We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Happiness". If you have expertise in Happiness and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
The most miserable people live in their own little worlds of
isolation. They do little for others and rarely have much fun.
I heard of one older gentleman who was considered by the townspeople
to be both rich and thrifty. His austerity earned him the reputation
of a miser. When he died, ... Views: 1114
Be the Miracle by Irene Becker, Chief Success Officer, Just Coach It www.justcoachit.com
While many of us are earning more money than before, too many of us are challenged by a lingering malaise, a yearning for personal satisfaction and emotional connection that somehow eludes us. We finish ... Views: 731
You feed your body several times a day, but how often do you nourish your spirit? You exercise your mind almost constantly, but how often do you connect with your inner being?
In this hectic world our attention is drawn by all sorts of issues and tasks-clean the house, care for the children, ... Views: 1713
The path toward wellness is unique for each of us. Consider your authenticity – essentially, who you are when you’re truly real and honest with yourself. What if you brought that awareness into your decisions about wellness? When we are deeply connected with our values, our gifts, our ... Views: 485
I want to tell you a little story. Not about anything dramatic. On the contrary, it's very ordinary.
So ordinary, in fact, that the many onlookers who must have been standing around didn't bat an eyelid when they overheard this brief conversation in a busy butcher shop. Hardly surprising that ... Views: 933
Most of us carry garbage from out past into our present. This garbage is oftentimes toxic, weighs us down, causes us to be off-balance and unhappy, and it keeps us from creating the life that we want. This garbage is heavy to our hearts, souls and minds as any physical burden is to our bodies. ... Views: 1185
You have heard it talked about in many circles peace is within, but where you wonder? And just what is peace within?
Peace within is known by many names - serpent power, which appears on Athena's shield, Holy Ghost in the West and Kundalini in the East. Happiness [Peace within] is when what you ... Views: 1636
The common ‘theme’ of challenges we face in trying out self-growth or self-development programs is – why is it that gurus say something that sounded so easy but it just can’t seem to work for me?
The simple answer is gurus have a different perspective of the world than ... Views: 724
There are really great advantages in digital photography:
You can shoot till you drop
Taking digital images on your camera has no implication other then you have captured the image. Then you can review each image on the small screen on the back of your camera. You can shoot as many pictures ... Views: 878
America has really become conscious of what it eats. We know what’s good for us, bad for us, causes cancer, and makes us live longer. And that is truly a wonderful thing that allows us to honor and respect our bodies more. But what if I told you that no matter how careful you are at the ... Views: 657
Happiness & growth happens on the other side of our comfort zone. Fear fills the gap between our comfort zone and growth. Taking the first step and walking through the fear is fundamental to creating happiness and the life we want.
We all have a defined comfort zone based on particular events ... Views: 1362
Does your happiness depend on getting rid of or getting or achieving something?
Should this be true for you, it is doubtful you will ever experience real happiness. Look back over your life and you will find that the simple act of getting, achieving, or getting rid of something simply gave you ... Views: 861
You might say that, on an average, if a person has one foot on a hot stove and the other in a bucket of ice, he is comfortable. See the fallacy in that statement?
Or, the statement saying the average family has two and a half children. What happened to the other half of a child?
What defines ... Views: 793
What is the mountain in your life? Or is it an entire mountain range? This basically applies to the challenges in your life.
We all have different challenges. Some of us have too much month and not enough income. Others have health challenges. There are those who have mental or physical ... Views: 887
Today's attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon are yet another striking example of humankind's inhumanity to humankind. Is there no end to it?
When will we learn to live in peace with compassion for each other?
We must start with ourselves. Why? Because that is where everything ... Views: 793
Should you be seeking real excitement, try calming the tornado of thoughts flying through your mind. That is the heighth of excitement.
It's easy enough to do. Start with the thoughts you have at this precise moment. As soon as you identify one, drop it and move on the next arriving thought. ... Views: 826
I have often wished to once again be able to see the world through the eyes of a child. The child has a natural curiosity and awe of the mysteries of the world. It wants to know the why and how of everything. It has prejudged nothing. All is fresh and new.
