What do you do when it feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel? When everything is in doubt and life's possibilities seem empty? When you watch world events transpire over which you have no control and film and music idols, once seemingly immortal, senselessly succumb to cancer or ... Views: 778
This is the deal. Food is good for you. Food has been demonized to a point where you cannot look at something without wondering if you will gain weight and without asking yourself whether you "should" or you "shouldn't."
The problem is that every time you deny yourself of something, the brain ... Views: 717
Have you found yourself in a situation where you could not or did not speak your truth? You either said the wrong thing in anger or said nothing at all from fear?
Have you ever asked yourself what you were really angry about or fearful of?
So what if you said something that offended someone? ... Views: 642