Sometimes you may want to start a new good habit and it’s difficult to do. You want to get out of bed earlier to exercise, you want to iron your clothes while you’re watching television, you want to do homework for your class instead of watching a movie, you want to eat more vegetables and ... Views: 8345
In order to be as effective as possible with your confident statements, you need to learn how to hold your body and use your voice. If you’re saying confident words, but your body or voice show that you’re unsure of yourself, people will believe your nonverbal communication instead of your ... Views: 6641
It’s not the easiest thing to be assertive with friends. They may be used to you doing everything they ask. If you agree to any request they make, cancel appointments to be with them, and even ignore things you have to do so you can do what they want, then you’re like a doormat. You don’t ... Views: 7828
Passive people give away their passivity with the type of language they use. Their words tell others that they don’t think very highly of themselves and that they need others’ approval. This type of language takes away their power.
De-emphasizers are methods of using speech so that passive ... Views: 6853
In the 1970s, Dr. James Prochaska and colleagues at the University of Rhode Island developed a model on the process of changing from bad habits to good ones. They identified six stages that people go through in this process.
Generally, people don’t go through these stages in a linear ... Views: 7457
Using affirmations is a key component to building new mental habits and beliefs about yourself. What you tell yourself about yourself is directly related to your self-confidence, how you feel about yourself and what you believe you can accomplish. By repeating positive affirmations, you ... Views: 7064
Every person has inner dreams and desires. You do too. You may feel there are many things you were born to do and to accomplish in this lifetime. You have natural talents and skills, things that come easily to you and activities you enjoy doing. There are numerous parts of life that bring ... Views: 7030
Helping your family members and friends develop self-confidence is based on the concept of human dignity. It begins with the foundation of respect. How you greet others, how you look at them, what you say to them, and how you listen to them all communicate whether you respect the other person. ... Views: 7832
Children need to feel good about themselves. They need to be accepted and valued by the adults in their lives and their peers. Children with high self-confidence feel that the important adults in their lives care about them and would go out of their way to make them safe and well. They feel ... Views: 7125
Did you know that we’re physically and mentally healthier when we have meaningful and fulfilling relationships? People who are ill get better more quickly when they have a loving support system. People who are broken-hearted from a romantic breakup get back to normal more quickly if they have ... Views: 7441
Once you’ve met people and discovered you have some things in common, the next step is to arrange to meet again. If that’s satisfying to both of you, you’ll need to continue to meet.
Ideally, you and the other person will take turns initiating contact. But if you initiate more at the ... Views: 6707
Studies have found that having friends is one of the most important contributions to having a happy and healthy life. Forming friendships isn’t difficult, but it does take some effort.
Friendships Come in All Shapes and Sizes
Some friends we know from childhood are with us our entire ... Views: 6836
Conflicts are normal in all relationships, even loving ones. It’s vital that these differences are resolved. If not, the feelings between you and your partner will gradually diminish.
Different personality types handle conflicts in different ways, and the way they argue depends on their ... Views: 7483
Couples who are most successful have learned how to argue effectively. Believe it or not, arguing in a caring fashion is a skill. Arguing can easily get out of control. You need self-confidence to bring up a topic you’re concerned about, and you need self-confidence to argue in a way that ... Views: 7326
People with high self-confidence naturally have optimistic and joyful emotions as well as the knowledge that they can change their emotions from negative to positive. You can’t be down in the dumps and have high self-confidence at the same time. The two don’t mix.
Emotions are a normal part ... Views: 7670
“Change,” “growth,” “learning,” and “self-discovery” are all terms that signify the same process. When you change and grow, you begin acting differently and are seen by others as a new person. You must encourage the old you to step down and allow the new you to blossom and take its place. ... Views: 6862
If you remain with low self-confidence, you can expect your life to continue as it is. Nothing will change. You will think poorly of yourself and, following your lead, others will too.
What to Expect with Low Self-Confidence
There are many costs associated with low self-confidence. ... Views: 6534
Many people believe a number of myths about self-confidence. They’ve heard these myths from relatives or friends, or perhaps they’ve read them in books or in articles.
These myths can be very damaging because they keep people from developing their self-confidence. They make people feel ... Views: 9301
Like everyone, you have a self-concept, which is a sense of who you are. It is a habit you’ve developed since the time you were very young, and it’s very familiar to you.
Let’s look at the difference between high self-confidence and low self-confidence.
If You Have High Self-Confidence, ... Views: 6457
Speaking up in meetings is crucial if you want to be promoted at work. People will see you as being smart, energetic, and sharp. Your inner confidence will help you express yourself, and the respect others will have for you will add to your confidence even further.
