We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Happiness". If you have expertise in Happiness and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
A warm breeze blows across an open field. The tall blades of green grass and brightly colored wildflowers that fill this open space bow their heads gingerly, allowing the heated air to rush by. Then as if orchestrated, these precious gems one by one return to their original position, standing ... Views: 801
I believe that heredity (the genes that you inherit) have some part in forming attitudes. However, most important in shaping them, is the family environment, especially in your early childhood: the impressionable years up to the age of seven. Also critical ... Views: 871
Tis the season to be jolly, unless of course you have way too much to do. The holidays come at such a bad time during the year, right in the middle of our lives. It isn't like we can ditch all our other duties to deck the halls. Holiday chores are simply piled onto our already too hectic ... Views: 765
Relationships. Why do they change? So often we find ourselves struggling to maintain a long-term relationship that somehow doesn't feel as good as it used to. Our sense of history and loyalty motivate us to do whatever we can to keep that relationship alive. How do we know when it is time to ... Views: 965
When I think of the times in my life when I was completely and totally filled to the brim with joy, I always smile and thank God for such joyful moments.
I'm sure those of you reading this article can relate to that. When we are joyful, we feel as if we've got the world on a string, so to speak. ... Views: 1274
by Natalia Alexandria
Every day, I encounter people who define spirit and spirituality in a variety of different ways. Some think it is religion, while others think it is New Age. Some are embarrassed to admit to either, while others think it is all nonsense. ... Views: 2041
Many of you have heard about treasure maps. A number of friends and clients have used what I call treasure vision maps as part of my services.
I would like to share a personal story with you. Four years ago, I took out an 81/2” by 11” cardboard, and pasted white paper to it. I found pictures ... Views: 2127
You'd hafta be silly or brave to write a post on happiness.
So silly me is gonna give it a crack.
I had no plans for this piece (like I plan my writing!)... it came out of a conversation I had yesterday.
It asked to be written.
It's fair to assume that we're all different and therefore all have ... Views: 1026
"For the truth is that I already know as much about my fate as I need to know. The day will come when I will die. So the only matter of consequence before me is what I will do with my allotted time. I can remain on shore, paralyzed with fear, or I can raise my sails and dip and soar in the ... Views: 1364
Many of us had inspiring dreams as we were growing up. Often we abandoned these precious dreams, leaving them sadly behind. Some of us are living those dreams, yet still desire to accomplish special goals that express our unique talents. As years go by, we know that our skills can be used for ... Views: 1440
It is hard to believe that the holiday season is almost over. Holidays have always been a time to revel in that special joy that comes from sharing and socializing with family, friends, and coworkers. Just the thought of golden juicy turkeys and gifts wrapped in bright shiny paper is enough to ... Views: 586
I'd done a lot of walking in the last two days and my feet hurt. Of course, I didn't like it. It's obviously a sign I'm getting old. It's a bad thing. "But maybe it's good," I said to myself, "in fact, maybe it's perfect. Maybe it's strengthening the bones in my feet and when I'm old I'll be ... Views: 639
We all know what it's like to want for things, both tangible and intangible. It is often the first step in moving from where we are to where we want to be. Wanting 'for' someone else, however, is a powerful concept, both for you and the other person.
'Wanting for' another person transcends the ... Views: 600
Are you a lucky person? Not sure? Let's find out. Answer the following questions as honestly as you can, and then tally your score according to the simple directions at the bottom of the test.
In general, do good things happen to you?
1. Almost never
2. Sometimes
3. Often
4. Very often
Are you ... Views: 780
When I was in high school I moved from the safe, comfortable town I was raised in, to a place completely across the country.
There were hardly two towns as different as Glen Ridge, New Jersey and Dana Point, California. All my life I had been raised by my Western Parents that New Jersey ... Views: 659
I had always cared about sick children and tried to help them; but when my little grandson received third degree burns, I learned firsthand how helpless a loving adult feels when your little one is suffering and you can't take the pain away. This experience helps me to empathize with parents who ... Views: 818
It happens every year. Many people seem full of holiday cheer and happiness, yet you find yourself feeling lonely and disconnected. There are ways to reach out this holiday season, experience comfort in the warmth of new friends, and maybe even make a difference in someone’s life.
