Have you ever wanted to be able to motivate the people around you? What if you could be a more meaningful contributor at work by inspiring others and finding a way to coordinate individual priorities and goals with the strategic vision of the organization? Does any of this sound intriguing? If ... Views: 1478
Have you ever had an argument with someone and then tried to find the perfect gift to smooth things over? On the flip side, have you ever received a gift from someone who was trying to make up with you? Did it make you want to forgive and forget immediately? While gifts are fun to give and ... Views: 2000
If you have relationships in your life that are not going quite the way you want them to, you've possibly had arguments about what's not working. You might have attempted talking calmly about the problems to see if you could make some changes. You might have even tried ignoring what was going on ... Views: 1755
Whether or not we realize it, our relationships dictate the amount of happiness and satisfaction we achieve in life. Now, we're not just talking about romantic relationships, but, rather, all of the relationships we have in our lives. Everyone we interact with plays a vital role in how we ... Views: 784
You may have heard of a book, written by Robert Fulghum, called, "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten." While the book is both cleverly written and humorous, there are some serious truths beneath the cute exterior. Some of the things he talks about learning in kindergarten ... Views: 788
Big or little, voiced or silent, major upsets or minor irritations... Have you ever noticed how much time and mental energy you spend complaining? Or how tense and uncomfortable it leaves you feeling? Complain long enough and you can end up feeling cynical and resigned to the ... Views: 1590
Do you ever open your mouth and say things that you later regret? How about what you say in the heat of anger? Do you often find yourself saying "I'm sorry" for what you've said? If so... you're not alone. In this article we answer the question: "How do I learn to stop and think before I ... Views: 5118
Ask and it is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, is a book about the teachings of Abraham. We love this book in particular, and in general just love any information that allows us to live a happier, more fulfilling life. If you pay attention you can learn ... Views: 881
Are feelings of panic and anxiety consuming your world? One of the primary symptoms of anxiety is feeling uncomfortable and thinking you are trapped or stuck. Being stuck starts by dwelling on things you're worried about instead of taking action. By not taking action, you're giving yourself no ... Views: 908
Do you ever worry that you're not good enough, not smart enough, or you simply don't have what it takes? Do you ever worry that this is keeping you from achieving the things you want most in your life?
According to a recent report by the Priory Group, entitled I'm Not Good Enough, millions of ... Views: 885
Do you hear the phrases "self-love" or "loving yourself" and wonder what that really means or how to go about doing it? Are there things about yourself that you're not sure you even like, never mind think that you could love? No matter where you are in your life, or what you may think about ... Views: 948
Do you want to increase profits dramatically? One of the best ways to do this is to focus your attention on your current customer satisfaction and good customer service skills. Profitable businesses don't just rely on attracting new customers, they work at encouraging existing customers to buy ... Views: 1221
Do you find yourself playing the "what if"-"if only"-"I should" game? Does this game leave you feeling tense and nervous or confused about how to get what you want, feel happier and have greater peace of mind? Read on and discover a three-step plan to reduce your stress and be happier ... Views: 703
Does your whole life seem to be up in the air--even familiar things don't seem the same? Are you confused about what to do now, where to go from here or how to heal a broken heart? Whether or not you instigated the divorce, it may seem as though a tornado has whirled its way through your life, ... Views: 1146
Stress relief is a primary concern for most modern-day adults. Even doctors will tell you that finding happiness and letting go of tension is a key ingredient when building a healthy lifestyle. What most people don't realize is that happiness is a choice. You can actively reduce the stress in ... Views: 904
Do the things you worry about keep you up at night? Do you often feel nervous and uncomfortable? If so, this burden of stress is most likely making your life miserable. Do you want to break free from stress, stop worrying and start being happy? You can end this cycle now by identifying and ... Views: 947
Did you love the movie "The Secret" and have been trying to practice what you learned? Are you experiencing any frustration or confusion about how to effectively manifest your dreams? If so, the tips in this article will help you to make the secret behind the law of attraction less of a ... Views: 838
Are you tired of playing joint-custody tug-of-war with your Ex? Would you rather be paying for your kid's needs than paying your custody attorney? Discover the How-Tos of mutual respect with your Ex and co-operation in your shared parenting plans. Find advice that's miles apart from the usual ... Views: 1091
How do you keep your New Year's resolutions, or any new resolutions? How many of your top 10 New Years Resolutions ever made it into March? New Year's resolutions are the most popular variety people make, and break, but we constantly set new intentions for our lives. What would you be able to ... Views: 1009
Seems there's always another holiday gathering or family reunion right around the corner. But do you ever leave wondering why you went? Are some of your in-laws and extended family members a little hard to deal with? It can be different. How would you like to walk in feeling excited about being ... Views: 765
Is inflicting annual performance evaluations on your employees or direct reports part of your job description? Would you like to wake-up from this recurring workforce management nightmare? Read on to discover the secret to giving performance reviews your employees will love to get. You'll learn ... Views: 816
End your "pursuit of happiness" by discovering the art of "having happiness now." Has it ever seemed to you that: relationships are free but happiness is sold separately? Learn why authentic happiness is a choice you can start making today, and discover how to start finding the happiness you're ... Views: 1210
Do you avoid face-to-face conflicts and confrontation? Would you love to create more cooperation and respect in these crucial situations? Read on to discover more than simple conflict management skills. The authors reveal secrets that can replace your stress and tension with connection and ... Views: 1062
What's missing in "anger management," "anger control," and just "dealing with anger?" Why not use these anger management techniques if you're angry? They miss the upside of anger: how to use your anger to create the life you truly want. No, is not about becoming that "angry man" or "angry woman" ... Views: 896