When you're smiling.
Oh, when you're smiling.
The whole world smiles with you.
When you're laughing.
Oh, when you're laughing.
The sun comes shining through.
I heard this song the other day on the radio and it got me thinking.
It got me thinking about some volunteer work I ... Views: 913
Anthony Robles is indeed “Unstoppable.”
If he was in sales he'd be an "Unstoppable Sales Professional."
He's a one-legged, 125lb, National Wrestling Champion.
He beat Matt McDonough in the NCAA National Wrestling Championship.
He's 23 and he's already a successful motivational ... Views: 950
You can start selling more today as soon as you stop talking and start solving your customer's problems.
Stop talking about your products and start solving your sales prospect's problems.
Have you ever seriously thought about the disadvantages of talking too much, especially if you're in ... Views: 1053
What does it mean to live your life to the fullest every day?
Well it means different things to different people.
Take Nick for example.
Just two weeks ago Nick was driving to the US Military Academy at West Point.
Two days after he got there he was scheduled to step out of the door ... Views: 824
I hate it when I experience poor salesmanship.
Unfortunately it happened twice this week.
First up was Home Depot.
I purchased a Miracle Grow application sprayer. It didn't work.
No problem. I went back and exchanged it for another one. The second one didn't work either.
So I went ... Views: 934
How to become a good sales manager is what every new manager thinks about.
Unfortunately most new sales managers aren't adequately trained before they jump into the new job.
So what did I do when I was a new manager? Plain and simple, I just hit the ground running as fast as I could.
I ... Views: 942
When you think of Dan Aykroyd what do you think of?
Most likely Saturday Night Live. Between 1975 -1979 he was a writer and the youngest cast member in the show.
According to Wikipedia Aykroyd is a Canadian comedian, actor, screenwriter, musician, and winemaker.
In fact, he can teach ... Views: 863
How would you like to become a better sales manager?
Keep reading this and you’ll get some ideas on how to do it.
Okay, one day I'm a sales representative and the next day I'm a sales manager. I can't begin to explain how excited and scared I was.
My goal had become my reality and ... Views: 867
When you do a Google search for the phrase "Sales Wisdom" you'll end up with 21, 600,000 results.
It makes me think, there's no shortage of sales wisdom in cyberspace.
But how much is too much? For starters, 21,600,000 results is too much to benefit the typical professional sales ... Views: 998
Make everyday a masterpiece because you don't know how many days you have left.
Two things happened during the past week that rattled my cage and got me thinking about things.
The first was the sudden death of an acquaintance here in Florida.
His name was Bob. He was 64 and retired and ... Views: 931
Sales talk versus sales babble. Which one describes you? How can you be so sure?
Well for starters, if you're talking off the top of your head - like it or not you're probably doing sales babble.
And that's because, when you're talking off the top of your head - there's no preparation ... Views: 1038
Actually "There are three kinds of salespeople; those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who are wondering what happened."
You've probably heard that one before. In fact, there are two different types of salespeople and they are very easy to spot.
The first ... Views: 1204
Cold calling sales tips is something I decided to write about after reading an article in Inc. Magazine.
The article was about David Rosen. He sells $500,000 worth of wine a year to private individuals across the country.
This guy loves and lives on making cold calls.
David is extremely ... Views: 1937
Manatee County in South West Florida has an annual program called Project Teach.
The program objectives include: to illustrate the importance of first impressions, to explore the relationship between education and jobs, to provide a dialogue between students and adults in different ... Views: 1711
Do you know what it takes to become an exceptional sales manager?
Here are six common sense management strategies you can use to become more effective in your daily work.
1. Alignment. One of the keys to your long-term success is alignment. Let me explain. It's important, actually ... Views: 1488
Sales ignorance is nothing to laugh about. In fact salespeople who are ignorant seldom realize it. Ain't that amazing?
Ten quick ways to becoming a sales ignoramus - really:
1. Keep everything in your head. Never write it down. Do you think it's possible to remember everything you ... Views: 1783
Whenever you meet new sales prospects be sure to focus
on establishing rapport and building relationships. Most
salespeople overlook the importance of these two
priorities early during the selling process.
Instead of reaching for your sales brochures try
reaching out to your sales ... Views: 1150
Whenever you have a sales call scheduled with a new sales prospect - treat it like a golden opportunity.