The key to ... Views: 764
Andrew Carnegie paid Charles Schwab a million dollars a year as president of U. S. Steel. When criticized by some of the board members for paying this salary to a man who knew nothing about the steel industry, Carnegie replied, "We have the greatest steel minds in the world, now we need a man ... Views: 993
“Courage, contrary to popular belief, is not the absence of fear. Courage is the wisdom to act in spite of fear.”
—John-Roger and Peter McWilliams
As part of my personal journey and commitment to live a fulfilled life I embarked on a spiritual pilgrimage to deepen my self-understanding and to ... Views: 573
"You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind." Darwin P. Kingsley
I woke up for the third morning in a row with my mind racing at lightening speed. I was obsessively ... Views: 633
I recently took a ride to the video store to select my evening’s entertainment. A dramatic thunderstorm was passing over as I made my way across town in the middle of late afternoon rush hour traffic.
The sky was dark and the rain was coming down in torrents. I made my way into the store ... Views: 677
Divorced, widowed and elderly women often prolong, delay or withdraw from a contract due to indecision and uncertainty of their unknown future. What could become an asset, frequently becomes a disaster. Most women are not prepared for their new life, let alone making the ... Views: 515
In 1993, Mary’s life came to an abrupt halt. Fortunately, she didn’t suffer a health crisis, nor did she experience an unforeseen weather catastrophe. Like so many women, she experienced the trauma of a divorce. She had to reinvent herself. Mary was married to a corporate executive, lived the ... Views: 595
A Zen story goes something like this:
A student was having a meal with his Master. When they were finished eating, the student asked his Master, "What should I do now?" The Master replied, "Clean your bowl." At that moment the student was enlightened.
This story illustrates one of the most ... Views: 1307
So the guy who's never done a writing workshop, never studied journalism, never taken a class in English Literature, never read anything more than comics or muscle mags for the first twenty years of his life.. and wouldn't know a pronoun from a protein... is surely not the person to give anyone ... Views: 908
Great achievements arise only with our great challenges. As a nation and as individuals, we are going to be challenged greatly. How well we do depends on our willingness to "dare to be great"; to take the challenges and run with them, rather than be overwhelmed by them. Some pessimists ... Views: 826
Do you know that your handwriting can reveal all your secrets and reflect your true personality?
Handwriting is often called expressive, and indeed it is. Your handwriting expresses you and your past. All that is part of the mind is reflected by you in many ways, handwriting being but one. ... Views: 1195
Ready to take Oprah's Go Green challenge? Make saving our planet a part of your daily life with easy changes. Start today with simple suggestions from Oprah's Go Green show like Eco Bags reusable canvas bags for grocery shopping, Seventh Generation non-toxic cleaners, eco-friendly recycled ... Views: 1608
Like practically all humans, when you greatly don’t like something that is happening to you, you often tend to foolishly insist: “I can’t stand it! I can’t bear it!” But you really can and do. Why? Because, first, if you really couldn’t stand painful events – such as failing to find a good job, ... Views: 994
Finding balance is deciding to notice what goes on in your life. To make conscious choices and to experience life, not just let it happen to you. Learning more about yourself is an important first step in creating balance in your life. It is easy to get caught up in the fast pace and pressing ... Views: 630
Cheryl Richardson, a favorite author and fellow coach, has written a new book called "Stand Up for Your Life". In this book she talks about how our society tends to "bond over stress instead of success". I see this in action every day in my own life and in the lives of my clients.
We tend to ... Views: 651
H. Jackson Brown Jr. once wrote, “Your mind can only hold one thought at a time, make it a positive and constructive one.” As simple as these words may seem, they are in fact, very true. You see, if you are looking for a way to feel better at any given moment, all you have to do is change ... Views: 615
It seems we have a not-so-new, but rarely discussed scourge on the Personal Development landscape.
We've all met Mr and Mrs fit-in-at-all-costs; the Social Zombie (what would you like me to do, be, say?).
