Previously I wrote about "Forgetting my Purpose". July is about remembering where to find My Power. Acting from a place of power allows me to speak from my authentic self and accomplish what serves me as well as those around me. It takes courage to do this, but what I discovered last week is ... Views: 1915
Sometimes the answer we desire is in what we are forgetting. I was at a conference recently where we found our coach in nature. You know, you sit in front of whatever and you ask a question and wait to see what comes. The first time I talked with my coach, she very wisely guided me with an ... Views: 1934
Last month we discussed the various ways that energy is flowing within you and how the energy of one person affects the energy of another. In this issue we will discuss how the flow of energy within us allows for certain emotions to be felt... or not. The flow of energy supports us living ... Views: 1753
We each have presence felt by others at any point in time. Our presence is all that is subconsciously felt by others and, for some even consciously felt. To me it is the way our life energy is flowing at that moment.
The way our life energy flows determines the emotions we are feeling, ... Views: 2830
Is this the color "the beach you are" reveals? Did you expect your beach to show up as white, tan, or black, and it showed up orange to others? What happened? Our "beach" shows up as who we are as a total being. Our presence is the whole of us... not just what we say. It is what we feel in our ... Views: 1975
A client recently sent me an email wishing me "a little magic in my day". Just accepting that thought into my heart allowed me to find some magic in that day. Unknown to my client he had sent his email on the first anniversary of my mother's passing.
As I began my day, I had wondered if it ... Views: 2033
In December I promised to share my thoughts and practices on making declarations. Declarations can support a shift in our habits whether it is a habit in how we think, feel, or move. Declarations versus resolutions can be embodied... become a part of who we are versus something we just think we ... Views: 1911
In this season of hustle and bustle...Okay, it's December and the holidays are here. Rich and I just got back from a lovely Thanksgiving in Hawaii, yea! We came home to more sad news of deaths of family and friends and while dealing with all of that we also had "work" to catch up on and then all ... Views: 1259
This month I promised to write more about how to shift your energy to better serve yourself and those around you. One of my clients wrote the following letter that made me blush... and shared her story of how this works for her. I cannot think of a better way to share with you how shifting ... Views: 1350
Two more people who were close to me or someone in my family have passed in the last month. This brings the number to five for 2011 and I'm pondering the meaning of it all for me. Is it my age and what I should prepare myself to experience more and more? Is this my year to learn some deep ... Views: 1449
We live within moods and sometimes we don't even recognize their names... no really. Think about a domain of your life; i.e. work relationships, personal relationships, etc. Then put a name on the mood that mainly runs how you behave there. Taking a look at my work life recently, I discover that ... Views: 1279
You know & feel it… you have a wisdom that is in the special gifts that only you can give to others. These gifts are what I call “The Wisdom of You”. I believe that you and I may offer almost the same words or actions to others, but only your way will speak to some people. Some people can only ... Views: 1291
"I Don't Want to Play this Game Anymore!"
I admit it: I got so mad at my sister when working a jigsaw puzzle the other night that I said, "I don't want to play this game anymore... I'm going to bed!" It was silly, childish, and, of course I was "right" as she was hogging the picture on the ... Views: 1536
So What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?
By Carol Harris-Fike, Professional Coach,
The answer to the question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” seems simple and straight forward… a doctor, lawyer, merchant chief… but is it? The first ... Views: 942