In Part #1 of ‘Negative vs. Positive Thinking’, I gave you an overview of the conscious and unconscious mind and a glimpse into positive and negative thinking. Review on link below:
In Part #2, we are going ... Views: 313
Caribbean Dictionary:
Referring to the art of doing nothing while sharing food, drink,
conversation and laughter. Chilling or hanging out.
American Dictionary
Adjective: Avoiding work or being lazy.
Verb: spend time doing nothing.
Running in idle:
Mapes’ ... Views: 459
“Don’t saw off the branch you are sitting on.”
- International Proverb
“Don’t shoot yourself in the foot!” I heard this warning from my grandpa when he addressed my childhood anger issues.
What does it really mean?
Shoot yourself in the foot: “To damage or impede one's own plans, ... Views: 581
“You may not control all the events that happen to you,
but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”
– Maya Angelou
I’ve been pondering writing this article for some time. What has prevented me is every time I sit down to write, I have an immediate sensation of feeling frustrated which ... Views: 564
When you think of PTSD, (post-traumatic stress disorder) what comes to mind? The most common traumas that lead to PTSD are soldiers returning from war, firefighters, police, and sexual assault victims. Some who suffer divorce or loss of a loved one show signs of PTSD for years. After the ... Views: 520
“Human dignity is the same for all human beings:
when I trample on the dignity of another, I am trampling on my own.”
-Pope Francis
When my book, Quantum Leap Thinking: An Owner’s Guide to the Mind was published in 1996, I hoped most individuals would conclude that we are all connected. I ... Views: 599
If you have always done it that way, it is probably wrong.
—CHARLES KETTERING, inventor of the electric starter for automobiles/
Founder of the S-Kettering Foundation
We are in a time of turbulent change in every area of our lives. The impact on our mental and physical health is ... Views: 560
“The simple act of paying attention can take you a long way.”
-Keanu Reeves, actor
My suitcase disappeared on one of my trips recently. It just failed to show up. I stood there in the baggage claim area stupidly watching everybody else’s luggage before I finally admitted it was lost and ... Views: 529
Fruitcakes in the kitchen
Fruitcakes on the street
Struttin' naked through the crosswalk
In the middle of the week
Half-baked cookies in the oven
Half-baked people on the bus
There's a little bit of fruitcake left in every one of us
-Jimmy Buffett
In my lifetime, I never dreamed we ... Views: 668
“Sometimes the worst place you can be
Is in your own head.”
I feel like a mime lately. All the COVID-19 “air hugs” and using my hands more to be understood makes me feel a bit awkward. I also find myself raising my voice to penetrate the barrier of a mask. And, like many, I ... Views: 644
“When home feels out of control, no matter what the reason,
unsettledness and anxiety can seep in,
and then the chaos becomes internal as well as external.”
—Myquillyn Smith
You can either let the coronavirus destroy your emotional self with mind-numbing fear and inaction or- you ... Views: 695
“Fear makes us stupid!”
-James Mapes
The dictionary defines ‘idiot’ as a stupid person. While the word is not socially acceptable, it serves a purpose here.
Fear and uncertainty are not your friends.
When we are fearful, we catastrophize. Without knowing it, we make a lot of ‘doom & ... Views: 897
Red phosphorus and potassium chlorate are stable chemicals when kept in isolation, but when they are mixed together and shaken, they explode. There is undeniable energy and a transformation takes place.
Quantum Leap Thinking, or QLT, is a collection of ideas, concepts, distinctions, and ... Views: 871
” I love creating partnerships;
I love not having to bear the entire burden of the creative storytelling,
and when I have unions like with George Lucas and Peter Jackson,
it's really great; not only do I benefit, but the project is better for it.”
- Steven Spielberg
We create ... Views: 817
“Boundaries define us. They define what is me and what is not me.
A boundary shows me where I end and someone else begins,
leading me to a sense of ownership.
Knowing what I am to own and take responsibility for gives me freedom.”
– Henry Cloud, American author
Do you set boundaries ... Views: 822
Kids are fascinated with asking questions, but the question stage is supposed to be part of a process, not an end in itself. Children often get stuck in the question mode. They ask questions and ... Views: 866
Study, learn, but guard the original naivete´. It has to be within
you, as desire for drink is within the drunkard or love is within
the lover.
