Let’s talk about goal setting; how you go about setting Purposeful goals, and making sure those goals actually get achieved.
How do you make goals work not only for New Year’s time, but throughout the whole year? How do you make them actually changing your life, transforming your life for the ... Views: 1067
Time stays long enough for those who use it.“
– Leonardo Da Vinci
Your plan depends on your goals
Do you know what you are going to do tomorrow? Do you know what you are going to do next? In order to be more effective, you should have a plan for the next day and what tasks you are going to ... Views: 1184
After 7 years and 500 interviews of successful people Richard St. John came up with a list of 8 secrets to success. In this Ted presentation Richard points out that success is not a step by step process but a continuous journey. The problem is that when we get to the top of a process we think ... Views: 1074
We are not only wired to peruse happiness but we are also wired to want more and more happiness.
But how good are we at increasing our happiness ?
Statistics On The Pursuit Of Happiness
In 2004 there were over 2000 book titles with advice that is supposed to bring happiness. There are ... Views: 1578
Overcoming the Impossible
Almost everyone knows the value of setting goals. Setting them, writing them down, and then marching toward their completion is the best and surest way to make progress. It doesn’t matter what your goals are, as long as they’re important to you, and let’s face it, ... Views: 1302
Emotions are pesky creatures. They can creep up on you when you least expect it and throw your whole day into a tailspin. They can be good, bad or somewhere in between, but often come up unexpectedly. Understanding your emotions is the key to personal development as they are often a window to ... Views: 2208
It is easy to form a bad habit, but I think it is difficult (at least in the beginning) to form a good habit that sticks. This applies to time management as well.
There are certain ways that can help you to become more efficient in your everyday life. Some of the habits that I currently ... Views: 1234
Creativity and creative problem-solving can be that extra something that distinguishes sheer talent and hard work from booming success.
There are a lot of talented young artists, but there is only one Lady Gaga. It’s not because she is more talented or more beautiful. It’s not because she ... Views: 1037
If anyone tries to sell you the secret to success, walk away because they are trying to rip you off. There is no magical solution and no mystery to it. In fact, there is no secret!
Scientists have repeatedly studied people who do well in life, solving problems effectively and almost ... Views: 1199
Believe it or not, self-confidence is necessary for being and staying motivated. Self-confidence is our basic belief that we can successfully carry out activities and attain our goals. This makes it the first step to being motivated and energized if your life.
If you want to improve your ... Views: 1115
If you’re on track to accomplishing all, most, or even part of what you set out to, congratulations!
But if there are some goals still on the table, or you haven’t made the progress you had expected or visualized in achieving your goal by now, you may be getting frustrated, discouraged, angry ... Views: 1019
Do you put off your work for later, only to find your deadlines steadily creeping in? Then you, my friend, are one of the millions of people afflicted by the procrastination virus. Procrastination is the biggest reason for loss of productivity and late output. Though many would not admit it, ... Views: 1041