The premise of vaccines is a good one: modify an infective agent (bacteria, virus) in the laboratory so it is no longer virulent (disease-producing) without destroying its antigenic characteristics (immune-stimulating). When administered, a vaccine will then theoretically not produce the ... Views: 823
On its face, judging from what we get in the media, it would seem our world is spiraling into the abyss. Putting aside that “doom and gloom” is a profit center for the media, there is reason for concern but also reason for hope.
That hope resides in each of us as individuals. Evil can only ... Views: 638
At age seven months in the womb, humans begin language coordination in response to what they hear through the mother’s belly wall. Some 52 muscles learn to respond to the various phonemes (a basic language sound like 'b' in boy and 'm' in man) of the language surrounding that belly. There are ... Views: 688
All of nature has rules. Although unwritten and unspoken, in a primitive and savage way, right and wrong still exist there. The alpha wolf decides what is right in the pack because it possesses the physical power to exert its will. A tree may dictate what is right by exuding allelopathic ... Views: 680
When I was a child my parents told me what was right and wrong, school had its rules and church had its sins. To be a good boy, all I needed to do was obey all the do’s and don’ts. If I did, I was led to believe I was following my conscience.
This view of conscience can carry into and through ... Views: 617