Something occurred to me today. When we create, we are fully alive.
Maybe I’m most aware of this because I create all the time now, in my mind and in the physical dimension too. As a business owner, creation is an amazing cycle that begins with a tiny notion or idea, then grows and blossoms ... Views: 1482
Have you been doing more soul-searching than usual lately as you ponder how you’ll respond to current business and economic climate. Whether you are employed or have your own business, there is a sense that the old rules are changing and that the new plans are yet unavailable. How do you operate ... Views: 1559
I am always astounded by the things that start happening in my life when I teach The Artists Way Book Study Groups how to integrate EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) into their creative process. The Artists Way, by Julia Cameron is a classic book for anyone who wants to open themselves up to ... Views: 1431
Have you ever considered the significant role that work plays in relationship to your health? And how health is essential for getting your work done quickly, completely and successfully? More than ever before, practical solutions are needed for promoting a healthy balance both at home and at the ... Views: 1326