These seven words, when used properly, hold the key to finding answers and solutions to every problem, obstacle, or barrier you will encounter. When you are faced with a problem, look at this list to determine what you need to do or be to solve it.
1. Change
To make things different in your ... Views: 4175
To achieve your Core Desires-whether they are earning more money, enjoying more intimacy, or having more joy in your life-you need to grow, become more, learn, and change. How fast you grow is within your control; you can experience great growth if you desire it. But you can't just sense a need ... Views: 2357
As part of your spiritual refinement, you might seek to eliminate the character flaws that affect your life most negatively and to add as many good traits as possible, since all good traits affect your life positively. Only a clear perception of the exquisite worth of your spiritual traits will ... Views: 2778
Far too many people are trying to do more to be happy instead of trying to be more. Those who seek more peace and happiness in their lives describe what they "do" in a normal day as feeling overwhelmed and unable to get a handle on their lives. When I write the word do on a white board for each ... Views: 2730
The more you learn about things you're interested in, the more fresh and fun ideas you'll have to mull over in your pursuit of your Core Desires. You'll continually be looking for things to help you be a better parent, salesperson, businessperson, doctor, lawyer, accountant, or PR person. You'll ... Views: 2714
The more interesting and enlightening you are, the more people will welcome you into their lives and the more opportunity will abound.
Learning is not limited to going to school or getting a degree. It's surprising that many people stop feeding their minds after a certain point. For some, ... Views: 2381
With so much to learn, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Focus on your Core Desires as a way of defining the direction of your learning. This will allow you to maintain peak interest while collecting information and processing data. If you are learning about things you are not ... Views: 2684
Everything we are, will be, have, or are yet to have is a direct consequence of what we learn and apply. Learning and acting upon our knowledge enable us to make meaningful contributions.
The more you know, the more you realize how much you don't know. You must continue to seek out new ... Views: 3158
By reaching out to others, helping, caring, and giving of yourself freely without any thought of personal gain, you will become a better and much happier person-and your impact will be felt forever. Like the ripple made when you cast a stone into water, the ripple effect you create by helping ... Views: 2719
To create closeness and intimacy with other people-male or female, young or old, family or friends-apply the following three rules in any circumstance.
1. Be willing to trust that others will not hurt you.
You must take the risk of being let down, ignored, manipulated, judged, or hurt. ... Views: 2692
Everyone wants, and needs, friends-especially close friends. You can never say that you truly just want to be left alone, that you don't want or need to have any close friends. It's a Core Desire for human beings to interact with others-to like and be liked, to love and be loved. Close friends ... Views: 2560
As I help people discover and define their genuine Core Desires, I find that the area that stands out most is the longing for a personal love relationship.
You must determine if you are the kind of person you want to be. Can you attract the kind of person you want to be with? We usually ... Views: 2920
Making connections with others is not only vital to your growth, it largely determines how much you can-and will- enjoy your life. If you don't have caring, giving relationships with others, not only are you being robbed of one of life's greatest pleasures, but you're also robbing others of the ... Views: 2463
To achieve a high level of joy and happiness in life, we must be socially involved with people. This involves getting along well with others, having friends and companions, and offering help to those who need it. We are all part of a social environment, and our social environment provides us ... Views: 2564
Life sometimes throws us curve balls that we have to deal with-these are the "have-tos." Life becomes boring and difficult when you're only doing the things you have to do to get where you don't want to be.
If your Core Desire is to speak confidently in public, how do you acquire this ... Views: 2150
You must drill down to the core of your heart to find the real truth about you as a person. The real truth is always much better than your truth about you. Generally, the way others see you is much better than the way you see yourself. Change your self-paradigm and accept the truth about ... Views: 3212
Success is an inside job. Even if your body and mind are ready, willing, and able to learn and do whatever is necessary to get the job done, a negative self-image may stop you.
Although we create many outward images of ourselves-so we can interact with or impress others and sell our ideas or ... Views: 2378
Walt Disney went bankrupt several times, yet he always bounced back-and created Disneyland in the process.
