Do you remember a time when you felt fully empowered – that feeling of being on top of the world, honoring yourself and your values, expressing yourself, your talents and your gifts as you choose, living the life you want? You might feel like this right now, or not. Even if you don't remember a ... Views: 2117
Winter has been a time of turning inward, reflecting and growing within. Spring brings the opportunity to burst forth with our energy and enthusiasm for life. Warmer temperatures and sunlit blue skies can bring a smile to anyone’s face, but no matter what season we are in or what external ... Views: 2155
Love, attention, accolades, gifts – these are all wonderful things to receive. When you ponder over the items you would like in your life, how many do you actually have? The difference between having these and not is in receiving; that ability to allow into our lives all that we truly desire. ... Views: 1482
Have you ever sat in wonder of the miraculous Universe we live in? Gazed up at the sky on a starry night wondering how it all unfolds so effortlessly? Watched the plants in your garden break ground, sprout and blossom, bringing beauty to your world? Noticed serendipitous events unfold in your ... Views: 1517
Words of encouragement, a loving touch, laughter and play, creative pursuits, fun and games, these are all things we hunger for and need to give to ourselves in order to feel balanced in life. Unfortunately our society is so task driven that we often don’t take time for these nurturing ... Views: 2395
Take a deep breath and feel the air flowing in and out of your body. Each breath we take in is new and fresh in this moment. We can’t breathe in the past or the future, only this present moment. So it is with everything we do in our life; it is only happening in this moment.
Every moment of ... Views: 1225
At this time of year there is a feeling of generosity in the air. People’s hearts soften, families and friends join together, people donate to charitable causes, and many share gifts with loved ones. Giving is a wonderful thing, whether it is a compliment, a smile, a word of encouragement, or a ... Views: 1303
Have you ever woken up with a sense of inner excitement for no apparent reason? Gone through your day beaming from the inside out? Felt a sense of ease and peacefulness no matter what the circumstance? This is what true joy feels like.
We all get glimpses of this state when things go our ... Views: 4766
We're moving into a new season – a time of change. As the leaves turn from shades of green to yellows and crimsons and brown, bees and butterflies disappear, and clouds reappear, we too undergo our own seasons of change. Ever dying to the old and emerging into the new you'd think we'd get used ... Views: 1351
Transformation is the wonderful process of moving into who we really are. It involves shedding old habits that no longer serve us, revamping outdated beliefs that limit us, and discarding rigid roles that confine us. This process opens us up to our inner truth and our divine wisdom. From this ... Views: 1601
When you reflect on your life these days, does it flow with ease, or do you feel like you're going against the current? When you're in the flow of life you're connected to your natural rhythm and you move at a pace that's just right for you. The timing of things works out perfectly and you ... Views: 1146
What is it about discovering something new or interesting that opens our eyes and hearts a little bit wider? Our breath slows, our thoughts cease, and we move into the present moment to really experience the newness. It’s in this space where everything else stops dominating our perceptions that ... Views: 1032
Our society has become so fast paced with the rise of technology. On the one hand it has been great in creating ease of communication as you can reach someone in a multitude of ways. On the other hand it has been overwhelming for some who now have to keep up with all the means of ... Views: 1245
You are a creator, designing and creating the masterpiece called your life. Each one of us is a potent being orchestrating our life down to the finest details. All we have to do is recognize this and utilize our power to create what we want in our lives.
