I recently read about this study conducted by Nobel Prize recipient Daniel Kahneman. He believed we would all feel a lot better if we spent our time more wisely. He conducted a diary study with 909 women in Austin, Texas. He asked them to record all the activities they did during the day and ... Views: 1812
"Thinking of changing careers?"
I see clients all the time who are unhappy at work and wish to pursue other avenues. However, they don't know how to get from where they currently are to where they want to go. They can clarify for me bits and pieces of what they would love to do, but then they ... Views: 1157
It has been quite the week for me and my family. As most of you remember, last time I sent a tip to you I was preparing for our move, as well as emotionally preparing to send my son off to week long summer camp for the first time. I appreciate all of your kind emails wishing me good luck and ... Views: 1254
I love summertime because of all the simple pleasures and fun you get to have with family and friends. It is a time during the year when you can create wonderful memories and experiences for yourself and your loved ones. Some activities I always look forward to are picnics and barbeques, bike ... Views: 1197
There are a lot of unknowns right now in society and it is difficult not to feel the fear and uncertainty. No matter what your situation is, you are likely to feel a sense of camaraderie with others. The universe will sometimes provide circumstances to push you to take a step back from your life ... Views: 1426
It always feels like a let down after the holidays. People spend months and weeks preparing for this time of year, and then after the gifts are opened and family goes back home, you can feel a bit sad.
Depression can hit you any time of year, but this time of year makes your emotions feel a ... Views: 1255
"Make a life list"
If you knew with complete certainty that you were going to take your last breath tomorrow, what would you do? Would you call all of your loved ones? Would you travel the globe? Would you spend some time thinking about everything you wish you had done in your life? We all ... Views: 1266
With everything going on in the world, from politics to the economy, to life's stressors, it is important to take a break from it all. I prefer calling it taking a "vacation from your life". My husband and I and our children are going to Disney World this week, and it could not have come at a ... Views: 1616
How many of you feel that you have so many different responsibilities in your life, that you cannot possibly make it all work. You may be focusing on work obligations while trying to keep your household up and running. All of this running around creates a feeling of hopelessness. I have seen it ... Views: 1791
Each and every one of us is capable of living a life of joy. No matter what our current beliefs or situations are, we are always capable of tapping into a strength that will bring about more peace and joy. Some of us become so preoccupied with our past, that we are literally unable to find the ... Views: 1375
Have you ever felt trapped in a job that was less than exciting? Did you absolutely live for the weekends? Did you feel a sense of hopelessness that you would never get the opportunity to explore other options? I constantly come across people that are miserable and unhappy with their current ... Views: 943
"Celebrate life's events"
So, I decided to focus on this topic this week because it is my sister's 35th birthday on Wednesday. Tami, Happy Birthday! As we get older, it is easy to push celebrations aside for more "important" things in life. I remember many birthdays over the past ... Views: 960
I have gotten pretty good at noticing when my body is in need of some down time. Especially this time of year, with all of the parties, shopping, and family get togethers, it's crucial to stop every now and then and just let your body relax. We all get so consumed with work, family and ... Views: 833
I have clients come to me all the time that are dissatisfied with their life and the direction it is taking. One client in particular, a woman in her mid-thirties, was climbing the corporate ladder enjoying many perks, but miserable. After working together she realized the corporate dream was ... Views: 861
I have so many clients that from outside appearances seem to have it all. They may have successful careers, good friends, a good marriage, healthy and happy children, things that many others strive for. But the "happy" piece of the puzzle is missing. They don't experience joy, and they have ... Views: 889
I had a client that I admire so much for her strength and passion to tackle some issues in her life. Like many single women, either by circumstance or divorce, she was frustrated with her inability to meet the right one. She had perfected the other areas of her life, such as her career and ... Views: 1080
"Live with no regrets"
A wish I have for all my clients, colleagues and friends is that they live a life of no regrets. Today however, I am specifically referring to the relationships in your life, including all the relationships in the past that you have unfinished business with. Are ... Views: 1190
So, where are you relative to the goals you set for yourself back in January? Are you proud of your accomplishments? Were you able to stay motivated and on track? If so, congratulations on all of your hard work! If, however, you are like so many people whose goals slowly get pushed aside, it's ... Views: 1234
How do most of you define failure? Does it bring up a negative feeling? Or, can you think of it in terms of being useful in getting you where you want to go? What if I told you that only you have the power to decide whether or not something is indeed, a "failure". Let's assume for all practical ... Views: 1577
We have all become so impatient over the years. We expect instant results, and complain when it doesn't happen to our liking. We've gone from drive thru meals in our car, to getting mini face lifts during our lunch hour. What is the rush? Is there something at the finish line that I'm unaware ... Views: 1187
"Re-ignite the flame in your relationship"
For many people, after being married for a certain amount of time you get comfortable in your relationship. This is not a bad thing, however comfort sometimes leads to a lack of excitement. I myself have been married almost 11 years, and between ... Views: 3149
"Money 101..."