Steve L. was the proud and profitable owner of a gold mine in another country. He was sitting on top of the world when the government nationalized his business, taking over his mine and ... Views: 2564
One of the hardest things in life to do is take risks. Many people tell me they're not willing to sacrifice their security, and find risk-taking to be frightening. But once you realize that everything involves risk, your confidence becomes the cure for risk aversion. One survey showed that in ... Views: 2225
Henry Ford once asked one of his young automotive engineers, "What is your life ambition?" The young man said, "I want to become very rich." A couple of days later, Ford approached the engineer and instructed him to put on a pair of glasses, which instead of having glass lenses had silver ... Views: 1977
I went from a low income to being in the top 0.5 percent in the nation in earnings in less than two years-and I only have a high school education. I am living proof that the lack of a formal education is not a hindrance to high income or happiness. I was driven by a Core Desire to make money ... Views: 2962
Family life is always in flux, and sometimes these changes can be subtle, or take place over time. It is easy to say that we all need to achieve balance in our lives, but it can be hard to do-especially when we think balance means spending equal time in each area of life. Mothers can't ... Views: 1941
When asked what is most important to them, most people respond with one word-family. When you have a family where love is expressed, and shown, the benefits are overwhelming. A happy family where respect, laughter, love, and fun exist is truly a bit of heaven on earth.
If your spouse is ... Views: 2214
When a person persists at a task, we say that person has determination or motivation. But where does that determination come from? Some would say it comes from dedication, commitment, or sense of duty. But I believe that Core Desires are the sole source of both the determination and the ... Views: 3130
Incredible things happen independently of those you personally create. I call these serendipitous blessings. When you're pushing hard on door A, someone or something opens door B. Often, when you look through door B, what's behind it is much better than what you were going after in the first ... Views: 2844
The Success Attitude formula makes achieving your Core Desires simple. We all use this formula to reach our objectives, whether we know it or not. It has been an integral part of my own achievement experience.
The Success Attitude formula shows you how to unlock and open the door of ... Views: 2583
The Success Attitude formula makes achieving your Core Desires simple.
The Success Attitude formula shows you how to unlock and open the door of opportunity.
Success Attitude = (Core Desires + Direction) X Proper Action + Persistence
Still, a Core Desire by itself won't get you where ... Views: 2110
Don't hesitate to ask others to teach you what you want to know-in any area of life. By replicating their methods and attitudes, you'll get similar results. Finding and working with a mentor should be fun, easy, and very productive-you need not fly through life by the seat of your pants. ... Views: 3006
Having a mentor I an integral part of getting where you want to go and achieving what you want to achieve, as fast as possible, with the fewest mistakes. I consider mentors to be key components of maximizing your Conquering Force.
In your life, you have probably already enjoyed the help of ... Views: 2139
The Success Attitude formula makes achieving your Core Desires simple.
The Success Attitude formula shows you how to unlock and open the door of opportunity.
Success Attitude = (Core Desires + Direction) X Proper Action + Persistence
In your journey from your home in California to ... Views: 2301
The Success Attitude formula makes achieving your Core Desires simple.
The Success Attitude formula shows you how to unlock and open the door of opportunity.
Success Attitude = (Core Desires + Direction) X Proper Action + Persistence
Without proper action, you can't obtain your Core ... Views: 2452
How can you know when you are-or are not-tapping into the Conquering Force in your life?
When You Don't Have It When you are not tapping into the Conquering Force, you'll feel as if you're drifting like a stick in a river. Life will take you wherever it wants instead of you controlling where ... Views: 2254
An unlimited power to create lies within you. When you act on your Core Desires, the outcome is often far grander than you might imagine. "Outcomes are often not what I expect," said Wally, "and yet I always find myself feeling completely satisfied with the way things work out. When you have ... Views: 2564
Core Desires are the ignition mechanism for the Conquering Force. This is what a Core Desire can do in your life- ignite the Conquering Force within you. I've taught hundreds of karate students, most of whom indicated they wanted to be black belts, but few of them ever achieved that distinction. ... Views: 2335
There is an incredible energy and power within each of us just waiting to be unleashed by our Core Desires-I call it the Conquering Force.
