Matthew G. Sikich II is The Official Guide to "Sales Training". You can find complete information on Matthew G. Sikich II and his products by visiting The 5 Buying Habits.
Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to make money and a difference all around the world, 24/7, regardless of time zone, while you were awake, asleep, working, playing or doing whatever you wanted to do?
Of course it would! That’s why so many heart-centered entrepreneurs are adding information ... Views: 1601
Everyone involved in selling will face situations involving many complexities including objections that can be quite often difficult to overcome. The key is making certain you are fully prepared to handle any type of situation that may arise. Your potential clients will have many needs, ... Views: 1684
Being in a leadership position on your sales team can be one of the biggest challenges you will face in your professional career. You will not only need to know how to find sales success and manage a team, but you will need to be able to find a way to motivate your members as well. Proper ... Views: 1487
Every business owner realizes the key to maintaining sales is having salespeople who are highly motivated and goal oriented. When management has the ability to motivate their sales force effectively, it creates a highly charged and positive atmosphere. They can do this through there own methods, ... Views: 1453
Understanding that no two sales pipelines are exactly the same, there’s a general flow that most follow.
Typically, pipeline models start with some forms of discovery, prequalification, and qualification, before they move on to stages like solution design, customer evaluation, and proposal ... Views: 1319
If there are no sales, despite having everything else – there is no business. So, companies continuously try to ensure that their salespeople are outstanding and have the proficiency needed to effectively execute each step in the selling process.
To a larger extent, success in sales depends ... Views: 1158
At one point or another, most of us have experienced that feeling of wanting to be “discovered” for our area of expertise. We secretly hope that someday, someone is going to recognize our brilliance and tell the world about it.
I have felt that way too. For decades, I secretly waited for that ... Views: 1715
Sales presentations are a part and parcel of businesses. Even if you don’t make a presentation in the beginning, you will have to do it once you are stable. In order to compel customers into buying your offerings, you have to ensure that the sales presentation is compelling as well as ... Views: 1240
Have you explained your value proposition?
Any sales professional, who views objections as bad things, is missing the point. Objections are just your customer or prospects way of telling you that they do not completely understand and appreciate the value both you and your product or service ... Views: 1327
Know what you sell and the value you bring
There is no substitute for completely knowing your value proposition and what it is you really sell. This understanding is crucial to effortlessly closing virtually any sale. When you are clear on what you sell, communicating this to your qualified ... Views: 1536
Too often when looking at a sales team’s success, managersonly look at the actual sales (the closing of the business). Of course, this is important—but the sale is a lagging indicator. If you have no sales closing today, it indicates that your team has not been performing well for months. By the ... Views: 1407
People often ask me, “Lisa, how is it that you create this amazing three-day event, you give, give, give; you teach, teach, teach and so many of the people who attend want to stay on and work with you further? How do you do it?”
One of our secrets is that we create an experience at our live ... Views: 1578
The three secrets to sales success are simple – “PREPARATION, Preparation, preparation”. I believe that the more prepared you are before any sales call, the more likely you will be able to, help your customers and prospects, understand their specific needs, see how your product or service can ... Views: 1324
One of the most difficult questions in job interviews is: tell me about your weakness.
Most people find it a very uncomfortable question to answer, because it may affect their image in front of their potential employers. After all, no employer wants to hire a worker who is careless, lazy, ... Views: 1868
Pump up Your Persuasive Powers!
Arnold Sanow –
The art of persuasion is the ability to gain trust. It’s cultivated when someone believes you’re honestly communicating with them, and that you understand their needs. This is influenced by a complex combination of factors, ... Views: 2413
Truth, how many times have you read that the world’s most successful sales people are the best closers?
Have you ever read about the ‘twenty-three power closes’? Or perhaps the ‘ABC (Always Be Closing) method’?