Then, life happens. Adults and other ... Views: 1040
A man planted a garden and he filled it with dozens of flowering plants and trees.
There were dogwood trees and cherry trees, sprays of wisteria, rows of daffodils and mountains of azaleas. The garden was a riot of color and fragrance, still the man was disappointed year after year because the ... Views: 747
You've all heard the saying "Laughter is the best medicine" - well, it's a proven medical fact that whilst it may not be the best medicine, it's importance simply cannot be underestimated. There are many studies and treatment facilities that have demonstrated the effect of humour on the ... Views: 789
How dare you ever say such things as:
"With my luck . . ."
"If it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all."
"I never win anything."
You are lucky! You are a winner! You've already hit the jackpot in the greatest lottery of all.
What's more, I can prove it.
Before I do ... Views: 1026
“If you build it, they will come.”
- the voice in “Field Of Dreams” -
Works well in the movies, but in real life, it just doesn’t quite work out that way.
Business owners know it. They understand that once they build their shop, they need to advertise, tell all their friends, give out ... Views: 726
When my wife Michelle and I were expecting our first child Samantha, we were very excited, nervous, grateful, curious, joyous, and more as we anticipated her arrival. With all of the books, classes, advice, and conversations we had encountered, most of the focus of this information has been on ... Views: 904
What you believe is true, is true, whether it is true or not. Why is that? Because personal truths are just personal truths, and most of your thoughts are just personal truths. Now you may say “But everyone I know says it’s true!” That’s because of the Law of Attraction. You attract people ... Views: 555
For whatever reason, be it a result of a divorce or relationship breakdown, change in career, move to a new city, or sorry to say perhaps the death of a loved one, you are starting life again and you want to get it right.
This change, your new life, will enable you to become a whole new person. ... Views: 1984
As you go through each day are you filled with love, peace and joy or worry, doubt and fear? If you're like most people you were taught to focus more on worry, doubt and fear. The only time you were suppose to feel love, peace and joy was when you were in church or praying.
So what were we ... Views: 658
Have you noticed that more and more people are choosing to live simply? This trend labelled 'voluntary simplicity', is one of the hottest trends in the US at the moment, with 24% of adults "downshifting" or "compacting". In Britain 12% of 35-54 year olds plan to simplify their life and just over ... Views: 492
Article Title: Everything Happens for a Reason (or does it?)...
Author Name: Craig Lock
Line Space: 65 characters
Key Words: Spirituality, Philosophy, Thoughts on Life and the Meaning of It
Web Sites: http://www2.webng.com/writernz/ and
Other Articles are ... Views: 676
The only happy people I know are the ones who are working well at something they consider important.
Abraham Maslow
Everyone I know likes to think that what they are doing matters and that their contribution makes a difference. This is the essence of meaningful participation – making a ... Views: 593
Do-It-Yourself projects are sweeping the nation. Anyone can learn to be an expert as easier techniques streamline our normally complicated projects. Do these new techniques really make our lives easier or happier though? Momentum Coaching announces three new do-it-yourself E-Courses guaranteed ... Views: 1367
It was the 10th day of rain, and I walked into the pool locker room feeling a little soggy around the edges. I asked my pool friend, Laurie, how she was and she said, "Bright and cheery. It's a wonderful day and I'm going to accomplish a lot of good things." Laurie, who is recovering from hip ... Views: 625
The average adult typically utters 40,000 words each day, according to a study performed by Professor Robin Dunbar of Liverpool University. A substantial amount, but have you actually considered how valuable words are? What about how powerful they are? Words have the power to heal, lighten, ... Views: 847
Here are 7 quick ways to boost your self-confidence levels quickly and easily. You can use them where-ever you are and in whatever situation you may face. Let's get stuck in straight-away, here they are:
1) No matter how you feel at this very moment, picture yourself in the situation you want ... Views: 655
"Deception and con games are a way
of life in all species and throughout
nature. Organisms that do not improve
their ability to deceive-and to detect
deception-are less apt to survive."
Harriet Lerner
That's some quote, isn't it?
What do you think about lying?
Is it "right" sometimes and ... Views: 3737
When should you pass news on and when should you keep it to yourself?