The Problem
Picture ... Views: 6028
Family relationships are some of the most important in your life. There are many families that you may be relating to:
• the family you grew up in
• your extended family of aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces, nephews, and all their husbands and wives
• your current family
• perhaps the ... Views: 6738
Have you ever had a situation where you want another person to change their behavior, and you ended up arguing with them instead? There may have been yelling, put-downs and anger. This certainly isn’t the best way to get others to act in a different way.
One of the best ways to get others ... Views: 7138
Do you find it’s difficult for you to make your dreams come true? Are you so worried about how others think of you that you can’t live your life the way you want? Are you hesitant about making friends, or you have friends who put you down?
We’ve all had experiences where our confidence has ... Views: 7007
How you talk to yourself about your body and how you believe others see you directly affect how confident you are concerning your body and your looks. Here are two people who use negative self-talk and are extremely unhappy because of it.
Riana's Negative Thinking
Riana can only think ... Views: 8937
Ava goes throughout her day putting herself down. She looks at herself in the mirror in the morning and thinks how ugly her hair and nose are. She arrives at her job and tells herself how much she dislikes doing this work but that she’ll never find anything better. At lunch, she doesn’t sit ... Views: 6854
While it is true that your confidence was especially vulnerable to external influences when you were a child, as you grow older, you can gain awareness and perspective on what those influences were and how they were received. When you begin to do this, you can choose which influences you will ... Views: 7125
Your core beliefs are those beliefs you created when you were a child based on your experiences and how you were treated and talked to. You had certain experiences and heard the same messages over and over again from family members, peers and others, and you formed certain core beliefs about ... Views: 7299
As girls are growing up, their parents and culture teach them how to be. Most girls get the message that they’re supposed to be and act in certain ways. Many of these messages encourage girls to be “less than.” In many ways, girls are taught to have low self-esteem as part of their ... Views: 6839
Since your self-talk affects everything about your life, what you learn in this article is crucial to your growth toward high self-confidence.
Have you ever said any of these to yourself?
• I can’t do it.
• I’m so stupid! I can’t do anything right.
• I’m afraid to speak up at ... Views: 7581
There are so many ways that your self-talk can add to your life or subtract to it. In this article, I’ll explain two types of mind games your self-talk can play with you: labeling and comparing yourself with others. Let’s start with labeling.
Layla self-talks using negative ... Views: 5840
There are so many ways that your self-talk can add to your life or subtract to it. In this article, I’ll explain two types of mind games your self-talk can play with you: focusing on the negative while discounting the positive as well as mind reading. Let’s start with focusing on the negative ... Views: 6729
Have you ever walked into an interview feeling totally unprepared? You were attracted to the job they advertised, you liked the ambiance of the place of work, you felt welcomed by the receptionist. You even felt you were qualified for the position and that you would be an excellent employee. ... Views: 5909
Having confidence in the workplace begins with having the type of job that fits your skills, talents and interests. If there is a mismatch between your personality and your job, you’ll most likely be unhappy and you’ll have additional stress in your life.
Determine Your Preference: Data, ... Views: 5779
Perfectionism surfaces in what you think, what you feel, and what you do. In order to retrain yourself, you’ll need to change things in each of these categories to make the biggest difference. In the end, you’ll be more productive, more satisfied, and closer in your personal ... Views: 5653
Perfectionism rears its ugly head when you feel you must do everything absolutely perfectly. If you don’t, there’s something wrong with you and your world will fall apart. Part 1, we looked what it means to be a perfectionist in three different ways. We’ll complete our investigation of the ... Views: 5511
Perfectionists often use negative self-talk and measure their worth by how well they do things in a perfect manner. They often think things like:
• “I can’t make a single mistake. Everything has to be just right.”
• “There is only one right way to do things to make them the best.”
• “People ... Views: 5896
Most people begin their journey into low self-confidence in their childhood. Our early environments affect us deeply, and we take in the messages we receive. As we hear these same messages over and over again, they take shape in our minds, and over time they form our core beliefs about ... Views: 6828
While social media can be useful in connecting you to family, friends and colleagues, there can be many pitfalls. But you can avoid these pitfalls by following these words of advice.
Spend a Limited Amount of Time on Social Media
Probably the most important thing to do is to spend a ... Views: 7905
You are looking at your bank statement, and you realize that you’ve been getting the same salary for a long time. You know that you’ve added a lot of value to your company or organization, and you feel you’re entitled to a raise. Last week, your mechanic told you that your car needs a major ... Views: 7209