We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Happiness". If you have expertise in Happiness and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
We are taught from a early age what is good and what is bad. We define ourselves on on actions good and bad. People tend to focus on the bad and that is how they feel This leaves us twisted. We must define for ourself what is good and bad no one has the right to judge oneself, yet they do and we ... Views: 498
There is power in a smile. The simple act of moving the corners of the mouth upward has the ability to touch the hard hearted and lighten heavy burdens.
Smiling is both evocative and affirming. A smile evokes a response from the one smiled at and affirms their place in the universe. A smile ... Views: 674
After a talk I gave in Niagara Falls recently a woman approached me and shared her father's secret to happiness. She said, " My Father believed that there were four requirements to happiness.
TO BE HAPPY ... 1. You must have someone to love.
2. You must have something meaningful to do.
3. ... Views: 735
Have you ever found yourself rushing to get somewhere when you have all the time in the world to get there? It's almost as if we have been programmed to move quickly under any and all circumstances.
When your body and mind are in passing gear constantly, it isn't healthy. Your blood pressure ... Views: 754
Laughter isn't just fun and enjoyable, it's good for our health. Each month modern medicine is
discovering more about the therapeutic dimension of humour and laughter and is encouraging us
to add them to our wellness program.
The Health Benefits of ... Views: 600
If we are the products of our attitudes then it is important for us to examine our attitudes, both positive and negative, to discover the impact they are having on our lives. This is even more important if we are determined to maximize the potential that is ours, a potential which, in the vast ... Views: 607
In order to be able to love purely and steadily we need to understand how our reality is created A major obstacle to pure and steady love is our confusion about who is responsible for what happens to us and how we feel about it. This confusion is caused by two mistaken perceptions:
1. That ... Views: 1468
'How To Be Happy’
A few simple guidelines for more golden days...
I’m a professional composer and songwriter, writing music for film, television and advertising. I’m optimistic, anxious, sensitive, creative, introspective, enthusiastic, a guitarist and pianist, a ... Views: 407
Article Title: Sharing a few thoughts on making a difference, a better world
Category (key words): Oprah Winfrey, contribution, making a difference, peace, world peace, spiritual, inspiration
Article Summary:
A global change in thinking and actions fueled by emotion and especially passion is ... Views: 704
Do You Seem to Get Caught Up in the Same Old Reactions?
Have you ever blown up at your spouse only to realize—after the smoke cleared—that you might have over-reacted just a tad? Maybe you learn that you haven’t been invited to your uncle’s friend’s sister’s birthday party and you behave as if ... Views: 7149
Each person is like an energy box (or energy system to the scientists). Energy comes in and flows out and what remains determines the energy state of that box or system. When the state of energy is high and of good quality, then the box (a person) feels well. When we are lacking in energy, then ... Views: 1264
1. Mend a quarrel
Seek out a forgotten friend and tell them how much you enjoyed them once and that you wish them peace.
2. Dismiss Suspicion
Take a risk of getting hurt and replace that suspicion with Trust.
3. Write a Love Letter
I don’t mean a mushy one. Write someone and tell them how much ... Views: 474
How to “BE” a Millionaire
PLEASE STOP reading this latest (wonderful and irreverent) article if you fall into one of the categories below:
A. You think chatting positive affirmations to the bathroom mirror while gargling your tofu flavored mouthwash is going to make you rich.
B. You believe ... Views: 774
This past week I learned an important lesson about inspired action and holding the intention of strengthening my “feeling muscle” for what I love to do. As most of you know I am live in a fragmented world of marketing and healing. I spent time last week in my capacity as a market ... Views: 536
One woman describes herself as "five feet, three inches tall and
pleasingly plump." After she had a minor accident, her mother
accompanied her to the emergency room. The triage nurse asked for her
height and weight, and she blurted out, "Five-foot-eight, 125 pounds."
While the nurse pondered ... Views: 946
So What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?
By Carol Harris-Fike, Professional Coach, chfcoaching.com
The answer to the question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” seems simple and straight forward… a doctor, lawyer, merchant chief… but is it? The first ... Views: 942
If I asked you what you considered to be the most difficult yoga pose, you might answer “Standing on my Head” or “Full Lotus”.
