You fantasize about working in a tollbooth on the M50.
The highlights of the day are tea breaks and lunchtime.
You know you have said all this before but you can’t remember when.
You keep ringing the talking clock because you know the clock at work is slow by a few hours.
You go to work and ... Views: 1111
You have just had another crap day at work. Some of these indicators may be familiar to you! You are tired and you wonder what went wrong. Everyone told you (family, friends, neighbours, the guy on the toll bridge) that this was a great job with great prospects. Now, you are just tired of it. ... Views: 3233
One of the favored techniques in personal development in adult education is that of the life story. It is often a powerful way for people to connect to long lost dreams and to notice patterns in their life.
What may not be so well known is its power as a way to reveal what you were born to do, ... Views: 1377
Yep, folks, it’s that time again--a time to set resolutions which we seem to assume we won’t keep, a time to think about really getting the job of our dreams. Here are some ideas/steps for making 2008 the best year of your career. So, why not take 2-3 hours to think about how you can ... Views: 1058
Summertime and the Cattle are Moulting
No, you have not accidentally landed on the Farmer’s Journal page. The title is inspired by an alternative version of that party classic Summertime, and it came to mind as I was reading the results of the recent “RecruitIreland” article on summer in which ... Views: 1403
In Al Gore’s documentary on global warming (An Inconvenient Truth), he makes reference to a picture used by the Bush administration to illustrate the conflict between money and environment. In the picture, there is a scale: on one side of the scale, there is a pile of gold bars, on the other the ... Views: 1331
Yep, folks, it’s that time again--a time to set resolutions which we seem to assume we won’t keep, a time to think about really getting the job of our dreams. Here are some ideas/steps for making 2007 the best year of your career. So, why not take 2-3 hours to think about how you can make 2007 ... Views: 1177
When I began to write this article, I decided to go back to basics and check out the dictionary definition of “resolutions.” I got “A thing resolved on, an intention”. To me, the word “intention” is preferable to “resolution.” Somehow intention resonates with the idea of “definitely going to ... Views: 1182
10 ways to get back into the Confidence Club
The word for confidence in Gaelic is muinín (pronounced muneen) and it is also the word for trust. The English dictionary definition of confidence is "firm trust", "a feeling of reliance or certainty". So self-confidence is really about trusting ... Views: 1286