But over the last decade or three we have seen the rise of the Personal Development ... Views: 925
Each time we are faced with making a decision or choice about something, we may think that we have free will and are using our critical thought processes. That we do this is not surprising, as so much of our experience in the world contains choices. From lunch menus to driving routes to vacation ... Views: 1305
In 1988 I had the idea of setting up a Personal Training centre in Melbourne.
There were no commercial PT facilities in this country at the time.
It would be Australia's first appointment-only gym.
I was young, had no business experience, no tertiary qualification and not much money.
Clearly, a ... Views: 785
Tracking our things to be thankful for - Everyone of us has many things to be thankful for. The problem is that we don't always see this to be true. Me included :-). Therefore; playing something as simple as the thankfulness game can do wonders to get us track. This is something that takes ... Views: 594
Listen to your heart - While our heart pumps the blood that keeps us alive it also accomplishes many other tasks. One in particular being the job of giving us passion for things! When we can follow our hearts passion we in turn make it easier on ourselves with regards to achieving things. ... Views: 732
You have a dream, an urging to express yourself. Hold on to it for the dream is God's idea eager to be expressed through you. It is God's choice through you the idea should be fulfilled. God gave you the idea with a restlessness to live it and with the tools, passion and joy to see it through ... Views: 879
Happy people never concern themselves with past events, and never question whether they or anyone else could have done something other than what they did.
But unhappy people think that they or someone else could have done something differently, or could have spoken, or thought, or felt ... Views: 645
Happy people never concern themselves with past events, and never question whether they or anyone else could have done something other than what they did.
But unhappy people think that they or someone else could have done something differently, or could have spoken, or thought, or felt ... Views: 709
It seems to me that many of us don't really know who we are.
We have our very own personal identity crisis.
We spend our very busy lives doing stuff, achieving stuff.... but still not really knowing who we are.
What's you're identity?
Who are you really?
If we take away all your stuff... ... Views: 1215
Have you struggled with the concept of forgiveness when you were filled with anger and resentment towards someone who has hurt you? Have you ever believed that you did forgive only to find that you were suddenly hit with “break-through emotional pain” that seemed to come out of nowhere? If ... Views: 675
From the book "Contemporary Parables"
by Robert Elias Najemy
Some of us prefer to hide our problems from ourselves and others. Because it is too painful to deal with them, we lock them up in our subconscious mind and pretend that these problems or feelings do not exist and that all is ... Views: 849
Most of us live in a culture and society which is totally obsessed with perfection.
An obsession which invariably leads to pain.
Emotional, psychological, physical, social and financial pain.
The perfection obsession is rampant.
It's completely ridiculous.
It's unhealthy.
It's ... Views: 1068
Soozi Rowbotham was diagnosed with a life threatening illness & decided to take action and help herself by finding articles written by people who shared her experience. After exhausting the internet search engines and plunging through vast numbers of websites, Soozi still found nothing ... Views: 577
Happiness is transpersonal divine joy and fulfillment in creating and connecting. It is the outbursting purity of the Universe. In happiness one is opening up to the fullest for life, her gifts, possibilities and challenges. This implies that happiness is not a goal, but a road to travel on, an ... Views: 1139
Peace is inner stillness, it is the tranquility of the soul in which all motions subside and each thought and desire loses its importance. Peace is fulfillment in Nothingness, your home in eternity. It means resting in the womb of the Void and riding the clouds of the gods. It does not mean that ... Views: 733
I have a theory. No, it’s more like a dream, a hope, a strong desire. It’s not a unique dream. Many have dreamt it. It’s the desire for the all those on this planet to be loving towards each other. For peace and tranquility among mankind. For a song, which if heard by distant planets, would sing ... Views: 792
Hi. My name is Donald. Last February I turned 40.
Hey, I didn’t mind. Life has never been better. Personally, I live with a loving and caring partner and my life is rich with family and friends. Professionally, I am in my second season of my column, DISHing With Donald, which appears in an ... Views: 720
Attitude, as you have heard many times, is everything. That theory has been written in thousands of books, spoken to millions of people, and driven deep into your mind. Why? It's true.
Your attitude is your own personal filter for everything that happens to you, around you, or within you. What ... Views: 553