A- Assurance. Has this ever happened to you: you deliver a planned, powerful, positioned presentation, and your prospect says something like, “Sounds great! I like it, I want, I need it. I’m going to do it! (wait for it…) Call me Tuesday!” You call Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday… no sale. Sound familiar? What happened?

It is more what didn’t happen. Sometimes potential customers evaluate your products and services positively after a presentation and still do not buy. Something was missing… assurance. Without assurance there is no sale. Lack of assurance is almost a form of buyer’s remorse. People have gotten so used to regretting their past decisions that they now regret their decisions… in advance. They think about all the “how-bouts”, the “what-ifs”, and the “maybes”; all the things that could go wrong; all the decisions they have made in the past that didn’t work out the way the expected. Mentally your prospect is saying “Yes…..but.” You’ve got to get their big “but” out of the way.

• Strategy: Strengthen your personal belief and conviction in your company, your products/services, and yourself. The superior salesperson has unwavering certainty that what they are doing makes a powerful, positive difference for the people they sell to. List the reasons people do business with you. Interview your clients to find out why they buy from you. Associate to the specific difference you make in the lives of the people and companies that do business with you. The more “assured” you are the more you will be able to communicate assurance to others.
• Strategy: Testimonial letters are one of the most powerful, underutilized strategies for providing assurance. A testimonial letter is someone who is happy and satisfied with you and your service and they are willing to put it in writing. The best time to ask for a testimonial letter is when someone gives you a compliment. They say what a nice job you did, you simply respond with the words “Thanks, could you put that in writing?” The website www.linkedin.com makes it easy to request and receive testimonials from your network. Testimonial letters can be used to address the specific concerns of your potential clients.

When you strengthen your personal conviction and utililize testimonial letters you can rest assured more prospects will feel confident and comfortable doing business with you now.

Author's Bio: 

Doug Grady is President of High Achievers Network. For over 16 years, Doug has been engaging audiences from coast to coast with his wit and wisdom. Exciting, entertaining and enlightening are words invariably used to describe his unique seminars and workshops. He has been privileged to share the platform with legends Brian Tracy, Tom Hopkins, Tony Robbins, and Denis Waitley. As a business owner, professional speaker and musician, Doug is a jack of many trades and a master of one: helping you master yours. The companies he has trained include World Financial Group, Re/Max, Bank of America, and State Farm.
"Doug Grady gives you practical, proven ideas and methods you can use immediately, and he presents them in a fast-moving, entertaining and enjoyable style." -Brian Tracy, Author, Maximum Achievement

"Doug Grady has real world information that will make you listen, make you laugh, make you think, and make you money." -Jeffrey Gitomer, Author, The Sales Bible
“Although I just arrived during your opening song, I can't tell you how long it's been that I've felt so totally re-energized; it's almost like the ideas and contacts wouldn't stop so I could get to sleep. I have a notepad next to my bed and it was full for the first time the next morning!” -Kathy Bonner, Group Sales Manager Laguna Playhouse

Your Best Clients
How to FIND them and what to DO with them…

Business development can be boiled down into two critical components. How do we find bigger and better prospects and what do we do with them when we find them? This program will provide you solid, proven yet innovative strategies to turn your best prospects into your best clients. You will learn to augment standard selling strategies with non-traditional personal marketing and creative communication.

Discover how to:

• Find bigger prospects
• READ people
• Stay on the “mind of your market”
• Open closed doors
• Create consistent referral streams
• Network for results
• Be relevant and specific to each situation
• Close more sales