—HENRI MATISSE, French painter
I have always thought that my formal education was a bust. I disliked most of my classes, not because of the ... Views: 965
“Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinion of others, for those voices.
Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.”
—KATHERINE MANSFIELD, British short-story writer
I invite you to watch this three-minute video on YouTube: ... Views: 1021
“Always plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.”
-Richard C. Cushing, author, “Mission of the Teacher”
While in college working on my master’s degree, my mentor said to me, “James, it’s never enough in life to have a ‘Plan B’.” If you’re going to stay ahead of the ... Views: 773
“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.”
― Ernest Hemingway
Communication—particularly loving communication—is a two-way street, the second means of setting the stage for it is active listening.
Listening is much more than just sitting still and looking at the ... Views: 1014
Please watch is two-minute clip before you read the article:
I define connection as the energy that exists between people
when they feel seen, heard, and valued;
when they can give and receive without judgment;
and when they derive sustenance and strength ... Views: 995
1: A process by which information is exchanged between individuals
through a common system of symbols, signs or behavior.
2. Personal rapport (a relationship characterized by agreement, mutual understanding,
or empathy that makes communication possible or easy.)
-Merriam ... Views: 1294
As a gift for the holidays and for the New Year, I want to give you something I consider far more important than achieving resolutions. When you master successful communication, you have the principal tool for building exceptional relationships.
The dictionary defines communication as “a ... Views: 1382
Love is the medicine for the sickness of mankind. We can live if we have love.
—DR. KARL MENNINGER, American psychiatrist
Think about the books and poetry you have read, and the movies and television programs you have seen. What force is almost always at work? It’s the struggle to ... Views: 1036
“Future shock is the shattering stress and disorientation that we
induce in individuals by subjecting them to too much change in too short a time.”
—ALVIN TOFFLER, Future Shock
Since we will always move away from what creates the most pain to what creates the least, the question becomes ... Views: 1211
“A strong positive mental attitude will
create more miracles than any wonder drug.”
-Patricia Neal, American actress
How does your attitude meter read?
Do you generally have a good attitude towards life, expecting the best and tossing aside the garbage that inevitably comes ... Views: 1448
Some of us think holding on makes us strong;
but sometimes it is letting go.
-Hermann Hesse, Poet
I strongly suggest you read Part 1 of this series:.
FYI: (The Conscious Mind=The Rider; The Unconscious Mind=The ... Views: 1042
“In the beginning, it is difficult letting go.
But as you get into the swing of it,
you will feel lighter and fresher and better able to see what you really need.
That is what I imagine spring cleaning is truly about.”
FYI: (The ... Views: 1306
Sow a thought, reap an act; Sow an act, reap a habit;
Sow a habit, reap a character; Sow a character, reap a destiny.
When my doctor told me, “You need heart surgery immediately,” I thought it was the end. Of course, he was trying to communicate that a successful operation would ... Views: 1646
It never fails that when the holiday season rolls around, stress and anxiety rear their ugly head. Apply these 9 strategies and keep your sanity:
1. Let go of guilt and… Don’t "Should” On Yourself
Guilt, guilt, guilt is…the most devious of fears because underneath it all, we are afraid ... Views: 1446
Get action. Do things; be sane, don’t fritter away your time . . .
take a place wherever you are and be somebody; get action.
—THEODORE ROOSEVELT, twenty-sixth president of the United States
In 1973, on an eighty-nine-day cruise around the world, I met a very special person. He was Bruce ... Views: 1339
If you have always done it that way, it is probably wrong.
—CHARLES KETTERING, inventor of the electric starter for automobiles/
Founder of the S-Kettering Foundation
In my previous blog (available on my site: ) I addressed ... Views: 1599
Insights: Managing Change
Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past
or the present are certain to miss the future.
Clasp your hands together as demonstrated in the diagram below:
Now take your hands apart and clasp them back ... Views: 1470
A must-read book: Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich.
