We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Happiness". If you have expertise in Happiness and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Few of us, beyond the age of 30 years or so, retain the ability to delight in life’s essential purity. Why so? Mental clutter. We spend years accumulating the opinions of our peers and elders and various cultural media, until we have amassed a wall of ideas--a barrier so imposing that not ... Views: 1362
I will so trust that what is deep is holy, that I will do strongly before the sun and the moon whatever inly rejoices me and the heart appoints.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Each day, are you becoming more of yourself? At first an awkward question. Yet, as I continue to read and discover more about ... Views: 1239
1. Participate in activities you loved as a third grader. Were you in the class play? Take an acting class! Did you love basketball? Join a basketball league. No excuses, simply do it!
2. Take a mid day break everyday with a Gratitude Partner. Get outside, get moving, and be grateful together ... Views: 597
Dr. M. Colgrove states that, “Joy is the Feeling of Grinning on the Inside.” Do you have that feeling? It’s the most pleasing and comforting feeling in the world. It’s peace. It’s excitement. It’s contentment. It’s hopeful and it’s always present. When you wake up in the morning, is this how you ... Views: 1007
Guilt is the feeling that results when you tell yourself that you have done something wrong.
Healthy Guilt
Healthy guilt is the feeling that occurs when you have actually done something wrong - such as deliberately harming someone. This is an important feeling, which results from having ... Views: 3268
Are you a peach attempting to grow in a banana field instead of an orchard?
On a whim, I placed one of the extra copies of my book, “I Don’t Want to be Your Guru, but I Have Something to Say,” in the laundry room of my building. A woman I speak with every time we meet up was who found it, and ... Views: 746
The researchers say that money can't buy happiness, but the research says that it can. Why the contradiction? It's all in how you look at the numbers.
You may recall a news story or two back in 2006 about money and whether it makes people happy. The headlines went something like this: "Science ... Views: 534
It's not unusual for people to find that despite knowing what they want, having plans in place to reach their goals, and taking action, they just aren't getting the results they expect.
This could be due to the one ingredient that is often overlooked that can make all the difference.
Practicing ... Views: 814
I know, I know; it's a boring title... not creative, not amusing, not clever.
But for many of us, it's a very relevant subject.
Every now and then I take off my silly, creative, fun hat and put on my let's-address-this-problem-in-a-practical-way.. hat.
Today is such a day.
Mr. Serious Personal ... Views: 884
Are you happy? This question is likely to bring either a defensive response like `Of course I am!’ or a bemused reply of , `No, should I be?’
Happiness is such a simple, natural concept and yet it seems so hard for the average person to attain. ,ost os us are really bad at being happy!Why on ... Views: 582
1) Set a Relaxed Tone. Give yourself plenty of time and space in the morning. Avoid waking up, jumping in the shower, throwing on some clothes, and dumping coffee in your lap while weaving through traffic. If you begin your day burning adrenaline, you've set the tone for a stressful day where ... Views: 572
Written By: Darren Roberts
Copyright ?1998, All Rights Reserved
When looking at things in "abundance" you will begin to see opportunity where beforehand ... Views: 720
Who is a net value producer and who is a net value destroyer?
The creation and exchange of value is the root of all happiness. The love of earned value is the root of all Producers who create more value than they consume. The love of unearned value is the root of all Destroyers who consume more ... Views: 719
Everybody wants fulfillment. Filled by what, we don't know. We just know hollowness and emptiness hurt. We want to be filled.
And so we go looking out in the world. Looking for the person or the thing that will satisfy that unending longing we feel inside.
We can spend our whole lifetime ... Views: 1058
We, as imperfect beings, need each other to exist, and need the other even more, in order to develop and function adequately. We feel a sort of hunger or need to receive from the other a spiritual thing that will awaken in us a capacity designed for this. We refer to it as "spiritual food" We ... Views: 719
Have you ever noticed just how unhappy you can get over the fact you are not happy? Unexamined, this behavior seems to make sense. But a closer look at it will reveal that being unhappy over being unhappy is like throwing gasoline on a fire to put it out. You get lots of fire and smoke -- even a ... Views: 737
We all want to be happy. Happiness feels good and it improves your health – lowers your blood pressure, lowers your heart rate, and strengthens your immune system, so you’re sick less. And not only do you enjoy your life more, you actually live longer!
