There are all kinds of ways you can try to improve yourself. Many people strive for self-improvement every day. Some of them can succeed in their attempts with no problems, but others can’t seem to find the fortitude to make the changes they want.
In this article, we’ll talk about a few ways ... Views: 247
Most people would like to lead happier and healthier lives, but life itself can often get in the way. People are becoming increasingly busy, meaning they often have less time to think about how happy and healthy they are.
The good news is that if you work on your happiness levels, you’re ... Views: 1201
If you've ever experienced a recession and got laid off, or even lost your home, then you know what it's like to have a down period in your life. In fact, millions of people suffered through the last great recession are only just starting to feel as if they're getting their lives back ... Views: 752
Many people suffer from low self-esteem, especially if they often compare themselves to celebrities that adorn the covers of magazines, wear perfect eyeglasses, and walk so elegantly on the catwalk.
You may never achieve celebrity status, but this does not mean you cannot look, and feel good; ... Views: 957
Many people feel a little down from time to time, however some may find that they lack motivation, and simply cannot smile as much as they used to.
Shockingly, studies have shown that 60% of people will suffer from depression at some point in their lives.
The good news is that most people ... Views: 869
If you’re battling a creeping sense of burnout in the face of your struggling business for the first time, it’s certainly an unsettling experience.
Your gut reaction may be to throw in the towel; however, bear in mind that low-points for entrepreneurs don’t necessarily last forever. Rather ... Views: 798
There are likely many goals you have for your consulting business, whether those be earning more money or finding new clients.
But regardless of which specific goals you have set for yourself, the best way to make those goals to become a tangible reality is simple: improve your consulting ... Views: 848
Most of us have bad habits we’d like to break, but it’s tough.
The majority of us have at least one habit that nags us because we know we shouldn’t do it, but it’s difficult to get out of the mental cycle that can surround that pattern and make a long-term change.
Bad habits can not just ... Views: 1013
Sometimes self-improvement means being able to focus on others as much as yourself. Considering most people spend more time with their co-workers than their families, the workplace is as good a place as any to start.
Your business’ growth is directly dependent upon the productivity of you and ... Views: 937
Feeling confident and empowered at work is something men and women tend to struggle with.
It’s something that’s more talked about in terms of women, but it’s a universal issue for most professionals.
Being confident in your work environment is important because it allows you to thrive and ... Views: 1042
Content marketing is expensive. That’s a reality that many business owners have faced after getting started with their content planning, producing, and promotion efforts.
If you were to go through all of the costs associated with content marketing, it would quickly reach into the tens of ... Views: 1648
With search engines being as advanced as they are today, anybody can do a keyword search and be provided with hundreds of links related to their keyword within a few seconds. After all, it’s no secret that there is more online content today than there has been at any other time in history. It’s ... Views: 1720
Working remotely is no longer a distant concept—it’s increasingly becoming the norm rather than an unusual work situation. As technology improves, more businesses are seeing the value of a remote workforce, including a reduction in overhead costs and access to a larger talent pool.
Once ... Views: 895
Many business leaders fall into the Baby Boomer generation and are edging toward retirement, leaving these organizations with a void to fill regarding new leadership. Millennials are being targeted as future leaders and for proactive companies, as soon as a new hire accepts employment they’re ... Views: 1351
As the economy strengthens, more Millennials are settling into long-term careers, and they’re starting to make financial decisions that will likely impact the rest of their lives.
Despite seeing the financial struggles of their parents, particularly during the Great Recession, as well as ... Views: 1006
Small, localized businesses have a tough time marketing themselves. Traditional advertising is expensive and with the new changes by Google, the “shady” tactics that could be used in the past are no longer available.
Getting lots of website traffic with a limited budget is also now ... Views: 2431