Ok, here’s my one you like to be closed? Really, can you ... Views: 1266
President Obama could learn from a C-Level selling expert. He’s having issues persuading senators and congress people to support gun control, immigration reform, budgets, debt ceilings and more. These are powerful people, just like the ones sales people encounter or try to encounter in their ... Views: 1983
Welcome to “Stop Guessing! Sales Accuracy Redefined.” In this article series, we’ll revisit the concept of a sales pipeline and explain why it’s so important to create an objective percentage measurement for the pipeline instead of the subjective measurements too often used by sales teams. Read ... Views: 1304
Your clients are in different places geographically, financially, and in their mindset. So when you’re looking for ways to meet them where they’re at, you have to be thinking about all three.
For example, we know that not everyone is going to be able to show up in Las Vegas next Thursday for ... Views: 1745
Achieving success in sales is all about knowing who actually wields the hammer when it comes to making buying decisions. In some cases it is the purchasing manager, but in essence he or she may only be following purchasing specifications handed down from someone higher up the food chain. So if ... Views: 1332
Are you frustrated with the results you’ve been seeing from traditional live networking events? Well, did you know if you run a strong online campaign that will help you convert more prospects who you meet offline? That way, the people you do meet face to face at live networking events have ... Views: 1423
It cannot be disputed that certain people have specific strengths, which will certainly support them to be better at what we would traditionally call sales, than other people. I do however believe that, as we are all in sales, for our entire lives, from the moment we utter our first cry, where ... Views: 1406
We’re three months into the New Year, so most businesses have turned their attention to the challenges (and opportunities!) that 2013 will inevitably present.
And why not? Whether you killed it last year or struggled to live up to your lofty expectations, 2013 presents new hope. The economy ... Views: 1088
Have you ever thought or maybe even said out loud:
"I feel like I'm sitting on a gold mine."
But then you second-guessed yourself. Or resigned yourself to the assumption that you'd have no idea how to access it even if you were.
Well, let me tell you, it is possible to know. These three ... Views: 1923
Some years ago, I was in London, Canada, speaking to a very large group of lawyers and their spouses about the power of the speaking voice. Part of my presentation on voice deals with color, which is the life, the animation, the emotion you express in speaking. In talking about this aspect of ... Views: 1667
Recently I’ve shown you how to get comformation product, mentorship, etc.
Today I’m going share with you three principles for a powerful close so that you can inspire on-the-spot action in your ideal clients—those people who are perfectly matched to you—without being salesy. You can give them ... Views: 2453
So many people tell me that they feel “yucky” when attempting to close a sale. They don’t want to feel that way and they don’t want their prospects to feel yucky either!
The key to erasing that concern is what you do before you make your irresistible offer. And this is: Give them a ton of ... Views: 2429
If you want to excel at sales, you can no longer afford to blunder blindly into meetings with your customers and prospects, where you sit with your feet braced firmly against the desk. Maintaining a one sided perspective, where you are looking to get as much as possible from every individual ... Views: 1311
Are you 100 % certain that your value proposition holds more value, than you expect your customers to pay for it? Because if you are not, then you can never expect to convince anyone, to invest into what you sell. Everyone you come into contact with has an innate ability to read you like a book. ... Views: 1154
Build a business
Stop thinking about closing single transactions and instead focus on building a sustainable long term business, one satisfied customer at a time and then use all your satisfied customers as leverage, to get referrals to the next perfect prospect, who needs exactly what you have ... Views: 1108
It cannot be disputed that certain people have specific strengths, which will certainly support them to be better at what we would traditionally call sales, than other people. I do however believe that, as we are all in sales, from the moment we utter our first cry, where by crying, we are ... Views: 1717
The few tips I will share with you in this article, are not earth shattering and going to leave you with one of your “WOW” moments in life. They are very simple, but when done consistently make you referable and unfortunately when neglected will keep you trapped in average. So the question you ... Views: 968
Any sales professional can immediately improve their sales results, if they stop seeing dollar signs, every time they engage with a customer or prospect and instead develop a deep desire to be of service to them instead. To make this work for them they must ensure that they offer the right ... Views: 1191
How fast do you believe that you should succeed at anything you try to achieve? Do you believe that, as we live in a world where we have instant coffee, microwaves, instant popcorn etc. it is therefore obvious that success should now also be instant too? Nothing could be further from the truth ... Views: 1082
When times are tough at home, at work, or in business we as customers, business people, and as consumers become much fussier. We want more, but we don't want to part with the cash unless we are absolutely satisfied. Higher customer expectations can be frustrating for us as salespeople, and we ... Views: 988
Are you a sales introvert or a sales extrovert?
