"Getting Real is a very real thing and a very vital part of being successful and happy in our life and in our work."
The above quote is from my article "7 Steps to Creating a Happy & Authentic Life," where we talked about what it means to Get Real and introduced the 7 Simple Truths for ... Views: 1072
Getting Real is a very real thing and a very vital part of being successful and happy in our life and our work. If you want to create a happy and authentic life, you are going to have to get real.
What does it mean to Get Real? It means to:
* Live in the whole truth, recognizing that your ... Views: 1346
This started as an article to address women and feelings of isolation, but as I spent time with the topic, I kept coming back to the words “connect” and “connection.” Connecting, I thought, is the opposite of isolation, and if it’s the opposite, then surely it’s also the solution. One study I ... Views: 1295