Starting up brings with it lots of excitement and freshness. There are plenty of great ideas, plans, and opportunities to explore and implement. Everyone involved is pumped up to get started and conquer the business world.
Some entrepreneurs get a little too excited and make pretty big ... Views: 1302
There is a lot of talk about young entrepreneurs and teen entrepreneurs these days. There are many who are starting off at an early age and making it big in the business world and that is probably discouraging those in their thirties and forties. If you have the same thoughts, you should know ... Views: 1335
Travelling to attend meetings is really common for businessmen. At some point you will find yourself travelling to distant places as you work on expanding your business, roping in investors, working with new partners, and so on. However, travel can be expensive if you are careless. With the ... Views: 945
Working with remote workers has its perks. It allows you to give better customer service across the globe regardless of the time zone because you have workers spread here and there. However, coordinating and making things work among all workers can prove to be challenging. In fact, research has ... Views: 1380
We all want the best team possible. We want only the best employees working for us. However, that is not going to happen if you don’t look in the right places. There are plenty of potential employees out there but you should also remember your competitors. They are looking for the best just like ... Views: 1179
We all love comfort and we all love that confined space that makes us feel at ease. That is the reason why that confined space is known as the comfort zone. In business, though, there is no comfort zone. If you really want to be successful and if you want to enhance productivity you should step ... Views: 987
Hiring for the first time can be really exciting. It is something new and probably something you always dreamed of doing once you started off on your own. Well, the time has come. You need to hire and you need to do it right. Trust me, you do not want your excitement to get the better out of ... Views: 906
Sure you are an excellent leader but you are not perfect. You may ask for feedback and work upon your flaws but there are a few things that no one will tell you. Whether they hope you will understand by yourself or whether they think it is too risky to point out, fact remains that there are some ... Views: 1109
Interviewing candidates for a job can be very tedious and boring. It seems to be a daunting task that stretches forever but that is definitely not how you should look at it. Interviews are extremely important because they will help you determine who the best candidate for the job is. Hiring the ... Views: 1573
Getting an idea is the easiest part in entrepreneurship. Just because you have an idea, you shouldn’t consider yourself successful in any way. Success is very far off for now. Once you have a great idea, you should think about implementing it. Turning an idea into reality is where the hardship ... Views: 1104
We all love being in our comfort zone. It is called the ‘comfort zone’ for a reason. Sure.
We are all under the impression that we can put our best foot forward only in our comfort zone. Wrong. Believe it or not, it is discomfort that will help you perform better and not comfort. How, you may ... Views: 812
Mistakes are a part and parcel of life. We all make mistakes at one point of time or the other. It is through mistakes that we learn and grow. The same holds true for marketers. They make some of the silliest mistakes that hamper their sales. The first step to avoiding these mistakes is actually ... Views: 792
Once a year or so, you will get an odd invitation about a reunion. Sometimes it is a school reunion, sometimes it is a college reunion, and sometimes it is simply a family reunion. Regardless of whether you like getting back in touch with your old friends, you should attend all reunions that you ... Views: 766
Many people think starting a small business is taxing and tedious. It is for those who don’t know how to go on about it. If you know what to do and how, it is a walk in the park. People usually come up with great ideas for a business, but hesitate because the next step seems daunting.
You don’t ... Views: 1041
Gaining funding is a very important milestone in a business but is that it? Does having money insinuate growth by itself? No, it doesn’t. Many people don’t believe it but even after you have the money, you need to ensure that you don’t lose your focus. Otherwise, your business will easily go ... Views: 764
Sales presentations are a part and parcel of businesses. Even if you don’t make a presentation in the beginning, you will have to do it once you are stable. In order to compel customers into buying your offerings, you have to ensure that the sales presentation is compelling as well as ... Views: 1246
There are many cases in which people have the best business idea, know how they are going to run their business, and have the potential to a great hit but don’t pan out because of lack of funds. Funds are vital and without the required finances you won’t be able to do anything. Right from the ... Views: 837
Look around in social media and you will find thousands who would love to buy products that you sell or excel in. However, they won’t come knocking on your door by themselves. Why? Because there is enough competition around you to distract and attract them. What should you do then? You should ... Views: 773
Did you know that there are many employees who actually have entrepreneur blood in them? How do you know whether you have much more in you than just working under someone? How do you know if you have it in you to lead instead of being led?
When you look at successful entrepreneurs, you will see ... Views: 940
The priority of every business, no matter how large or small, is and should be the satisfaction of customers. Only when your customers are satisfied will you be able to do well in your business. Your customers have to be your base and their satisfaction should be your motto. In order to ... Views: 812
It all starts with an idea but, is an idea enough to keep you going? Once you get an idea and make up your mind to work on it, you need to start building your business. Building a business successfully is the dream of every budding entrepreneur but the thing is that not everyone is ... Views: 865
Fearless entrepreneurs are rare and they are assets to the business world. They do things in their own ways. These are the ways that ordinary people don’t even think of doing. Well, that is what makes them extraordinary now, isn’t it? They don’t let anything stand in their way and that is what ... Views: 897
Is forming a business enough? Not at all. Forming a business is only step one. The second and the most crucial step is marketing. It is important that you make a mark in the market in order to have customers. When people don’t even know that you exist how will they come to you? It is your job to ... Views: 731
A business can run successfully through effective communication. For a business to run successfully and exhibit growth, it is important to lay emphasis on the way it communicates to its customers as well as ensure effective communication within the organisation.
