Procrastination is a poison for any career.
No matter if you are an employee or the employer, the inability to meet deadlines is always going to reflect into bad results.
And even if you manage to get things done at the last minute, it leaves you with the certainty that you could have done ... Views: 1228
Now, a lot of ink has been spilt over how you should make certain that you actually develop a writing habit and that you don’t just end up one of those people who calls themselves a writer and imagines themselves to be, but never actually puts anything on paper. So that is not the part I’m going ... Views: 1289
If you want that your employees become more productivity maybe it is time for you to stop blaming your team and start rolling up your own sleeves. Sometimes, yes, it is your employees’ lack of essential skills the cause of tasks not getting done, but, on many occasions, you could have done ... Views: 1185
Do you think that perhaps the information about how good writing is for you is a bit biased because it’s generally writers writing about how healthy it is? Because if it isn’t, wow! Everybody should just write. Shut the factories, the cafes and the borders. Give everybody a pen and some paper ... Views: 1271
Content is king. This is even truer now that people are using more and more ad blockers. The only way to get to them these days is by slipping your product in among the information they’re looking for. At least until some smarty-pants manages to find a way to block that as well!
Of course, not ... Views: 856
Starting writing, that’s easy. It’s the continuing that’s the hard part. And yet if you’re not writing consistently you can’t really call yourself a writer – a dreamer, maybe but not a writer. So what makes it so hard to continue writing?
The first piece of the puzzle we’re going to have to ... Views: 1186