A reader and client has written in asking, “Does my stomach actually shrink after a few weeks of eating less, or is it all in my imagination?” Years ago, it was thought that your stomach doesn't really shrink, it only feels like it. With the current research, much to my surprise, the answer is ... Views: 2041
A writer asks, “I’ve heard that my metabolic rate screeches to a halt if I go on a calorie restricted diet. I’ve heard my metabolism will be ’ruined for life’ if I lose weight that way. OMG! Is this true?”
The answer is a big authoritative NO, evidenced by NIH funded research at the ... Views: 8820
The short answer is that spot reducing doesn't work. Spot reducing is a myth. However, there is a way to reduce the fat at those spots. Does that sound like a contradiction? I'll explain.
For ages, people have been unhappy with fat bellies, upper arm flab and love handles. It was especially ... Views: 2270
I'm the psychotherapist who discovered Therapeutic Psychogenics, a remarkable method to permanently lose weight, when I solved my own 320 lb. weight problem over 25 years ago. I lost 140 lbs. for good after 25 years of obesity and failure with diets and exercise schemes. Now I teach The Anderson ... Views: 1997
Every year at this time we reflect on the past and contemplate what the future holds for us. Some think that 2012 will be our last. If that is true, what do we do about it? What do we do if it is not?
We’ve made New Year’s resolutions in the past, only to break them within days, and we’ve ... Views: 2372
Although I don’t want to discourage anyone from starting a diet, I’d advise you to put off starting it until after the holidays are over. This time of year is just too chaotic and stressful for most people. If you’re isolated and alone, go ahead and start, but only in that case would it be ... Views: 2894
Most people think that to lose weight you have to deny yourself your favorite foods and stick to a rigid diet. On the contrary, one of the keys to permanent weight loss is learning how to eat everything you like, even “splurging” on the weekend, without gaining weight. This is not only possible, ... Views: 7916
Visualizing, imaging, vision maps and vision boards —affirmations, self-talk, self-image and body image. This is the language of the mystical psychology of Creative Self-Improvement. It is a quasi-scientific method of remaking one’s self into a new and better model, devoid of the mistakes and ... Views: 2595
So you want to solve your weight problem? I can help you. I solved my weight problem twenty-five years ago when I lost 140 lbs. permanently, after twenty-five years of being overweight. Now I teach others. I’m a psychotherapist and the author of The Anderson Method, my successful weight loss ... Views: 2892
On March 17th I was contacted by Melody Barnes, Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, and asked to submit my ideas for solving our country’s childhood obesity epidemic. The deadline was March 26th, so there wasn’t much time to get back to her with the solution to what is arguably the ... Views: 2589
I love to eat. For years, I thought that was the reason I had my weight problem. As a kid, the so-called experts told me I’d have to deny that part of myself to succeed —I’d need to stop enjoying myself and get used to doing what I hated. To solve my weight problem, they said I’d have to make ... Views: 2691
Everywhere I turn everyday, I encounter people who are unhappy with some aspect of themselves or their lives. They are not just at my psychotherapy practice or the community clinic I volunteer in. I encounter them at church, at nightclubs, at the health club, at the convenience store, at the ... Views: 1950
My most vivid childhood memories are from grade school. They are awful memories of ugly days, too many to count. I was “the fat kid.”
Every year, the school nurse would make her way from room to room, a doctor’s scale in tow. When she got to our room, we were called by name, and we got ... Views: 2714
Just about everyone who admits to loving “comfort food” is confessing to a kind of food addiction. Unlike other creatures, human beings use food to satisfy a whole array of needs that have nothing to do with nutrition. Our four-legged relatives don’t eat because they are depressed, tired, ... Views: 3167
Most of us get overweight over a period of time without realizing it. Eating a few more calories than you burn, even from something "healthy" like a glass of orange juice every morning, can make you gain 100 pounds in five years! It's cumulative. Here are some common ways we start packing on the ... Views: 8866
I was the fattest kid in school all my school life. It’s a miserable way to spend a childhood, or any time, for that matter. To look at me today no one would guess it. I’ve been at my ideal body weight for over twenty years. I’m a mental health counselor. Some assume I have no idea what it’s ... Views: 3402
There’s a new psychology getting rave reviews for its phenomenal success in helping people achieve permanent weight loss. It’s called Therapeutic Psychogenics.
Therapeutic Psychogenics is a collection of “mind control” techniques I developed that helped me lose 140 pounds over 20 years ago, ... Views: 4719