According to the Old Mutual Actuaries and Consultants 2010 Healthcare Survey employer respondents gave the importance of controlling healthcare costs an 88% rating. This is understandable given the risk of bankruptcy from healthcare costs, a reality borne out in an article by Target News ... Views: 1518
I am sure you will agree with me when I say that assumption can be a dangerous thing. In fact it can be a really, really dangerous thing because, by definition, it is the belief that something is true without having any proof that this is the case. In other words assumptions are made either ... Views: 1109
A Worsening Global Crisis
The world has been facing a health care crisis of immense proportions for some time now. This worsening global crisis has many aspects to it, one of these being the expanding epidemic of chronic diseases, including the top five killer diseases viz. heart disease, ... Views: 1261
They say success always starts with a healthy brain and body. But I say that if you have a healthy brain and body to start with you're already successful! Many people see
success in terms of the amount of material possessions they have or the size of their bank balance. Sure these are very ... Views: 1324
Now, given all its negative and harmful effects, is it possible to get rid of chronic stress completely and prevent it from ever returning?
YES, it is possible! With an effective, scientifically-proven stress elimination program it is absolutely possible for you to live a life completely free ... Views: 1082
So, sadly, as you have seen, stress causes people much harm and misery. This is not surprising, since it is responsible for up to ninety-five percent of the illnesses that afflict human beings, as I have mentioned. And since we humans are made up of trillions of cells, stress inevitably has an ... Views: 1110
Happy people generally feel continually positive and joyful and rarely do they experience negative emotions. Negative emotions are often referred to as 'baggage' and are usually the result of negative or traumatic experiences and memories, negative beliefs and negative thoughts. Unhappy, ... Views: 1187
As a medical whose doctor professional life also involves the business world at various times I, like many of my colleagues around the world, treat many patients who suffer from illnesses which are caused by stress. In fact it has been shown that most people who seek help from their doctor do so ... Views: 1053
Part 2
They often say something to the effect that 'I thought that being stressed was normal' or would ask the question 'Is stress not normal doctor?' This is just a sad reflection of today's world. A world which provides us with stressful experiences so often that we have come to believe that ... Views: 1045
Are you aware of the unfortunate fact that what science recommends is often not adhered to by business?
Why do I say this? I will get to this further on.
But firstly I want to start off by describing to you two serious problems that exist in many companies and organizations across the ... Views: 1569
I would like you to picture these 3 scenarios if you will:
The first involves several students who were taken to a bar and served. And the bar was typical of any real bar. All the bottles, glasses, smells, and customers drinking alcohol were real. In fact everything about the bar was real - ... Views: 1983