Education and learning are important, but so is exercise. It is very important to keep the mind and body fit through actively promoting good health. As difficult as it is to make time for everything, one should consciously work to make time for exercise. If your focus has been on your mind, or your body, but not both, then you are making a fundamental mistake.
It's easier than you may have imagined to keep on track and to take care of both aspects of your life from the mental to the physical.
Even if the amount of time that you can devote to this endeavor is short, it is important to do so nonetheless. Something is better than nothing! We all need to pursue the things that are important to us and you should do the same, but one needs to be cautious not to do so at the expense of health and happiness. Balance is needed in all areas of life for optimum enjoyment.
Ways to Improve Your Body
Not all exercise regimens require going to the gym or enduring lengthy exercise routines. There are plenty of ways to work exercise into your schedule that you may not have ever considered.
For a super-quick workout and a good energy boost, you can also:
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
- Park farther away from the store.
- Run and play with your children or pets.
- Walk around the block after work or after dinner.
- Walk in place or move around while watching TV.
- Clean a room. Cleaning burns a lot of calories.
Aside from the activities suggested above, there are plenty of ways to take care of your body and get the exercise that you need; be creative! All it takes to get some exercise or workout is to keep moving!
By focusing on what you can do to improve your body in just a few minutes each day, you can change your whole perspective. Sitting up straighter is a cinch, right? Do you think smiling more is doable? Can you discipline yourself to lose those five pounds that you want to drop? Of course you can!
By recognizing that changing some of the real simple things in your life can have a ripple effect on the balance of your life; one will know why sitting up straighter or smiling more often is just a good idea in general. People will react to you more favorably, you will look "different" and develop a higher level of self-esteem and exude happiness to all of those around you. Having the right attitude is more important than one often imagines and by taking small steps towards improvement even little changes can make a big difference.
Ways to Improve Your Mind
One best improves their mind incrementally. Cramming for the exam might load up your short term memory for a day, but your retention of those facts and details is abhorrent. Stimulate your brain and give it what it craves, but do it regularly and do it with a clear mind and a sense of purpose.
If you're looking for ways to improve your mind and have fun at the same time, consider these options:
- Take a class on something you find interesting.
- Learn a foreign language.
- Do crosswords, word jumbles, or Sudoku puzzles.
- Read a challenging, interesting book.
- Research online in an area you've always been fascinated with.
- Write a short story, book, or play, or start keeping a journal each day.
- Pray or meditate.
There is nothing wrong with just relaxing or watching a little TV. Where the problem arises is when we forget to do all things in moderation and start to do certain poor behaviors exclusively. One way to correct these poor behaviors is to develop an appreciation for your time being a valuable commodity that shouldn't be wasted.
One shouldn't worry about getting started in a flurry; it is better to not try to do it all at once anyway. Establish a schedule. The most important thing is to take that first step and get started. One can create the life that they really want and deserve by first improving their mind and body. Just like a fire that eventually feeds on itself, one must first get the fire started in the first place.
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