“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.”
-Marcus Tulliuscicero
Definition: Gratitude is our ability to appreciate the blessings we have in our lives.
Synonyms: Appreciation, giving thanks, pay it forward, counting your blessings.
Meridian ... Views: 1929
Life Lesson SIXTEEN
“Patience and passage of time do more than strength and fury.”
-Comte De Buffon
Definition: Patience involves our ability to master the journey not the destination.
Synonyms: Diving Timing, Trust, Letting go, knowing, ... Views: 2451
Everywhere we go, we are bombarded by pictures and images that continually broadcast emotions and feelings of fear, hate and discontent. Watch the news along with all the garbage on television, read the newspaper, or better yet, listen to talk radio. All it takes is watching and listening for ... Views: 2135
A common presentation I see in my office are patients that have lost their strength, energy and they are in lots of pain, specifically in their muscles and joints. Along with that, their memory and focus are also impaired. When this occurs, I always check to see if they are on any cholesterol ... Views: 1952
It seems like every self-help book, seminar, and workshop addresses the concept of forgiveness. Forgiveness has become the “buzz word” of the new millennium. Forgiveness cannot be emphasized enough, especially when it comes to optimal healing. Unfortunately, most people—patients and physicians ... Views: 1910
Every day in my office I see patients with all kinds of pain issues. From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Migraine Headaches just to name a few. These conditions frequently respond well to chiropractic, nutritional supplementation, energy healing, herbal therapy care. One of the most ... Views: 1231
Exercise to Creating
A New Reality
By: Dr. Corey Sondrup, D.C.
Below is an exercise I use in my office, at seminars and for myself. Exercise to Creating A New Reality is a step by step process that involves communicating with your ... Views: 1930
“Baby Steps” to Manifesting
If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to it! – Jonathen Winters
Learning to manifest our intentions in the beginning takes time, patience, and practice.
Often times, people need to start out small with their intentions to really get a feel for the ... Views: 1926
Dr. Corey Sondrup’s Top 10 Foods for Optimal Health
All foods should be Organic, Hormone free, Pesticide free,
Antibiotic and Steroid free!
The Top 10 Foods are of the opinion of Dr. Corey Sondrup.
Dr. Sondrup’s opinions are based on 13 years of clinical experience, along with cutting ... Views: 1231
A Lesson in Patience
“Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.”
—Greg Anderson
“Success is a journey not a destination. The doing is usually more important than the outcome. Not everyone can be Number 1.”
—Arthur Robert ... Views: 1308
Laughter the Forgotten Medicine
Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. – Victor Borge
A keen sense of humor helps us to overcome the unbecoming, understand the unconventional, tolerate the unpleasant, overcome the unexpected and outlast the unbearable. – Billy Graham
The ... Views: 1377
“There’s no such thing as too much hug!”
— Winnie the Pooh
How many times a day do you hug your family, spouse, or children? Once? Twice? Never? The power of touch is grossly underrated, undervalued, and ... Views: 3638
"You never know what you can do until you do it.”
—Betty Ford
No part of healing would be complete without first addressing the phenomenon of the “Placebo Effect.” Many scientists and health care providers are mystified by the Placebo Effect. For others, ... Views: 1670
“All that we are is the result of what we thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.”
—Marharishi Mahesh Togi
One of the primary daily functions is listening to patients’ words. What most people do not realize is that words are energy and behind words ... Views: 1159
Positive anything is better than negative nothing – Elbert Hubbard
Stay positive and stay on top of things – Gary Paulsen
Most of us have all heard the analogy of the glass being either “half full” or “half empty”. How we view the glass determines how we look at life. If the glass is ... Views: 1375
Circle any of the Following that Applies to You!
Acute Fatigue
Chronic Indigestion
Muscular Twitching
Abdominal Spasms
Impaired Memory
Impaired ... Views: 1210
Typically, when you ask someone what they want, they will spend their time telling you what they don't have or don't want. "I want a new car!" "I want a bigger house!" "I want to be thin!" "I want more money!"
Certainly there is nothing wrong with wanting more but, when our focus comes from a ... Views: 1667
By far, the number one reason patients seek out care from their health care provider is PAIN. What most people don't realize is that pain, whether it is neck, back, joint, head, menstrual, or digestive, pain has its roots in simple areas of our life that are commonly overlooked. As a healthcare ... Views: 1066