The power and the ability to ... Views: 948
Working style – No, don’t raise your eyebrow just yet. You may not actually see it but every employee has his own working style. Come on, you can’t possibly think that there are no different styles and that everyone works in the same manner. Go on and observe your employees and you will discover ... Views: 763
Once you start a business, the clock will start ticking faster sometimes. Other times it will be slow and dull. If you want to be a great leader you should learn how to make even the dullest of days count. There are many things to do everyday. You just need to have your eyes open and ears alert. ... Views: 986
One observes as we look around us that some people seem to be extremely good at business and sail through smoothly to success, while others have to face ups and downs, and many a time they fail to fulfil their aspirations and dreams. If we look closer we will find that the ones who are ... Views: 805
Critical Success Factor could be defined as that single success factor or element that is necessary for any business, organisation, or project to fulfil its mission. It is a critical or vital factor that is required for the success of the business or the project. It is identified as a managerial ... Views: 1073
Are you planning to start your own business? Are you an entrepreneur preparing to go in for a small start-up business. Having your own business and running it can be highly rewarding and extremely gratifying as it gives you the personal satisfaction of achieving something on your own. It also ... Views: 813
Do you know that being successful in your life is not a joke at all, but quite a serious matter indeed. Everybody would like to become something in life – but not everyone succeeds in becoming what they aspire to become. The road to success is very difficult and fraught with risks and obstacles ... Views: 895
Running a business can be quite risky, as there is no way of telling the types of risks that you are going to face. Some of these risks can paralyse your business, while some of the risks can seriously damage your business, while other risks can completely damage your business and even prevent ... Views: 1180
A business can run successfully through effective communication. For a business to run successfully and exhibit growth, it is important to lay emphasis on the way it communicates to its customers as well as ensure effective communication within the organisation.
The power and the ability to ... Views: 1165
Everyone, or at least, most of the people would have heard of team building. Team building is an important aspect of not only business or an industry – it encompasses all facets of life. Team building skills are important and essential for every aspect of each one’s life – regardless of the fact ... Views: 1168
How would you describe yourself as a leader – a strong leader, a weak leader, or a mediocre one? Every person is a leader by himself – but with varying degrees of leadership qualities. Some characteristics may be predominantly present in the person while some others may be missing. If you expect ... Views: 1074
Are you planning a new business venture? Are you intending to start a new business? Are you in the process of floating a new company?
Unfortunately businesses are very susceptible to failure and many of the new ventures fold up within the first year. Studies have revealed that about 25 per cent ... Views: 877
When setting out to negotiate with investors, there are many aspects to be considered, and tact to used, which we learn along the way. We have to know what works with investors and what does not during the course of investment negotiations. When starting a small or medium business, one may come ... Views: 1865
A Calendar is a crucial tool needed for scheduling your appointments and events. Time management skills are of utmost importance. There are schedules lined up to do during specific times or specific dates and a number of things that might need to be done sometime later, or even as soon as ... Views: 1071
It is important to visualise the kind of success you want and it is equally important to dream big. Every successful entrepreneurs story actually starts with a big dream. You need to have big dreams for yourself, whether you want to be rich or famous or simply feel fulfilled. Then, make sure you ... Views: 746
Business requires employee training to run effectively and efficiently. Business training is a must for the success of any business. It is the part and parcel of every business. One needs to chalk out a great plan for training its employees in the right way. Businesses need to realize the ... Views: 1101
It is a universally accepted fact that the most crucial stage of a business is the initial stage. This is the time when the entrepreneur with a fledgling company, can become so enthusiastic about the brilliant business idea that he or she loses all sense of objectivity. In the highly competitive ... Views: 1032
Small businesses the world over and business in general is susceptible to change. Change takes place constantly and it has been proved again and again that those who adapt quickly to change can survive almost any challenge. As a small business owner, you can take command and lead your employees ... Views: 1090
Everyone will tell you that you have to have one. Few among them will be able to tell what exactly a marketing plan should consist of.
If you are a small business, creating a marketing plan should not take you more than a few hours. Ideally, it should take you a few days to do the research and ... Views: 905
The present day business is all about networking and building a solid system of contacts. You may have a host of contacts but if you do not have networking skills, all these contacts would be of no use to you at all. One of the prime drivers of business is networking, which would bring in leads, ... Views: 898
Taking your business to the next level is always an exciting prospect and if you could do this in a short time, what more could you ask for? This is not impossible once you break the process of growth into small achievable segments. Action is what brings results, and if you want to see your ... Views: 783
It is important to visualise the kind of success you want and it is equally important to dream big. Every successful entrepreneurs story actually starts with a big dream. You need to have big dreams for yourself, whether you want to be rich or famous or simply feel fulfilled. Then, make sure you ... Views: 770
A true entrepreneur executes ideas and dreams that others may have seen or had but did nothing about. In essence, an entrepreneur should be more than a dreamer; he/she should be a everyone else, so where does the difference come in? What forms the character and habits of a successful ... Views: 761
The most difficult aspect of business negotiations is the actual conduct of the face-to-face meeting. Assuming that the best representatives have been chosen, and assuming that those representatives are well prepared, and the situational factors have been manipulated in one’s favour, things can ... Views: 1780
A Business like all other processes of discovery, is a step by step growth from one milestone to another. While beginning a business most people imagine that they will close a big deal which will fetch them continuous income on a long-term basis. But this is not what really happens. It is the ... Views: 857
So you are a small business owner who has just entered the market. You’ve launched your business and are all starry-eyed with the flush of launch of your new business enterprise. With the passage of the first few months you notice that the first sheen is wearing out a little and problems and ... Views: 907
It’s a well-known saying that no plan survives the first contact with the enemy. Not that your remote team is the enemy, but the idea is the same: having a process in place doesn’t mean people will use it, the results will be what you think they’ll be, or that you won’t have to constantly adjust ... Views: 1084