Do you find yourself spending all kinds of time talking with your prospects and then feel disappointed because in the end, they don’t end up buying from you? Are you fed up of wasting your time talking to the wrong people who don’t get what you do, or can’t afford your services, or aren’t ... Views: 2224
For Coaches, Consultants and Service Professionals
I’m working with a client right now who has been courageously delving into having her very first sales conversations and charging money for her services and she’s learning how to manage her fear around talking about money and how to handle ... Views: 1598
Are you tired of having to count pennies and tally up dollars to be able to say YES to the things you want? Are you ready to play a bigger game this year, attract more clients and make more money? If so then you're in the right place. Check out these 3 simple ideas for getting your message out ... Views: 1760
Are you tired of this happening to you every new year? You make goals and intentions with every ounce of certainly that you will make a change come hell or high water - and then slowly you lose steam, things get too hard, you cave in: you fall short of the diet, cheat on getting your newsletter ... Views: 1533
I get you – you’re busy, really busy, you’ve got 5 or 6 projects on the go, great ideas flowing in, but something is really off because contrary to what they tell you in school somehow the busier you get the less money is coming in. How is this happening?
You work hard, you’re smart, ... Views: 1499
What would you try if you had no fear?
I posted this question on my Facebook wall the other day and here the answers I got back:
- write and publish an inspirational book
- pick up the phone and start calling prospects
- dating
Fear is an interesting topic I have been investigating for ... Views: 1585
Is a part of you dreading the holidays because you know that no matter how you slice the pie it means confronting certain members of the family you’d rather avoid all together?
If so, you’re not alone. The holidays are supposed to be the most festive time of the year but let’s face it – ... Views: 1508
Whether you’re in sales as a professional, an entrepreneur or a service professional, employing these 10 quick tips will make a big difference to your bottom line.
1. Make an intention for your day
Get into the habit of predetermining your success; this is very important. We tend to run on ... Views: 1414
1. Sit in silence with yourself every day.
Living an authentic life means taking action from the inner confidence of intuition. Most people have no idea what their intuition looks or feels like because they are so busy, busy, busy running around every day trying to do 10-thousand things at ... Views: 1451
I went to a wonderful networking event last night and met Loral Langemeier 4 time best selling author who shared with us these ideas on wealth creation. These are the top 5 reasons most people don’t make money in their businesses.
The 5 Reasons You Wont Make Money
1- Don’t have an identity, ... Views: 1264
Idea’s from Robert Holden’s Keynote Speech & his Book “Authentic Success”
Robert Holden Author of “Authentic Success” – In this video I share Robert’s 6 keys to Success… great notes I took from the ‘I can Do It” Conference in Toronto where I saw him speak live.
#1- Know who you are
Hold ... Views: 1502
Do you suffer from go go go mode? Do you have a hard time relaxing and enjoying yourself just for the pure sake of enjoyment WITHOUT being productive?
Do you tend to feel a bit guilty saying “no” when honoring your own needs above others?
Do you tend to over analyze things, over think and ... Views: 1257
I can remember what it felt like as if it were yesterday to be hiding out in my massage therapy and acupressure business in that uncomfortable comfortable place. I wasn’t attracting enough clients, and was terrified of promoting myself and putting my expertise out there for the world to see. So ... Views: 1220
How many of you feel that little voice inside keeps you from taking risks? Do you ever feel like it’s possible for other people but somehow, when you imagine yourself really going for it – you hit up against a tight knot in the pit of your stomach that knocks the wind right out from under you? ... Views: 1351
Are you tired of people’s eyes glazing over when you tell them what you do?
Do you feel like the teacher from Charlie Brown, like the words are coming out of your mouth but all people hear is wa wa wah wah wah?
Face it if you’re not standing out amongst the crowd you’re just another boring ... Views: 1399
Does self-doubt often plague you from moving forward with a good idea?
“How do I know if what I am feeling is really intuition and not just something made up from my mind?”
Great question! A lot of my clients ask me how to be able to distinguish from the voice of intuition and the voice or ... Views: 1466
Are your personal relationships suffering because you’re working so hard to get your business off the ground? Are you always the last priority on your list because there’s never enough time to get it all done?
I'm at a mindset and marketing retreat in Fort Lauderdale (FL) with some if the ... Views: 1329
Are you tired of struggling to attract more clients consistently in your business? Wouldn’t it be nice if you had more clients lining up to do business with you?
Too often I see entrepreneurs stuck trying to find more clients and you want to know what the REAL problem is? Most of the time the ... Views: 1444
I was out on Saturday evening for sushi after the spa with a girlfriend (it’s a popular Saturday evening ritual), and the savvy waiter (savvy because she knows my girlfriend and I are marketing experts) requests us to take a look at her massage therapy “promotional flyer” and provide our ... Views: 1235
Why would they want to hire me versus that other woman, there are way more qualified people out there than me? I don’t know If I should work on my website first or figure out what I’m really offering to people – wait on my business card logo guy is still waiting to hear back from me, gosh why ... Views: 1960
By : Vanessa Simpkins author of “From Bankrupt to $900 a Day Selling Mops. Rising Entrepreneurs How to Mop up on Cash in Any Economy!”
Want to know how to live an authentic life and truly connect with yourself? Follow these steps to be the person you were meant to be.
1. Sit in silence ... Views: 2757
Whether you’re in sales as a professional, an entrepreneur or a service professional these 10 quick tips from Vanessa Simpkins author of “From Bankrupt to $900 a Day Selling Mops” will make a HUGE difference to your bottom line.
1. Make an Intention for Your Day
Get into the habit of ... Views: 2494
It hit me while I was having an inspiring conversation this week with a woman wanting to get a job selling mops like I do. After seeing my numbers and opening the door to possibility that she could also make 900$ a day selling mops, noticing her eyes glisten and sparkle as she soaked up every ... Views: 1264
I acknowledge and appreciate myself today for…
- Going for a walk in the woods and taking my camera and my hat! For exploring nature, following my intuition and playing in my genius all day!
- For writing another great sales letter from the heart.
- For getting all three important and ... Views: 1620
Your job here is to experience yourself in every moment by CHOOSING how you show up. We attract all of our experiences so that we can then choose how to experience ourselves as powerful creators in every moment. We attract the darkness so we can be the light. ~Vanessa Simpkins~
I’ve been ... Views: 1330
The problem I have with abundance affirmations is that if they aren’t believable to you and you say them, you’re not doing any good, know what I mean?
So here’s the trick, its called scripting for inner and outer intentions. Works like a charm!
Instead of reading abundance affirmations ... Views: 2566
Imagine witnessing someone you love and care about, experience a heart attack right in front of your eyes! What would you do? Obviously call 911 but in the mean time bite their fingers.
Yap, you heard correctly, biting down on the inside edges of the pinky finger's nail triggers a kind of ... Views: 3572