To conquer is to get what we seek or overcome obstacles by physical, mental, or moral force. And force is the power to act effectively and to move ... Views: 2214
When trying to discern your Core Desires, pay close attention to the responses and emotions elicited by the Search Question. You could overlook a key phrase, comment, or feeling if you are not careful. Emotions are not always easy to sense or detect.
Often people will answer the question ... Views: 2965
Core Desires can free you from staying mired in deep ruts and routines.
A Matter of Life and Death
Craig Newton is fifty-four years old and has been overweight most of his adult life. For the past ten years he has often fluctuated between 75 and 130 pounds above the recommended weight for ... Views: 2604
Uncovering your Core Desires and unleashing your Conquering Force will cause you to live a fuller, happier, and more successful life. As you learn to identify, and pursue, your Core Desires, you may find yourself in any of these three situations.
Right on the Money
Once, a vice president ... Views: 2238
Core Desires are those things you have your heart set on- what you want to be, have, or do most. One might think that identifying these Core Desires would be easy, but people often tell me, "I don't know what I want, please help me." This dilemma affects people of all age groups and crosses all ... Views: 11936
There will always be barriers and obstacles between where you are right now and where you want to be. If your desire is fairly strong, you will definitely get started on it. You will probably spend a lot of money and time on it, too. You may even get most of the way there. However, the day you ... Views: 2384
Mind-sets can be accurate from a rational point of view but still be wrong. For example, a management professor at Yale University once responded to a student's proposal of a reliable overnight service that it was a "concept that is interesting and well informed, but in order to earn better than ... Views: 2572
Bonnie St. John Deane grew up in hospitals, in leg braces, and on the wrong side of the tracks, but that didn't stop her from believing that an African-American girl, with only one leg, could learn to ski.
As soon as I learned to ski a little, I set my sights on qualifying to compete in the ... Views: 2318
Many years ago, when I was teaching karate, I could usually tell how well my students would perform from their motivation to learn in the first place. Often it was just a passing fancy, an ego trip, or a belt. But for others it was a burning desire.
Once, a university professor approached me ... Views: 2152
Although many people acknowledge that we are born with an incredible, God-given power to do, have, or become whatever we want, no one has explained what it is or how to turn it on. We wonder, "Where is the switch to my hidden energy?"
Your Core Desire is the switch. Having your heart fixed ... Views: 2339
When you become aware of the root of achievement, every door you wish to go through will open wide. It truly is the key to success. Whether you use it to open the door or not is your choice, something you have total control over. Whether you choose to open the door or not depends solely on your ... Views: 3137
Bruce Jenner seemed to have it all. He was the 1976 Olympic decathlon champion who seemed too All-American to be true. He was the man on the Wheaties box and on the cover of Sports Illustrated. But in 1980, by his own account, you would never have recognized him.
I was living in the hills ... Views: 3170
Most people want instant gratification. The good news is that when you're pursuing genuine Core Desires, in most cases you experience constant gratification. You don't have to wait to have fun or joy when you are on the path leading toward your genuine Core Desire.
Having a life in which ... Views: 2230
Like Michael Jordan, I have achieved everything important in my life and work without any goal-setting. I never wrote down that I would be a professional speaker or author of a book.
My background would suggest that what I have accomplished in life is impossible. I was ... Views: 1464
There is a better way to achieve the success you want-a way that is simple and easy to understand because it is basic to your soul; in fact, it is the DNA of all success. It is the way people have achieved success from the beginning of time. It worked before there were self-help experts, it ... Views: 1394
Success is not found somewhere out there-success resides inside, for each of us. You already have what it takes to succeed in life. You were born with all you need. Your birth certificate doesn't come with any guarantees of success, but when you were born you came fully equipped with talents, ... Views: 1430