In your sales role, which activities do you prefer?
Where do you focus your attention?
How do you recharge?
Every salesperson tends toward one of two preferences: introversion and extroversion. There is the distinction of these preferences ... Views: 1475
he words ‘selling for introverts’ are not often enclosed in the same sentence. Indeed, the two are quite mutually exclusive. But a great many introverts find themselves in sales positions, or some other form of customer service, whether retail, food, hospitality, or other.
Most introverts ... Views: 2019
You can never expect to consistently exceed your sales targets, unless you learn the art of utilising your available time as effectively as possible every day. Time is a limited resource, which when invested wisely will allow you to achieve remarkable results and when wasted, will keep you ... Views: 1036
At some point you look up and say to yourself, “Where have all the leads gone?” Actually, they have not gone anywhere; they’ve been where they have always been. With the new age of e-prospecting and social media marketing, many have lost their way, relying almost exclusively on the latest and ... Views: 1180
For Coaches, Consultants and Service Professionals
I’m working with a client right now who has been courageously delving into having her very first sales conversations and charging money for her services and she’s learning how to manage her fear around talking about money and how to handle ... Views: 1578
At one time, it might have seen an oxymoron to use the term “introverted salesperson,” but times have changed.
More than ever before, employers are seeing that selling for introverts is on the rise. The days of the back-slapping, fast-talking salesperson are gone, replaced by a sales staff ... Views: 1948
As my most loyal readers and customers know, I’m a huge fan of and believer in retaining and growing a business’s current customers. Then again, who isn’t? Yes, new customer acquisition is important to building and scaling a business, but cultivating current customers offers the truest ... Views: 1284
For many years, developing trust and rapport was considered the hallmark of a great sales process. Driving sales required exposing your sales team to a maximum number of prospects and developing trust and rapport with those prospects. As such, the primary objective for most salespeople has ... Views: 1000
Selling is stressful, and can be downright discouraging
I bet when you started your company you dreamed of freedom, being your own boss and big bountiful earnings. And my guess is you didn’t spend much time wondering how to get clients and polish up your sales skills! So often, my clients ... Views: 1767
Whether you have the word Salesperson on your business card or not, I am certain that you were involved in a number of sales conversations today, without even being aware you were selling or trying to sell something. Maybe you tried to influence a work college to see your point of view or you ... Views: 1358
Your parents give you your name when you come into the world, but it is up to you what sort of name you present to the people around you throughout the rest of your life. As you know it takes years to build your reputation, but if you allow your guard down, one small discretion can destroy it ... Views: 958
Over the years email marketing has evolved based on the wants, needs and actions of the audience. Companies were abusing their client base and spamming them with an overload of emails, and still today there is a huge amount of spam.
As a result various spam filters and controls have been ... Views: 1880
Yes, it is obvious that every sales professional needs to have an intimate knowledge of their product or service and all the benefits it has to offer, as these are all part of the value proposition. Note, I said a part of the value proposition and not the total value proposition. The complete ... Views: 1237
I am sure that you want to achieve and even exceed your sales targets this year. The way to make this possible for you, all starts with you choosing to no longer sell products or services anymore. I am sure that sounds crazy, how can you achieve your sales targets, if you stop selling the very ... Views: 851
If you are in sales and you have been struggling to meet your sales targets for the past few years. Ask yourself the simple question “How committed am I to what I am selling, would I buy it myself” In fact a better question would be “Do I believe in what I sell so much that I Have actually ... Views: 714