Summer can be a difficult time to lose weight. Our schedules have changed, it's too hot to work out, and the kids are home, filling our cupboards with sugary snacks and drinks.
But summer can also be the ideal time to thrive in your weight loss efforts. There's never a better time of year ... Views: 1355
There is great power in an idea whose time has come.
I was reading a nutrition book recently about the horrors of sugar. How it can cause everything from cavities to poor complexions to weak immune systems to obese bodies. How it can make you feel hyper and jittery and then irritable and ... Views: 851
Do you want to look your best without looking "made up?" How about a skin care, hair and makeup routine that takes just minutes in the morning?
Here are seven natural beauty tips to help your bring out your natural beauty, without spending a lot of time or money.
1. The first step is to ... Views: 687
You don't have to pay a lot to fill your child's Easter basket. Here are 8 frugal family fun ideas to take your Easter celebration to a whole new level, on the cheap.
1. Skip the elaborate and expensive Easter baskets and opt for other inexpensive containers that can be repurposed after the ... Views: 1875
You have nourished and protected your baby for 9 months. Now it's time to get your body back.
Here are 12 easy tips for losing weight after pregnancy.
1. Check with your doctor first. Make sure you get the all clear before you start any kind of diet and exercise program, especially if ... Views: 818
You'd think that the busier you are, the less time you have to eat. So why do many of us put on weight when we get busy?
Sometimes we eat unconsciously. Our minds get so busy chewing on something that we don't seem to realize that our mouths are chewing, too. Sometimes we rely too much on ... Views: 1506
It's tempting to start a new diet and fitness regimen with a bang. But, too often, the more dramatic and sweeping the start, the sooner we fall off the weight loss wagon. Maybe we eat too few calories during the day and then can't stop the binge by dinnertime. Or our overzealous workouts result ... Views: 1254
Exercise isn't just important for a healthy mind and body. It's essential.
We all know this. We all know that a daily dose of exercise and fresh air helps us to manage stress and to maintain a healthy weight. Experts say it helps us sleep better, keeps our hearts and lungs healthier and can ... Views: 1273
One of a parent's biggest roles (and, at times, most important challenges) is to help instill a sense of personal responsibility in their children.
Helping a child to learn that sense of responsibility is a role that will continue throughout your child's young life, and it can start in ... Views: 751
The school year is in full swing and so are the year's activities. If your family life is like mine - among ball games, play rehearsals, youth groups, homework clubs and social engagements - it's certainly not easy to find time to sit down to a relaxed family dinner.
Still, we know that the ... Views: 919
Many of us think of a weight loss program or a diet as a time of deprivation. But too often, the more we put certain foods off limits, the more we want them.
When we set our goals too high, we can sometimes get discouraged right out of the gate. And when that happens, we may even find that ... Views: 829
Do you ever feel like you're losing your mind?
Do you ever walk into a room, and you can't remember why?
Do you ever get to the store and you can't remember what you came in to buy?
Do you ever wonder where you put your sunglasses, and then you find them on top of your ... Views: 1274
It's easier than ever to adopt a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle. With our society's growing awareness of energy and conservation issues, there has never been more information, technology, or energy-saving gadgets to help us green up our lives.
What's more, the costs for these ... Views: 833
In the autumn, when the natural world is dying and when leaves decompose underfoot, something eternal and hopeful awakens in me. I wrap myself in my longest sweater, the one with the sleeves that extend past my fingertips, and I make hot cocoa, wrapping my hands around the mug and sitting on the ... Views: 942
Food cravings can sabotage your diet. Give in too often and all your hard work is for naught, but ignore them and they can grow stronger until you finally give in.
While it's natural to experience cravings from time to time, it's vital to know a few tricks so you know how to curb food ... Views: 859
It's no wonder that bad things happen in threes (or fours or fives). It's no wonder that certain slumps go on and on.
It's easy to allow negativity to swallow us up. When we focus on bad things, that's what we see. But it goes beyond that: When we focus on bad things, we get more of them. We ... Views: 3355
Attitude is everything.
It's something parents and coaches say. But is it true?