And most of us want to be ... Views: 1178
For many, many years men have had multiple opportunities for success by climbing the “Corporate Ladder”. As most of you know, a major part of anyone's success in the workplace is concentration. Dedicating oneself to the task at hand and producing a favorable outcome. Part of a ... Views: 521
Article Title: How to Live a More Fulfilling Life by Stephen Covey (from Inspirational Books - Updated)
Submitter: Craig Lock
Category (key words): Self Help, Personal Growth, Stephen Covey, Oprah Winfrey
Web sites: http://www.craiglockbooks.com and http://www2.webng.com/writernz/
Publishing ... Views: 871
Theoretical Physicists have made observations about time, concluding that it is speeding up. As the universe expands, time speeds up. Well, for those of us down here on the street, that's a no-brainer. Every year, every month, every week, sometimes seems like a break-neck rush from one crucial ... Views: 520
From the time we are children, we are taught to be kind to others. And while it is obvious that being kind is important when we are the recipients of the kindness, it turns out that being kind to others is not only good for them, but it is also beneficial to the person who is being kind. ... Views: 2172
Architect Frank Lloyd Wright once told of a childhood incident that
may have seemed insignificant at the time, but had a profound
influence on the rest of his life. It happened when he was nine years
old. It was winter. Young Frank was walking across a snow-covered
field with his uncle. As the ... Views: 1118
Because life continually requires us to attend to problems and breakdowns, it gets very easy to see in life only what is broken and needs fixing. But satisfying relationships (and a happy life) require us to notice and respond to what is delightful, excellent, enjoyable, to work well done, to ... Views: 756
Joy gives us wings! In times of joy our strength is more vital, our intellect keener, and our understanding less clouded. We seem better able to cope with the world and to find our sphere of influence.
· Ábdu'l-Bahá
Linda Popov tells the story of her child opening a Christmas present while the ... Views: 723
You can uplift your Spirit by using the followings tools on a daily basis:
1- The power of breathing colors
2- The essential oils
3- The flower essences
4- The alchemical oils of Melusine
These various natural therapies act not only ... Views: 2060
Psycanics: The Physics of Spirit
Law: The basic motivation of all human behavior is one´s own happiness. Happiness is a positive mental and emotional state almost all the time. People seek many things in life, but what they really seek is happiness. ... Views: 2636
Many times when it comes to discovering your passion and what it is that you truly want, we become caught up. Caught up in our heads as to what it is that we think we should be doing or what our parents told us we should do with our lives.
My Mom (like many others) wanted me to become a ... Views: 1261
Temper tantrums. They're a great way of putting a problem off until a later time.
They feel good, they're just plain fun to have sometimes. Give you a sense of power, don't they?
Did you know that most of the time, when you have a real temper tantrum you have given up just about all your ... Views: 1047
A Whole New Outlook In An Instant
By Eva Gregory
Ever meet someone who is always chipper, always has a kind word to say, can be sick in bed but still wears a smile. Why? What makes two people look at the same situation and observe two completely different things? Is it perception or something ... Views: 878
What is your purpose in life? What is your unique contribution to the world, one that is genuinely yours? What gets you out of bed and fired up on those days when life doesn't seem so wonderful? And what do these questions have to do with attracting and building your ideal relationship?
When ... Views: 617
Do you ever notice that life seems excessively complicated? Do you ever wonder why? Because we make it complicated. Many of us have been taught that things are suppose to be complicated, that things are suppose to be a struggle, that things are painful and that this is how we grow. But in ... Views: 725
In this very fast paced world, it seems impossible to simplify our lives. But think about this, how much time and energy do you waste on the unnecessary? How much time do you waste because you can't find things? How much energy do you waste telling yourself all the things you should do? We often ... Views: 609
Throughout the ages there have been men and women who have labored to better the world. Some of them worked through communities and institutions while some of them worked at what some people call “the grass roots level,” to raise a group of people wanted to help provide for the needs of the ... Views: 1221
Imagine that you can wear anything and everything in your wardrobe. In other words imagine having a wardrobe full of clothes and accessories that you would wear no matter what the occasion.
