A few years ago I was in Publix with my young granddaughter. We went to the bakery section to get her the “free cookie” that publix advocates. After finding out that the “free cookie” did not include her cherished “Gingerbread Boy,” I murmured to her in my best grandmotherly fashion that I ... Views: 1510
“Our lives can change with every breath we take.” –From the movie, Where the Heart Is.
This phrase comes to my mind often. The verb change carries with it so much power, so much mystery and most of all, so much truth. How many of us have said “one minute he was fine, and the next minute, he ... Views: 1418
“Our lives can change with every breath we take.” From the movie, Where the Heart Is.
This phrase comes to my mind often. The verb change carries with it so much power, so much mystery and most of all, so much truth. How many of us have said “one minute he was fine, and the next ... Views: 1233
“Our lives can change with every breath we take.” From the movie, Where the Heart Is.
This phrase comes to my mind often. The verb change carries with it so much power, so much mystery and most of all, so much truth. How many of us have said “one minute he was fine, ... Views: 1183
We are like soldiers going to battle. Each with determined looks and clutched fists reaching out...reaching out to power and confidence. I hear our feet in sync as we march up the hill. We are a force together fighting the enemy.
It all started about three months ago when my husband Jim ... Views: 1279
Are the changes in your life overwhelming you? Do you find that the older you get, the more changes you have to make?
Maybe your best friend moved away or you have lost a job that you thought you would be doing forever. Maybe you moved to a new area or have recently retired.
How ... Views: 1517
A couple of summers ago, my two granddaughters, six and eight years old, came for a week’s visit. I told them how great they both looked in their aqua tee shirts. The six year old, Alayna replied, “aqua is only for people over 60 years old, so this is not aqua.” I got a color ... Views: 2808
It was totally unexpected. I was puttering around the house on a hot summer day in Florida. Julie, my next door neighbor called and asked me to have breakfast with her. Julie is a high school honors teacher who doesn’t have much extra time during the school year to socialize. I said I ... Views: 1327
Are you tuned in to reality? Am I tuned in to reality? No, it isn’t a radio station or a television channel. My thesaurus gives many definitions of reality but the definition that pops out at me is truth. If mental health demands reality, then lies must mean an emotional upheaval at some ... Views: 1303
Ok. I just can’t quit thinking about Britney Spears. Just the idea of choosing addiction over having her own children seems surreal. But wait, Britney is not an evil person. As a matter of fact, she is also a victim of this terrible disease.
This addiction has taken over her whole ... Views: 1446
Living in Florida, I knew I had to start my 2 mile walk just as the sun was coming up. If I waited a moment later, the heat would steal my energy. I had tried taking late evening walks but by then, it was really hard because I was settled in with watching television or submerged in my ... Views: 970
Let's take a break from shopping, baking, decorating and all those holiday things we are expected to do and just breathe. That's right, in the middle of all our bustling, let's allow ourselves to truly experience the peace and love that Christmas is supposed to give us. After all, if we are ... Views: 977
She was stylish and I would guess 50ish. She came to my register in a local department store where I worked.
“Do you have a return?” I asked as I noted a familiar plastic bag.
In a voice that held a hint of embarrassment, she answered. “I found these shoes in my mother’s closet. ... Views: 864
Living in Florida, I knew I had to start my 2 mile walk just as the sun was coming up. If I waited a moment later, the heat would steal my energy. I had tried taking late evening walks but by then, it was really hard because I was settled in with watching television or submerged in my ... Views: 1806
Are You Tuned in to Reality?
Or (What is truth?)
Are you tuned in to reality? Am I tuned in to reality? No, it isn’t a radio station or a television channel. My thesaurus gives many definitions of reality but the definition that pops out at me is truth. If mental health demands ... Views: 953
I’m Moving On…. Nothing is predestined.
"The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings" by Henry Davis Thoreau
I hear myself saying out loud, “it’s ok, it is really ok.” It’s ok that I am now having a harder time losing 10 pounds, it’s ok that I ... Views: 1264