While it might not be quite everything (because a positive follow-up is pretty important, too), a positive attitude is a huge key to your success and happiness in this life.
That's because positive ... Views: 1810
You have probably heard that, to lose weight, you need to boost your metabolism. But what exactly is your metabolism, and how easy is it to speed it up?
When your body breaks down your food into fuel and uses that fuel for energy, it is being metabolized. The efficiency and rate at which ... Views: 892
Documenting the weight loss process through a diet diary or journal can really help you to know what's working (and what's not). And it can help keep you motivated and successful.
Here's what you need to know.
A diet journal isn't just a place to write down what you eat, how much water ... Views: 952
If you can lose weight from a fad diet, why not embrace it?
Lots of reasons, actually.
Fad diets come up from time to time, each promising fast and significant weight loss results in a short amount of time. Often, these diets focus on results over health. And that's why you might want to ... Views: 1993
Many who are struggling with their weight have turned to hypnosis for weight loss.
During hypnosis, behavioral changes can be suggested to the subconscious, where our desires for cravings and reaction to emotions originate.
While hypnosis was originally intended as a tool to be used ... Views: 844
Re-entering the dating scene at the age of 50 or older can be downright intimidating. But when you approach it with the right mindset, it can also be an exhilarating and exciting experience. It all depends on your attitude.
Look at this time in your life as a new opportunity for change and ... Views: 1278
If you've come to the decision that you need a personal trainer to help you get to your fitness goals, you have a big decision to make.
The right personal trainer can help you feel empowered and get you to the next level in your personal fitness. The wrong personal trainer can make you feel ... Views: 843
You don't have to break the bank to show your loved one that you care this Valentine's Day.
Here are 10 creative and inexpensive gift ideas:
1. Make a card – or at least include one. The key to not overspending on gifts is to include the small touches that your loved one will appreciate. ... Views: 1972
Whether you want to lose a lot of weight, or you just want to slim down and tone up for bikini season, there are a few weight loss fundamentals that every diet should start with.
Here's what successful dieters know:
1. Talk to your doctor. Every diet program starts with this ... Views: 1000
With a few simple supplies and a free afternoon, you can treat yourself to something special. Here are six at-home spa treatment recipes you can make yourself.
Rose Water:
Rose water is a well-known toner and astringent. It costs a lot when you buy it by the bottle, but you can easily make ... Views: 4534
Even if you're an experienced runner, you may find running in cold weather a challenge. Here are some tips for dealing with exposure to the elements.
1. Stay in if it's below zero. The first thing you need to pay attention to when planning your winter runs is the temperature and wind chill. ... Views: 982
If you've worked hard to lose weight, don't let your next road trip get in the way. With some planning ahead and the right attitude, you can stave off the extra pounds and still enjoy your trip.
It all starts with having the right mindset. Many people think of vacations as their excuse to ... Views: 928
Cash back rebate programs are a great way to save money on popular items but only if you use them correctly.
Retailers love these programs because they can advertise their wares at lower prices. Because many people do not take the time to send in the rebate information, retailers often get a ... Views: 835
If you're trying to lose weight, there may be something that is holding you back. No matter how hard you try to plan and stick to a diet, emotional eating can sidetrack your best intentions.
Turning to food for comfort when you are stressed, upset or tired can be a major problem. Until you ... Views: 987
Making conversation, or "small talk", at a party, work function or other social event can sometimes be frustrating. There is a skill and an art to speaking with people in a casual or fun way.
Avoid those awkward conversational lulls with these tips and sample conversation starters. ... Views: 2122
To get the most out of your workout, you'll want to fuel your body for maximum energy and stamina. And after your workout, you'll want to focus on foods that won't bring your renewed energy down.
Here's what you need to know:
Water is essential to your workout routine, before, after and ... Views: 1008
Do you tend to rush through meals and get to the end without realizing what you've eaten? Eating on the run seems to be the norm these days, but there are many reasons to slow down and enjoy your meals.
When you eat slowly, you can keep better track of what you are putting in your mouth. ... Views: 953
Think of your diary or personal journal as a cheap but effective way to talk things out with someone whom you love: you!