It is possible and doable. I have that wardrobe, many of my clients have that and it is not difficult. ... Views: 837
How is that, you might say?
(Please let me relate to you the following all-too-true story.)
Viv is an amazing guy whom I (author) have known for over 12 years. Some 17 yrs ago he became the victim of a car accident falling backwards off a 100 foot cliff whilst in his car as result of swerving ... Views: 1094
Achieving Sustainable Peak Performance:
Understanding and Managing the Instinct you’re Born with in Relation to Your Learned Behaviours
Why do I do that?
It’s Friday night and you haven’t finished that report. It’s due in on Monday. You have to go out tonight and you ... Views: 1517
In our society we sometimes describe as "real" anything that can be touched, measured, clearly perceived by anyone who encounters it. Yet… what is "real" to you may not be what is real to me. One organization to which I used to belong offers a different definition. Anything is real, they ... Views: 1378
Let me tell you my story. The other day a friend of mine came
over to my place for just one reason; to complain about a recent
event, a disturbing event as he explained it to me. When he
finished his "monologue" (I am sorry, but I have no other word) I just said ... Views: 1027
I’ve been making money online for several years now. It all started because I wanted a way to earn passive income. Here are 10 reasons why I choose to sell online.
1. Low Start Up
An online business is one of the most affordable ways to start a business. All you need is a domain name, a web ... Views: 2395
Perhaps you have never heard of Katherine Lawes. Katherine was the
wife of Lewis Lawes, warden at Sing Sing Prison from 1920-1941.
Sing Sing had the reputation of destroying wardens. The average
warden's tenure before Lewis Lawes was two years. "The easiest way to
get out of Sing Sing," he once ... Views: 1084
The secret of letting go not only hold the keys for ending what is unwanted, but locked within this same supreme secret is the beginning of a new life-the birth of a new nature that never has to hold on to anything because it already is everything. Let the following special insights speed you on ... Views: 765
You can't make progress in personal growth until you learn to forgive yourself.
Many of us replay our mistakes over and over, adding more self-criticism every time we do it. It's easy to turn a minor misstep into a major stumbling block.
As much as you'd like to be perfect, that's never going ... Views: 739
I wish I had more time. How often have you said or thought that? You’re not alone. One of the biggest challenges people face as they juggle parenting, work and their intimate relationships is fitting everything in. It’s also one of the most difficult topics to deal with because most people ... Views: 1729
Life is a...
Well, you know the saying. But life is also one helluva party. Life isn't all-good, and it isn't all-bad. And even though your parents brought you to the bash, the older you get the more you must realize that it's up to you to enjoy being here, especially if you're gaining in ... Views: 1862
I’m told that in the world of energy, nothing is ever destroyed. That energy can’t be destroyed, it simply changes form. So that means everything that we WANT already exists right now. It is simply in an energetic form that we may not be aware of yet!
For example, if what I want is to create ... Views: 516
Cursing, cussing, swearing -- whatever you prefer to call it -- is generally considered part of our contemporary language. Most people do it, some people don't like it, but no one much thinks about it. The fact is, swearing does much more damage to our relationships, our image and our own peace ... Views: 1275
An enlightening story for healers and those who think they constantly need to help others.
One day I was coming out of the door of the camper we were living in and I noticed a regular visitor, a walking stick. He had picked an awful place to rest, I thought, right there on my door, he could ... Views: 2396
Celebrating is a skill that adults with ADD are often short on. They tend to have a negative image of themselves. Their own internal gremlin keeps reminding them of their failures and unrealized dreams and "the others" in the outside world often remind them when they don't live up to ... Views: 1137
I know what you’re thinking. “HOW TO MAKE MISTAKES?! What do you mean… how to make mistakes? Nobody has to teach me how to make mistakes. I know how to make mistakes. I do it all the time!”
Okay, so maybe it’s not the mistake itself but how you react to it and how you treat yourself afterwards. ... Views: 812
I am drawn to people with pizzazz, that spark of enthusiasm and excitement about life that makes being in their presence a joy. They smile easily and often and laugh with great energy and pleasure. It feels good to be alive and in their company.
People with pizzazz don't have to be loud and ... Views: 707