A scholar in ancient Baghdad was said to be unusually wise. One day an
acquaintance met the great scholar and said, "Do you know what I just
heard about your friend?"
"Wait," the scholar replied. "Before you continue, let me ... Views: 1094
Ah...to live a dog’s life.
While in the park, I saw a young girl walking her miniature dog. Something caught its eye that I couldn’t see yet because shrubs blocked my view. The dog would surge forward, barking non-stop at the top of its miniature voice, and the leash would pull it back. I ... Views: 792
You have no idea that happiness is closer to you than you can imagine.
If you are not happy and satisfied with your life, then you are looking in the wrong place in your search for happiness.
What you need to know is that you are here to enjoy life and to fulfill your purpose.
You might be ... Views: 749
One of the first and one of the most valuable steps in obtaining my freedom was to stop watching the news on TV or listening to it on the radio.
It's amazing the speed at which you can begin to regain your power and mental freedom by not subscribing to the media. It helps you off the emotional ... Views: 618
What's really neat about doing what you love is that it releases a huge amount of energy, enthusiasm and zest for living. It frees up your creativity and adds a vibrancy to your being that you take with you wherever you go and into whatever you are doing.
Putting your attention and focus on ... Views: 980
So we've identified what we want in our lives. We've set our goals and made a plan. All of which is great and vital in achieving what we want. But in itself it’s not enough. It’s only part of the picture, the other part is contained in the behind the scenes activity of our minds.
What we really ... Views: 694
While returning to the trailhead after an exhilarating hike and stimulating conversation with a good friend, I realized that it was later in the day than I had thought. As I had plans for the evening, I stepped up my pace considerably and started downhill in a faster clip than felt comfortable. ... Views: 1905
It doesn’t take long for you to forget about what’s important, or to even care about what’s important in your life when you allow priorities outside of the basic well-being of your family to take control of your life.
For too long, my career was the centerpiece of my life. This imbalance cost ... Views: 1041
Do you often find yourself complaining, griping or otherwise making someone wrong? Complaints need not be negative. If properly used, they can be powerful tools. There are times when complaints are both warranted and effective in forwarding some unworkable situation that may not be to your ... Views: 854
The following was channeled from the Golden Circle of Ascended Feminine Masters, a group of illumined Beings dedicated to helping today’s Woman (and man!) reclaim True Feminine Power:
My beloved daughters, your Theatre of Life is full of challenges and dramas, interesting twists and turns ... Views: 868
Everyone has things in their life they value. Some people value family and community, others value wealth and having fun. There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to values, they just are. Regardless of what you value, all values adhere to one fundamental truth: the more you align your ... Views: 934
This sucks! I hate reading. Why do I have to go to work? What’s the point? We talk to ourselves constantly throughout the day and that never-ending dialogue has a dramatic affect on our lives. You may not notice how often you put yourself down or think negatively during the span of just a few ... Views: 842
What is wisdom? Like stupidity, we know it when we see it. But because wisdom manifests in so many different ways, it can't be adequately defined in a few words. Short dictionary definitions highlight some of wisdom's characteristics such as "keen discernment," "a capacity for sound judgment," ... Views: 1085
Article Title: Sharing a Collection of "assorted" Thoughts and Writings on Peace (Part One)
Author Name: Craig Lock
Line Space: 65 characters
Key Words: Inspiration, Spiritual, Peace, World Peace
Publishing Guidelines: These "rather heavy" writings may be
freely published, ... Views: 580
Every Loving Thought Is True
By Rev. Marilyn Redmond
Many years ago I won an international writing contest with the story, “All Time Victim”. I am excited to share the solutions and healing that is now my “All Time Victory”. This is the rest of the story.
Over the ... Views: 1021
As you read and begin to use these strategies in your daily life, I challenge you not to measure your progress too quickly or too harshly. Too often we measure ourselves from where we think we should be to where we actually are right now. This will always result in a negative number. This type ... Views: 967
Stress relief is a primary concern for most modern-day adults. Even doctors will tell you that finding happiness and letting go of tension is a key ingredient when building a healthy lifestyle. What most people don't realize is that happiness is a choice. You can actively reduce the stress in ... Views: 904