Because in fact this first sales call, could be a golden opportunity for you. What if your new sales prospect has the potential to become your largest customer.
What would the lifetime ... Views: 1471
Did you know that being different is an attractor factor?
It's true!
Allow me a quick sidebar:
Last week, Bernadette, my wife and I drove to the East Coast of Florida for three days.
We stayed at the grand Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables. It's a five-star hotel built in 1926.
The hotel was ... Views: 1022
What kind of selling results are you getting your current selling strategy? "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." This quote is attributed to Albert Einstein, a pretty bright guy.
Why do we rely on the same selling strategies that don't work?
I ... Views: 1021
Salesmanship - I just love that word.
It's the ability to sell.
It's 50% art and 50% science. Of course that's
my opinion.
Ask most salespeople and they'll say it's 90% art and 10% science.
I know, because that's how I felt years ago. I believe there is a science to successful selling and ... Views: 1851
How To Stay Up, Even When You’re Down.
This past weekend I was going through some old newsletters when I came across a letter that might help you to deal more effectively with the recession and the tough times you're facing.
So - enjoy the updated version of my Mt. Everest Newsletter.
Sixteen ... Views: 1541
How To Stay Up, Even When You’re Down.
This past weekend I was going through some old newsletters when I came across a letter that might help you to deal more effectively with the recession and the tough times you're facing.
So - enjoy the updated version of my Mt. Everest Newsletter.
Sixteen ... Views: 919
Sergio Garcia probably can't teach you much about selling. As a matter of fact, you can probably teach him more about selling than he'll ever need to know.
But there is something about Sergio Garcia and the game of golf, which if applied to the game of selling, can be very instructive for ... Views: 897
Sales lessons can be discovered anywhere including a 10 day cruise to the Caribbean.
Bernadette, my wife, and I drove from our home in Lakewood Ranch Florida to Fort Lauderdale the day before ship was to leave port.
We stayed at the Marriott Renaissance Hotel just minutes from the Port Of ... Views: 944
It's been one week since we elected a new president.
It doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican, change is coming to town.
So what are we in for?
Take a look at these headlines from the Wall Street Journal last week. That's right these headlines were all in last week's ... Views: 1037
Last weekend I experienced a perfect example of simple selling.
Let me explain. Last weekend Bernadette, my wife, took me to Howie-In-The-Hills for a 3-day golfing package to celebrate my birthday.
Mount Dora is a beautiful lakefront village located in Central Florida and that's where we ... Views: 1063
What does selling in a recession have to do with the Tampa Bay Rays? Keep reading!
The Tampa Bay Devil Rays are going to the World Series this year.
Last year their record was 66-96 and they finished in 5th Pl.
This year their record was 97-65 and they finished 1st Place in the AL Eastern ... Views: 1005
The ups and downs of selling are a little like the ups and downs on Wall Street.
The headline in last Friday's Wall Street Journal said "Market's 7-Day Rout Leaves U.S. Reeling."
What a difference a weekend can make. Today's Wall Street Journal front-page article said "Dow Takes Giant Leap As ... Views: 849
Yesterday I was talking to a sales person, Griff Neighbors, who I've known for more than 10 years.
He said Jim, "I took your advice and have a white board in my office. On the whiteboard I wrote, Screw The Recession."
This got me thinking about what's going on in our country, especially ... Views: 956
Why be different when you can be the same as everyone else?
Why stand-out when you can blend in?
Why is blending in so much easier?
Why is standing out from the competitive crowd often viewed as risky business?
It all starts with your childhood. Now, I'm not a shrink but I do think it goes ... Views: 789
Selling superstars aren't born, they are made. The truth be told, they are self-made. They are selling machines.
You can become the quintessential salesperson if you stay focused and work hard.
Here are 10 steps to follow if you want to become a selling machine.
1. "Yes I can!" Begin everyday ... Views: 879
This is a big Sales Tip for you.
In the mid-19 60s there was a TV show titled "I Spy." The show featured Robert Culp and Bill Cosby.
The title of the show got me thinking about intelligence and how it can be collected easily today.