Someone gave it to me as a joke, but it was a catalyst that changed my life. Being rich took on a whole new meaning for me. It went far beyond the accumulation of money and material possessions. Hill spoke of being rich in experience, ... Views: 1311
The future belongs to those who believe in dreams.
—ELEANOR ROOSEVELT, humanitarian and diplomat
A tiny speck appears on the horizon. It’s hard to see. It begins to move closer and closer. It looks like a shapeless blob, but as it moves closer, it starts to take form. The form becomes ... Views: 1604
As long as you’re green, you’re growing;
as soon as you’re ripe, you start to rot.
—RAY KROC, founder of McDonald’s
Learning is a never-ending cyclical process of discovery. We uncover possibilities within ourselves, transform them into reality, and discover new possibilities again. ... Views: 1386
Over many years of speaking on the power of the mind and creativity I searched for the ideal metaphor to describe the conscious and subconscious. For a short period I used Plato’s imagery in Phaedrus, in which Socrates refers to our conscious, rational self as a charioteer who is holding on to ... Views: 1681
As strange and odd as this may sound, your “mind,” as opposed to your “brain” is, figuratively speaking, divided into two parts. These parts are invisible, and dramatically different, yet they must work together if an individual is to live an exceptional life. The two parts are ubiquitously ... Views: 1307
“All men should strive to learn before they die
what they are running from, and to, and why.”
—James Thurber, “The Shore and the Sea”
In my new web-enhanced book - with 21 coaching video clips - IMAGINE THAT! Igniting Your Brain for Creativity & Peak Performance, you learn how to fire up ... Views: 1525
Creating and presenting my TEDx talk was one of the greatest challenges of my career - and an ultimate learning experience.
Having a solid background in acting and speaking for more than three decades gave me the belief, or so I thought, that this would be an easy task. In fact, it tested ... Views: 2315
If you focus your attention on the lack of money, that’s what will get reinforced.
Where you put your mental attention is what gets nourished.
Poverty comes to the person who is emotionally and intellectually prepared for it.
Prosperity is attracted to the person who is emotionally and ... Views: 1807
Drag your thoughts away from your troubles...
by the ears, by the heels, or any other way you can manage it.
- Mark Twain
Catastrophic thinking is the imagination run amuck, worry heightened to the power of ten. It happens when we allow our emotions to dictate how and what we think. It ... Views: 1791
Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out.
Sometimes they just need a little nudge,
a little direction, a little support, a little coaching,
and the greatest things can happen.
-Pete Carroll, American football coach
What’s your opinion of peak ... Views: 1169
You have the power to heal your life,
and you need to know that.
We think so often that we are helpless,
but we are not.
We always have the power of our minds…
Claim and consciously use your power.
-Louise Hay
Throughout history, events and happenings that could not be logically ... Views: 1643
Why brand yourself? For one primary reason. Branding shines a light on you and your business. Branding reveals the essence of who you are and what you offer. Your brand separates you from the crowd.
Branding is mandatory for any entrepreneur’s company to be noticed, respected, in demand and ... Views: 1572
The secret is not to give up hope.
It's very hard not to because if you're really doing something worthwhile
I think you will be pushed to the brink of hopelessness
before you come through the other side.
–George Lucas
Everyone experiences emotional or physical trauma. Perhaps due to ... Views: 1715
“Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people.
A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.”
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
Are you a kind person? Do you like to be treated with kindness? Why should you be kind?
What if I told you that ... Views: 1326
You may be whatever you resolve to be.
Determine to be something in the world, and you will be something.
“I cannot” never accomplished anything; “I will do” has wrought wonders.
-George Gissing – English novelist and teacher
How many times have you broken your New Year’s ... Views: 1559
Recently, the Critics’ Choice Awards were televised and, the Golden Globe nominations were announced. I am fascinated because I LOVE movies. They have been a staple part of my life since my earliest childhood. Films have entertained, influenced, informed, educated and ignited my ... Views: 1567
Let's strip away the rose-colored glasses, let go of guilt and do a reality check. For many people the holiday season can feel like anything but a celebration. If one isn’t careful, the Christmas season can turn people into frenetic, anxious, and crazy - holiday survivalists.
Below are 7 ... Views: 1399