OK...so I am going to try something different over the next month or so. I have talked with many people who are frustrated with the way their life is turning out. It may be a less than exciting career, a passionless relationship, little to no free time, or all of the above. ... Views: 1309
"Motivation is just a word"
Motivation is a term that is so widely used today. We are seeking motivation, we are trying to stay motivated and we look to motivational speakers to inspire us. People think if they are just motivated enough they can achieve all the goals they set out for ... Views: 1642
Boost your Confidence
Are you fairly confident in your own shoes? When do you feel your best? When do you feel the most insecure? Even the most confident individuals go through periods of self doubt. I am pretty secure in who I am and what I believe, but there are plenty of days where ... Views: 3905
"Dream big, but keep it real"
I am always a supporter of dreaming big. Dreaming and creating a vision for yourself is important if you want to achieve these dreams. The only downside is when your dreams are unrealistic and you set yourself up to fail. Maybe you want to lose 50 pounds by next ... Views: 971
"Learning to slow down"
Throughout our lives, most of us are taught to get things done quickly. We learn from an early age, the faster the better. This concept teaches the act of 'doing' rather than the sense of 'being'. To merely 'do' something, for the sake of getting it done, is not ... Views: 942
"Happy New Year!"
I am sitting here in beautiful Colorado, as our second storm of the season has arrived. I have had plenty of time to think about what I want to achieve in 2007. Aside from planning for the future, it is just as important to review the past. You need to re-examine 2006, the ... Views: 967
"Achieve resolutions this year!"
How many of you find yourself replaying the same resolutions year after year? You start the year excited and motivated to achieve them this time around. But as the weeks and months pass, life takes over and you find yourself slipping into old patterns and ... Views: 973
"Experiences we can't understand"
Has something ever happened to you, that you didn't understand at the time, but as time went on a reason for the experience revealed itself to you? Everything in your life leads to something else in your life. All of your experiences have led you to exactly ... Views: 937
"Have a pity party"
No one is immune to the trials and tribulations that life throws at you. Even those individuals that appear to have the perfect life will have their fair share of ups and downs. It may feel like you are the only person going through what you are going through, but I ... Views: 1171
Does your blood pressure rise the mere thought of the holidays approaching? I used to get caught up in the frenzy and pace of the holidays, until I realized it was depleting me and taking my focus off of what really mattered. I made some changes, shifted my attitude and began looking forward to ... Views: 990
So, how stressed are you in your life? Are you on edge more than normal? Are you less capable of handling life's stressors? Do you feel your heart race when someone confronts you or when you feel personally attacked? Your body's response to stress can have serious consequences both on a physical ... Views: 1125
Every single day we are bombarded by choices we need to make. Ultimately, our lives are defined by these choices. What should you eat? Should you go to the gym? Should you ask for that promotion? This process can be empowering, or on the flip side it can be stress inducing. You may feel ... Views: 933
"Live your best life"
What does it mean to live your best life? Is it professional success? Is it balance between work and family? Is it expressing your authentic self? I believe living your best life means living a life of truth, following your purpose and showing your love for those in ... Views: 1007
"Go ahead and make the first move"
So, my son is starting Kindergarten next week, a big step in his little life. Of coursehe is anxious, I am anxious, and my husband is anxious. Like any mom, I want to dowhatever I can to create a smooth and comforting transition. I thought it would ... Views: 1030
"A little restraint is good"
Every day we are faced with situations that could easily bring out the worst in us. A colleague says something that upsets you. A friend makes a comment that irritates you. It is easy to lash right back, but it might be wiser to adopt a little restraint. Our ... Views: 1030
So, we all have beliefs about work, life and ourselves that we brought with us from our earlier years. Through our experiences as well as what people told us, we now look at and embrace life in a certain manner. Maybe your parents told you you weren't smart enough. Maybe growing up in a large ... Views: 3693
One of the shortest and simplest words causes even the most confident people stress. Most people say "no" because they would rather sacrifice their time and energy, than cause conflict or experience feelings of guilt. It takes practice to step outside your comfort zone, but the sacrifice will be ... Views: 953
Are you fairly confident in your shoes? Do you believe in your abilities and what you have to offer? Or, do you constantly question who you are as a person? Are you your worst critic, judging every move you make? I was very lucky in that my parents raised myself and my siblings to be very ... Views: 1273
How often do you take a good hard look at the different areas of your life? Do you periodically take an inventory of your surroundings? Your work environment, home environment, and relationships in your life truly impact how easily and productively you go through life. If your work space is ... Views: 965
Why is it typically easier to focus on our insecurities and flaws than to highlight our strengths and positive attributes? Do you feel uncomfortable tooting your horn every now and then? Why? It is far easier to compliment others than to turn the table on yourself. We all have natural abilities ... Views: 951
If you knew with complete certainty that you were going to take your last breath tomorrow what would you do? Would you call all of your loved ones? Would you make amends? Would you spend some time thinking about everything you wish you had done in your life? We all have dreams and visions of ... Views: 1695
Take a close look at your life. Who would you say is managing your life, calling all the shots? When you were younger, your parents made both the simple and grand decisions affecting your life. You were OK with this until about the age of 5 when you decided it was time to call the shots. Your ... Views: 935