That’s it. The entire spiritual path summed up in one sentence. The mystic essence of all the world’s religions. The achingly simple, hilarious cosmic joke (when you get it, you’ll probably erupt into ecstatic laughter and finally understand why the saints are always smiling.)
Brilliantly said ... Views: 1140
Sanskrit Mantras are sound formulas that echo the language of Creation, ranging from single-syllable “seed sounds” to more extensive, lengthy compilations of sounds designed to have specific effects. We have been told that “In the beginning there was The Word…” and the scriptures from many world ... Views: 5910
A slippery slope, discussing spiritual addiction. The concept flies in the face of much that the multi-billion dollar self-help industry tries to sell to spiritual “seekers,” and what many religious orders proffer. The next book, the latest guru, the new technology, the “you ... Views: 1331
We're talking emotional and mental habits, mostly. That's not to say the advice couldn't apply to, say, nasty habits like chewing tobacco or not washing your hands before you eat. However, I'm primarily talking about habitual negative patterns we engage in our hearts and minds, our personal, ... Views: 1419