For those of you who have little or no knowledge of yoga, if I asked you what the most difficult thing was to do during your day, you would, more than likely reply, ... Views: 746
Gina’s long standing illness has become a source of tension for all her family.
She has been ill for many years and this is taking its toll on her husband Sam and the children. At times they feel she is using her illness to get attention and to force them into doing things for her. This ... Views: 1279
Lately I have spent a great deal of time with rudder-less ships.
People who get up each morning and do exactly what they did yesterday.
Not that they particularly want to... it's just what they do.
They do the same.
Day in, day out.
Year in, year out.
They expend a huge amount of energy sailing ... Views: 1047
For my international visitors: parts of this post may be somewhat confusing because much of the discussion is in reference to a well known football player in our national league here in Australia (the AFL). Just know that he's a champion athlete and a champion person and you'll get the ... Views: 870
Finally, the Sahara. We've been roughed up a bit over the steaming jungles of the equator, but now the towering clouds have disappeared and 10 kilometers below us, a giant sandbox slowly passes by.
I can't help but think how enormously big this continent of Africa is. We had taken off at the ... Views: 569
Have you ever considered the significant role that work plays in relationship to your health? And how health is essential for getting your work done quickly, completely and successfully? More than ever before, practical solutions are needed for promoting a healthy balance both at home and at the ... Views: 1326
There's a lot of great things about being a kid.
You don't have to pay for stuff.
You get to lick the cake-mix bowl (a personal highlight for me).
You can actually tell people what you think.
You can build cool stuff from junk and grown-ups tell you it's great.
Old people spoil you.
You can use ... Views: 940
Have you ever wondered why you were born? How you would feel if you were a man instead of a woman? Or a woman instead of a man? Why you are drawn into certain relationships and experiences? Why bad things happen to good people? Or what happens after death?
These are questions nobody seems able ... Views: 632
Some people care about them, some don't. Which are you?
Some people are drawn to looking at the deeper aspects of life. Many are not. Some people are more thoughtful about their lives. They look for meaning and purpose. Maybe they think about the path their life has taken and where they want ... Views: 900
Through words, through music, and pretty much any tool I can conjure up, I try to incite people to reach towards what they want in their lives, inviting them to relax into their own dreams and happiness. And I try to do that in my own life as well, both because I want to live that way and ... Views: 615
How Alive do you feel? What is your AQ or ALIVENESS QUOTIENT? Is it a 10? These were the questions raised by “The Aliveness Experience”, a program I stumbled upon on the Internet.
They told me I could have more energy, more passion, feel more alive, and express my fiercely alive and authentic ... Views: 1273
"Happiness is the absence of striving for happiness." - Chuang-tzu (BC)
Happiness is inside us, in our minds, in our thoughts. It is not external material things or experiences, but the enjoyment of our thoughts and feelings. This is good because our thoughts, and therefore our happiness, are ... Views: 1302
"Do as Jesus did." At some point in our lives we have all heard this, and it is a valid statement. However, we soon find that, in our human efforts, it is seldom easy to accomplish. Why? Jesus taught some very basic truths. Why do we find it so difficult to do as He did? The problem is not in ... Views: 4684
I find it humorous sometimes that even the most mundane occurrences can have an impact on our awareness.
My wife, daughter, and I moved into our home nine years ago and we spent a lot of time and energy in the yard to get it looking like it does today. We live on a corner, higher than street ... Views: 663
"Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live in every experience, painful or joyous; to live in gratitude for every moment, to live abundantly." ? Dorothy Thompson
Struggle is a common expectation in our society. We plan for it, anticipate it, and invite it into our lives. It has ... Views: 728
From the distant years of my childhood a memory springs, clear as any modern photo. Weary after a long country walk - I would have been about eight at the time - we reached an inn. Gratefully we collapsed upon a love seat that surrounded the trunk of an ancient English oak tree. Whilst awaiting ... Views: 862
What can you do differently the next time you find yourself overwhelmed or stressed out? How can you add additional self-caring rituals to your life? Below are some examples of interesting things to do when what you need is a "serenity break."
