No one can escape stress - not even the mighty Millennials.
The fact is, they are the most stressed of all generations!
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), Millennials (ages 18 to 33) report the highest average stress levels... and it's climbing. Thirty-nine percent ... Views: 1616
I love conferences.
It doesn't matter if I'm attending or presenting they are always a highlight for me.
But there is a very predictable paradox when professionals attend a conference or convention.
The majority leave completely filled with collaboration, education, innovation and ... Views: 1231
As a wellness coach to CEOs, entrepreneurs and companies around the country I know I can only be effective if I walk my talk. Seriously would you ever hire, trust, or follow the guidance of a wellness coach that shows up smelling like French fries, has bags under their eyes and sporting a ... Views: 1509
The process of aging is pretty simple.
Live. Age. Repeat.
Frightening, I know!
Physiologically speaking, it's also quite easy to comprehend.
The body's regeneration process is divided into two main categories: one builds the body up (anabolic) and one breaks the body down ... Views: 1336
I'm sure it comes as no surprise that every meal eaten out of your home can be a real diet disaster and throw the most mindful eaters off their health and wellness track.
The average individual has lunch out twice per week and dinner once. That equates to one full day of eating out per week ... Views: 1924
Like R&B singer Lauryn Hill once sang, ‘the sweetest thing I have ever know, was like the kiss upon the collarbone’… that was of course, until I came across a corporate office and millions of Hersey kisses. After visiting offices around the country, I can honestly say that today’s professionals ... Views: 1436
Visualization and imagery has been used for thousands of years with anything from athletic performance to healing, but does it really work?
Yes, it certainly does!
Our brain doesn't know the difference between what is actually happening and what we are vividly picturing in our mind which ... Views: 2169
Out on a run…WHAM!
In the shower…POW!
Washing the dishes…BANG!
On the toilet…BOOM!
Creativity often slaps you upside the head like a villain from a 60’s Batman television episode when you least expect it...SMACK! It was reported that Einstein would sit in the bathtub for hours until ... Views: 1448
Stand up tall!
Sit up straight!
Stop slouching!
Have you ever stopped to think why children and teenagers around the world have been hearing these commands since what seems like the beginning of time?
It’s most likely because it took our prehistoric ancestors millions of years to ... Views: 1332
Sleep is the single greatest and cheapest form of rest, repair and rejuvenation for the human body and mind, but often the very first thing sacrificed by today’s high performing professionals. Our 24/7 access to work, light and carbohydrates has completely deteriorated the quality and quantity ... Views: 1304
I'd love to know what was your major goal or resolution for 2016?
And how are you doing on this goal or resolution with only 30 days remaining in the year?
Wait a second, do you even remember your goal or resolution you set last January?
The book What They Don't Teach You At Harvard ... Views: 1409
At least 1/3 of a 24-hour workday is spent at work and for the vast majority of professionals their job is still performed at an office. It is estimated that we make over 200 food-based decisions per day! This suggests that a large % of our eating and drinking decisions happen at work and at the ... Views: 1206
'I have TOO much time!', said nobody ever. is by far the most common excuse for why professionals do not exercise, stretch, get to bed on time, eat good food, take breaks, and follow through on positive actions to reach their body, health, and life goals.
Do you also find it hard ... Views: 1449
Three 8-ounces cups of coffee and a half of pound of sugar per day is what the average American is consuming! Why? Besides being addictive and delicious both of these substances give out instant energy and boy are we in an energy deficit. The majority of professionals are sick and tired and ... Views: 1188
Are you a CEO, executive or professional?
Has your health and fitness hit a plateau or losing ground?
Do you exercise frequently and intensely, but experience any of the following:
Cravings for caffeine, cigarettes and/or sugar
Fatigue and exhaustion during the workday
... Views: 1263
Want to improve your concentration and focus?
Looking to enhance your daily creativity?
Wish you had better memory and could learn faster?
Then I have the training program for you!
Infinity Wellness Partners has designed a 21-day training program dedicated to pumping up your brain ... Views: 2105
Cough, cough, *sneeze*
Cough, cough, *sneeze*
Cough, cough, *sneeze*
Flu will...flu will...rock you!
Flu will...flu will...rock you...rock you!
Do you get sick every winter?
Scared to miss time at work because of illness?
Want extra protection when surrounded with germs at ... Views: 1070