Not everyone has been raised to own ... Views: 921
When we are filled with feelings of love a smile rests on our face and thoughts of gratitude float through our mind. It also works the other way around; when we think thoughts of gratitude, we trigger a smile and increase the flow of love within us. And as we all know too well, another chain ... Views: 915
What you believe about yourself and your world will determine what you create in your life. Beliefs are not good or bad, right or wrong. They can be supportive or limiting. They are either reflections of your deeper truth supporting you to blossom, or they are lies limiting you from being and ... Views: 960
Do you remember coloring trees purple, grass blue and skies green? Or drawing pictures which no one knew what the heck they were, and it didn’t matter? Having imaginary friends, singing from the depths of your belly, splashing in mud puddles and making tree forts? Those are the kinds of ... Views: 956
Rushing from one activity to the next, ten more to do’s on the list than you can get to today, needing to be in two places at once - where’s the time for you? Does this reflect your life at all? Over busy, overwhelmed and way over stressed have become the norm these days. What kind of ripple ... Views: 1174
January is often a time when people are reflecting on the past year and setting goals for the new year (or for some, beating themselves up for what they didn’t do last year, cringing at what they did do and begrudgingly stating that they’re never going to set goals again!). But setting goals is ... Views: 854
We are each manifesting all the time. Everything we have in our lives was created by us. The question is how have we been creating? Has it been from a place of conscious intention or out of reaction? From a state of ease and trust or resistance and fear? Have we been creating for ourselves ... Views: 969
Have you ever walked into a room and felt the energy in it? Sensed and felt the silence and somberness of a library, the buzz and effervescence of a concert, or the love and joy at a wedding ceremony? In the 60’s and 70’s they called it the ‘vibe’ and now it’s referred to as energy, but it’s ... Views: 1973
How fulfilled we are in our lives often depends on our perspective. If we focus on what is wrong with our health, what is irritating us in our relationships, what’s missing in our career or how many bills we have piling up we will feel dissatisfied. On the other hand if we if we view the glass ... Views: 993
Like a crystal full of light and reflecting all the colors of the rainbow, we are each filled with a brilliance that manifests into our lives whatever colors we choose. When we disconnect from this inner source of abundance we experience a lack of light and color in the form of scarcity, worry ... Views: 1023
We always have a choice to be big or small, to operate from our higher selves or our egos. We can let our fears, inadequacies, judgments and smallness dominate or we can let our inner knowing, truth, trust and bigness lead the way.
It’s a choice between dropping down to lower vibrations of ... Views: 843
What images and notions come up for you when think about love? Warm and fuzzy feelings, babies cooing, romance, heartache, loyalty and devotion are some associations to the word. Do you have any rules and expectations around love such as how people should treat their loved ones, or who you can ... Views: 977
When your heart is full and your mind is empty you find peace. That place of inner stillness where the flow of your life meets the flow of the universe. Where you move through your day in effortless ease. Have you enjoyed any of those days recently?
What stops us from living peaceful lives? ... Views: 4793
Have you ever felt as though you are living the same experience over and over again, getting the same results time and time again? This is fine if the experience and results are positive and wonderful, but when they are not so pleasant, such as re-experiencing the same over-stretched workload, ... Views: 1419
What is the opportunity facing you right now? When life is flowing smoothly and we are feeling confident and serene, we are open to new possibilities and we see the opportunities blossoming in front of us. Yet when things are sluggish or we keep hitting up against a wall, a shadow seems to creep ... Views: 876
What makes you smile inside and out, tickles your funny bone, and brings you to bursts of laughter? We all know the benefits of laughter. It gets our energy flowing, massages our internal organs, boosts our immune system and most important, feels wonderful. So what gets in the way of being ... Views: 1285
Winter has been a time of turning inward, reflecting and growing within. Now Spring brings the opportunity to burst forth with our energy and enthusiasm for life. Warmer temperatures and sunlit blue skies can bring a smile to anyone’s face, but no matter what season we are in or what external ... Views: 954
Imagine holding a ten pound weight for every resentment you hold, grudge you cling to and strong judgment you cast. How much weight would you be carrying? What stops you from putting this down?
True forgiveness is a form of letting go. Yet so many view forgiveness as a form of giving in, ... Views: 751
Whether you want to achieve short term goals or manifest life long dreams it all begins with the end in mind; knowing inside and out what results you want. The more clearly you are able to visualize what you want and get a sense physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally how it will ... Views: 997