I offer this Top Ten List and its other "Parts" in ... Views: 5745
“I’ll be happy when..”, An all too familiar phrase that rolled off my tongue over and over again, as I looked at the myriad of things that I wanted and didn’t have in my life.
I was convinced that there was this destination called happiness that I would arrive at once I found my soul mate, ... Views: 969
End your "pursuit of happiness" by discovering the art of "having happiness now." Has it ever seemed to you that: relationships are free but happiness is sold separately? Learn why authentic happiness is a choice you can start making today, and discover how to start finding the happiness you're ... Views: 1210
I was at the post office the other day, having struggled to get there on time – they close promptly at 5:15. The doors were shut but not locked. A man in full bicycle regalia opened the door and stepped into the post office lobby after 5:15. I wondered what they would say to him. At that moment ... Views: 485
She was stylish and I would guess 50ish. She came to my register in a local department store where I worked.
“Do you have a return?” I asked as I noted a familiar plastic bag.
In a voice that held a hint of embarrassment, she answered. “I found these shoes in my mother’s closet. ... Views: 864
Part of my job as an educator, motivator, coach (etc.) is to sell stuff.
Kind of.
Not physical stuff (toasters, convertibles, cross-bows... although that'd be fun) but more the emotional and psychological stuff like... ideas, concepts, philosophies, strategies.
In order to get people to take ... Views: 881
Are you a music buff (which most of us are)? Is music your passion and life without music seems like a nightmare? Do you feel the need to convert songs in your PC into different formats such as CD, MP3, WMA and so on? Of course, you would have thought about making your own CDs by using music ... Views: 859
Have you ever felt as though you are living the same experience over and over again, getting the same results time and time again? This is fine if the experience and results are positive and wonderful, but when they are not so pleasant, such as re-experiencing the same over-stretched workload, ... Views: 1419
We have all become so impatient over the years. We expect instant results, and complain when it doesn't happen to our liking. We've gone from drive thru meals in our car, to getting mini face lifts during our lunch hour. What is the rush? Is there something at the finish line that I'm unaware ... Views: 1187
Yesterday was a great day! Not that all days are great in one way or another, yesterday brought an inner smile.
I’ve been baking cookies for my grandson Bryce and his classmates since first grade. He’s now in fifth. Every Friday I’ve watched his eyes light up as I appeared with another batch ... Views: 1057
Scientists who study the brain tell us that we only use 5% of our actual brain in our daily lives. Ever wonder what the other 95% is for? Shamans know that what we see in this physical world is only 5% of everything that is here. What of the 95% that is not manifested on the physical plane? Is ... Views: 1301
Do you ever wonder why some people work very hard at a business but don't succeed?
On the other hand, you may know others who are very successful, and don't have to struggle.
There are certain things that all successful people have in common.
One of the most important is that they set goals. ... Views: 760
Productivity. Is it how much you get done, or how well you do it that matters to you? In other words, are you looking at quantity, quality, or both?
If quality output is your consideration you might like to play with the idea of mono-tasking.
In a world where many of us are getting driven ... Views: 956
Sometimes we get caught in an emotional rain storm. It happens. To all of us. Because we’re living in the material fast-paced world and the weather can get rough.
You may be reading The Secret, and you may be someone who tries to look on the bright side, but sometimes a negative emotion ... Views: 612
There are two types of stress, acute and chronic. Acute stress is a response imminent danger and it super charges your system with hormones that can damage the cardiovascular system. Whereas chronic stress is caused by constant emotional pressure you can’t control. It produces hormones ... Views: 589
Several years ago I was dealing with severe sinus problems, felt drained all the time, never seemed to be enjoying what I was doing, even what I previously would have called fun. I had no energy to pursue the career I wanted. I blamed my situation on what was happening with other people in my ... Views: 561
As each season moves into its fullness we can access that momentum in our own lives. We can seize and ride the energies of the earth’s progression and access those qualities for ourselves.
Summer brings the richness and abundance of nature’s flow. The trees swell with leaves and begin to ... Views: 1231
Everyone pursues happiness, so where is it? Is it scattered about in lots of different places and we can all keep collecting little bits? Is there some really big piece somewhere and if you stumble across it, it's so enormous and lasts so long, like flames dancing off an ever-glowing sun, that ... Views: 943