If you have ever kept a personal journal as a hobby, you may have to get used to using your journal in a slightly new way. Here's how to get started with journaling for ... Views: 1549
If you have trouble remembering people's names, you can find yourself in some pretty embarrassing situations, but when you remember someone's name, you show that you regard the person as both important and memorable.
There is really no one way that works for everyone in remembering people's ... Views: 859
If you're not careful, cocktails and other alcoholic beverages can add up to a huge amount of calories. If you're trying to lose weight (or maintain your current weight), keep the following five tips in mind.
1. The first rule to remember for low calorie drinking applies to drinking in ... Views: 1070
The holiday season is prime time for weight gain. Between Halloween candy, Thanksgiving feasts and all the food associated with Christmas and Hanukkah, it's no wonder that dieters dread this time of year.
Keep these tips in mind while celebrating to help you avoid holiday weight gain.
1. ... Views: 1041
Your exercise time each day might be an ideal time for you to get out in the sunshine, get some vitamin D and reconnect with the natural world. Here are five compelling reasons to make you think about taking your exercise outdoors.
1. Fresh air is ridiculously invigorating. These days, most ... Views: 1927
If you're a mom on the go, you know how tempting it can be to hit the drive-thru or the vending machine when your kids' tummies start to growl.
But there are healthier and less expensive alternatives. To ward off last-minute munchies, keep a bag packed in your car or in your fridge with ... Views: 1289
Dieting can sure be a pain.
But you can make it easier on yourself by finding a weight loss program that is perfectly suited to your unique situation and tastes.
Here are five questions to ask yourself to help you find the diet that's best for you.
1. Do you feel like you have too ... Views: 973
If you are starting a fundraiser for your local school, church or youth activity center, you should know that, by going green, you can make a lot of money.
Why continue to sell the same old disposable and ecologically dangerous items that schools have been selling for years?
People are ... Views: 1131
"Our money gives us insight into who we are and what is important to us, where we struggle, and what we need to work on." Lori Radun
Sometimes we go along in the world, and we think we are living authentic lives. Then we wake up one day and realize that we are a little off target. We ... Views: 928
"When you are discontent, you always want more, more, more. Your desire can never be satisfied. But when you practice contentment, you can say to yourself, 'Oh yes, I already have everything that I really need.'" - The Dalai Lama
I find it interesting that the Dalai Lama uses the phrase ... Views: 3888
Just when we feel like things are looking up, we turn on the news or check our email and we hear another bout of bad news.
Between a suffering economy and killer viruses, it's easy to sink into negativity and self pity. But that's no way to live. And when you are feeling negative, you are in ... Views: 3028
Beauty trends come and go, but there are some very simple things you can be doing to look your best.
These guidelines will also help keep you feeling great, and most of them take just minutes a day.
Here are 8 basic beauty tips:
1. Schedule regular haircuts. Even if your hair is long, ... Views: 947
I spend a lot of money on fresh fruits and vegetables.
My kids are finally to the point where they are eating all kinds of healthy, raw goodies – straight from the crisper and full of goodness: raspberries, cherries, bananas, peaches, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, radishes, and the list ... Views: 870
Are you ready to delve into the world of online dating? Here are seven free online dating tips.
1. Find the right online dating site. You'll want to do plenty of research on a prospective online dating service before you ever fill out any personal information. My advice? Stick to the large, ... Views: 1020
Toddlers have lots of energy. In fact, they may have more energy than their parents, if they've just had a nap and they are cooped up in an airplane or carseat for hours at a time. And once they reach their destination, a whole new set of challenges begin.
So what's a parent to do?
Here ... Views: 843
Childhood and creativity seem to go hand in hand. Many times, the best thing we can do to encourage and spark their natural creativity is to get out of their way.
Here are some tips that have worked for me to help spark our children's natural sense of curiosity and creativity.
1. Have a ... Views: 870
Working mom's guilt is the biggest downside to working away from the home. As a working mom, you get lots of benefits, from feeling a sense of contribution, to retaining your identity, to supporting your family.
But a feeling of guilt is inevitable, especially if your kids are very young. ... Views: 1279