Years ago if you want to keep tabs on your competition you ... Views: 900
Do you have an elevator speech? How do you answer the question, "What do you do?" It's been said you only have 30 seconds to impress your sales prospects and customers. Actually, it could be even less! If you're selling products and services it's critically important that you can answer the ... Views: 1951
The key to effective sales planning is thinking and preparation. One of the keys to successful selling is having a written game plan. I won't say this is easy because it's not.
Because it's not easy to do it's easy to avoid doing - and that's huge mistake.
If you're ready to roll up your ... Views: 2994
According to Wikipedia the "Unique Selling Proposition (also Unique Selling Point) is a marketing concept that was first proposed as a theory to explain a pattern among successful advertising campaigns of the early 1940s. It states that such campaigns made unique propositions to the customer and ... Views: 891
Goal setting - it's so easy and yet it's so hard. It has to be hard because so few people do it.
Some people did it and don't do it now. Even people who have set goals in the past and have achieved them no longer set goals for themselves.
I find it mind-boggling.
There is an old Gaelic ... Views: 915
The book SPIN Selling was written by Neil Rackham and published in 1988 is a terrific book. The book emphasizes the importance of asking the right sales questions.
This book inspired me so much I eventually wrote my own book emphasizing sales questions, "The 12 Best Questions To Ask ... Views: 1179
Here are several easy and practical phone selling techniques you can use to increase your sales.
First - do not underestimate the value and the role your telephone plays in your selling success.
There are two options when it comes to recording your voicemail message. You can change your ... Views: 1322
Here's a sales secret. The best advice I ever got was from my father. Growing up as a kid, whenever I asked him, "What do you think I should do," he always responded with, "What do you think you should do?"
I guess the best advice wasn't really advice, more like a gift. The gift of learning how ... Views: 839
The art of selling begins with the right selling attitude.
When you combine the right attitude with sharpened selling skills you can achieve everything you want in sales.
There's a lesson from golf I'd like to share with you that may impact your attitude - at least I hope it does.
If you know ... Views: 870
Reinventing yourself! Why not become the salesperson you always wanted to be?
Well you're probably thinking that's easier said than done. Of course. But why not try?
Why keep your head draped over your shoulder always looking behind you?
You are responsible for the life you have. I mean ... Views: 1272
Here are 15 sales tips you can use to sell smarter during 2008. With the right sales motivation, you can become as successful as you want to be!
However, you must come to grips with this fact. If you aren't outrageously successful at this moment, thinking about it won't make it happen.
The end ... Views: 940
High performance selling is available to anyone who desires it. Knowledge is power. Knowledge creates a competitive edge and powers salespeople to success.
There are four things you can do to achieve a measure of high-performance in your sales career.
1. Define your talent. What are you ... Views: 1137
Here's a sales tip - the best day of the week is TODAY, of course. Yesterday's are lost forever, and we know only too well that tomorrow isn't promised to anyone.
When you're reading the morning newspaper and don't see your name in the obituary - declare it a great day.
Some salespeople ... Views: 7641
The price objection is what I always hear whenever I'm doing an in-house corporate sales training programs. I always ask the group this question. "What are the biggest challenges you face in growing your business?" They always say the price objection.
Within ten nanoseconds, someone raises his ... Views: 1755
Here's a sales tip, especially for new salespeople. Here are the 2 biggest mistakes most salespeople make.
1. Thinking you’ve got the right stuff from the get go! Once you think you’ve got it, you’ve had it!
Don't be too quick to be full of yourself. And remember - you probably don't know ... Views: 1001
Some people dream big while others do big.
Have you ever heard the words, "Life is not a dress rehearsal?" Well, it isn't!
Cemeteries all over the world are filled with former salespeople who are buried with their unfulfilled dreams and a multitude of
19 years ago I was at a ... Views: 807
The two most powerful words salespeople can say to prospects and customers are - thank you.
People are starving for recognition. But if you don't get recognition you're not likely to give it. Big mistake!
A simple thank you goes a long way.
Are you trying to create wealth for you and your ... Views: 1136
One big sales tip. When working with your prospects and customers focus on their needs and their customers' challenges. That's where the ideas are.
One big sales tip. Imagine you sell shower curtains and shower rods to hotel chains.
You call on hotel chains. You want to be different. Your big ... Views: 915