rap, it’s that of magick. You’ll notice the spelling of magick is different from the traditional spelling magic. There’s a reason for this. Magic is a performance and illusion. Magick is the art and science of causing a change to occur due to the persons will. ... Views: 2076
Huna came from the Polynesian beliefs, but it is not their religion. It is, instead, a Western interpretation from Max Freedom Long in 1936 of the belief system of the Hawaiians. The words, including Huna, were adapted by Long to aid in his explanation. The Hawaiians have no formal name for the ... Views: 1508
There are hundreds of yoga classes across the United States. Doctors agree that yoga is a great exercise for the body, but did you know it not only aids the spirit but also increases psychic abilities. Some of the great Yoga masters perform amazing feats that range from stopping their hearts and ... Views: 3692
Thoughts are things waiting to materialize. If you know much about physics, you recognize that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. It simply changes from a solid form to energy and visa-versa. This brings us to the concept that our thoughts create our reality.
Taken on a purely non ... Views: 7776
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Napoleon Hill, author of many books about the mind and success, wrote the quote many years ago after interviewing W. Clement Stone. It still holds true today. The mind is an incredible tool that has untapped and misused power. ... Views: 1087
Thoughts are things waiting to materialize. If you know much about physics, you recognize that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. It simply changes from a solid form to energy and visa-versa. This brings us to the concept that our thoughts create our reality.
Taken on a purely non ... Views: 2106
While most Americans consider Yoga as a form of exercise to increase flexibility and stamina, the yogis use it as a spiritual technique to become one with the universe. Yoga is not just a series of breathing techniques, strange body movements and mantras but takes on a deeper level for those ... Views: 2677
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Napoleon Hill, author of many books about the mind and success, wrote the quote many years ago after interviewing W. Clement Stone. It still holds true today. The mind is an incredible tool that has untapped and misused power. ... Views: 876
A woman lay in the emergency room after being taken in unconscious from a sudden pain in her shoulder and upper chest. Her transport from the small rural community took 20 minutes and the time seemed too great for the aneurysm that burst on her aorta. The doctors watched the monitor for a sign ... Views: 2064
The ancient practices of qigong, pronounced phonetically as chee goong, is an ancient art the cleanses the body, increases circulation of the life force and strengthens with the use of breathing techniques, meditation, and gentle movement. Long used in China, recorded documents date as far back ... Views: 4141
Transforming yourself to be confident and in touch with your subconscious is not that difficult, but it does take practice. Manifesting your desire can be as natural as breathing. When you focus on your intent you are creating a vibration through your thoughts that is sent throughout the ... Views: 958
To become enlightened is to know that no matter what your life has been like, each and every experience you have had taught you a valuable lesson that you were meant to learn. The universal energy has always provided assistance to us in one way or another. Life’s lessons are nothing more than a ... Views: 995
The word Chakra stems from the word Cakra, which is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel. The seven main Chakras, according to Hindu traditions, are energy fields that are aligned with the spine, from the bottom or base of the spine to the top of the head. Each chakra is associated with a certain color ... Views: 1877
Telekinesis is also known as psychokinesis or (PK), which is the moving of objects using just your mind with no other physical contact involved. This is probably the rarest ability because very few have been able to demonstrate such ability and skeptics pretty much don’t believe in it at all. ... Views: 4679
Dreams in most cases are messengers from the subconscious. We as humans are inundated with a terrific amount of information on a daily basis that we can't possibly process all. The stuff we don't deem as important at the moment is filed away into our subconscious to be accessed at a later date ... Views: 1065
Self-hypnosis is more about controlling the mind rather than mind control. Its purpose is to get in touch with the subconscious mind, to explore it and manipulate it by becoming familiar with the subconscious. With this ability, you will strengthen the subconscious and take full advantage of it. ... Views: 1123
Yoga is a discipline for self-development that is more than 5000
years old. There are many types of Yoga, but most include physical postures, breathing control and meditation. Stress reduction techniques include mental imagery, stretching, controlled breathing and physical movement in the form ... Views: 1045
Telepathy is considered to be a form of extra-sensory perception
where communication between minds in the form of thoughts,
ideas, feelings and images are transferred through Psi, which are
Parapsychological abilities considered as a group.
Telepathy generally occurs spontaneously, ... Views: 1699
Spirituality means that we know we are more than just the physical self. We have an energy or spirit attached to us. In some religious circles our spirit is referred to as the soul and is immortal and that the spirit was created by some divine maker or creator.
On the other hand, spirituality ... Views: 1777
One of the benefits of meditation is the ability to slow down your thinking to the point of being able to ‘see’ your thoughts, which will give you the ability to change your life via the Law of Attraction. However, there are other traditions that can bring about change and enhance the ... Views: 939
Most people know that there are different brain wave states that the brain can be in at different times. The beta state is what we are normally in when we are completely awake and focused, while the alpha state is reached through daydreaming and meditation, theta is the dream state and delta is ... Views: 887
Everyone has within them some amount of psychic ability. It is innate in people, just like the ability to paint or play a musical instrument. With training we can learn to play the piano, and in the same way we can learn to harness that psychic ability that is already within us.
The key to ... Views: 1333
Tai Chi is known as a soft martial arts technique that emphasizes health, longevity and proper form above self-defense. Tai Chi originated in China but in recent years it has become popular around the world, particularly among older people looking for an exercise that is smooth and easy for them ... Views: 1204
If you're a practitioner of yoga, you know how important it is to breathe correctly when going through the poses. Traditionally you are told to inhale and exhale fully as you move deeper into a pose to enable your body to stretch further, bring more benefits to you.
There are many other ways ... Views: 999
You probably already know that the brain has two hemispheres, the right and left, and that the left side of the brain generally controls the right side of the body and vice versa.
The left part of the brain is in control when logic is needed. It controls verbal tasks, paying attention to ... Views: 3285