Feeling overwhelmed yet? I know I am at times, so whenever I’m intuiting something that’s troublesome, I imagine you may be as well. With that said, I often do research to find possible solutions – solutions that aren’t only physical, but also spiritual, which can aid us in our day-to-day ... Views: 465
As I sit writing this monthly newsletter the shock of the last few days has lessened its grip on me, but it’ll always be there. You see, inequality has always been a pet peeve of mine. In thinking about this I wonder where it all began, was there an event that shaped my hard and fast rules ... Views: 465
They say that the eyes are the window to the soul, and I believe this to be true. Don’t we all look at someone’s eyes to gauge whether they’re happy, sad, confused, fearful or surprised, etc? Of course, we do, and not one of us is immune to each one of these emotions at certain times in our ... Views: 2996
When I was young, probably five years old or so, I was given a chocolate brown dress. You might wonder the significance of this brown dress because what little girl wears brown? What a boring color for a little girl! Well, the adornment on the dress was stripes of aqua colored piping which ran ... Views: 1788
Twice in my life when I’ve known a change was needed, spirit stepped in to pave the way. This doesn’t mean that I had an upper hand in foreknowledge of coming events. However, it does mean that I was aware change was necessary, but stubborn Lisa (who thinks she knows better), would decide to ... Views: 1283
Theoretically, an empath and a clairsentient is the same thing. The term empath, or being empathic, seems to be the buzzword over the last 10 to 15 years. Whether this is due to the advanced population of crystal, rainbow, and indigo children, or simply a way for the spiritual community to ... Views: 1305
In mediumship, there’s the possibility of a disconnect between the spirit and the reader. Not due to error, but the method spirit uses to convey what they want me to say such as the “red apple”.
For example, during a recent reading spirit was very accurate in describing the client’s home to ... Views: 1590
It’s really easy to get caught up in the drama of our lives, but we have a choice. At one point or another, we all face adversity. We all face those times of trial and tragedy. Yet how do we get to the other side? How do we bounce back from the adversity that we face? Do we systematically figure ... Views: 1522
Theoretically, being an empathic or clairsentient being is the same thing, however, one has a heightened sense. The term empath, or being empathic, seems to be the buzzword over the last 10 to 15 years. Whether this is due to the advanced population of crystal, rainbow, and indigo children, or ... Views: 2229
As I sit in the airport on a flight delay, after bemoaning the fact that I need to sit around for what seems one million hours, I think back...
I've been planning this trip for months now. I'm studying with a lovely British Medium, Mavis Pittilla, who is an older woman teaching out of the ... Views: 1379
Just this past weekend I was honored to participate in a lovely expo where I was one of the guest speakers. My topic being “Tracking” I explained what our loved ones experience between the time of their passing and when they actually arrive in heaven. The topic was well received and there were ... Views: 1471
I can’t tell you where the yearning came from, or where my love of Ireland originated. But I can tell you that the desire to go there has always been strong in my life. Up until one year ago, I didn’t even know I was part Irish. Like many of you, I consider myself a mutt, and I still do. I just ... Views: 1528
Michigan Psychic Medium Lisa Bousson shares a clip from a public Spirit Gallery where a deceased grandfather and mother come through bringing evidence and advice for those still living.
Demonstrations of Mediumship prove the continuity of life after death by providing evidence of your loved ... Views: 1383
In this video clip, a deceased twin brother brings through validation of his ongoing presence in the life of his living twin and his twin's wife in this public demonstration of mediumship with Michigan Psychic Medium Lisa Bousson.
Not only does he provide evidence of how he's coming through, ... Views: 1440
Whether it’s bipolar, depression, dementia or any other horrible mental disease, I don’t believe (at least in my findings) that many families can miss the boat.
Do you remember that new baby doll smell? I smelled it this morning when I was in the shower (A really good time for spirit ... Views: 1570
In this sea of unrest that many find they’re in, the feelings of loss, helplessness, and safety are of utmost concern. I would like to offer something I Am Safe by Michigan Psychic Medium Lisa Boussonthat has always helped me get through trying times.
*I am safe as I acknowledge these ... Views: 1521
I’ve spent the past week in Lily Dale Assembly in New York participating in classes, getting my learning on, teaching a class and holding a book signing. Whew, I have to tell you, it’s been a whirlwind of activity with my two amazing sisters (It’s sister’s week!).
I think the best part of my ... Views: 1490
Every living thing, whether plant or animal, is called a sentient being. That being said, a sentient being is one that feels. Do plants have feelings? This is something I’m looking into on a scientific basis. I know this may sound strange (but maybe not to you who are in tune with nature), but ... Views: 1200
At a recent Spirit Gallery, spirit strongly suggested that their lovedMichigan psychic medium Lisa Bousson just for the joy of it ones here sing at the top of their lungs. The person attending the Gallery then presented a face of fright, as if to say, “No one wants to hear ME sing!” However, ... Views: 1220
The meaning of the word inspiration brings to mind these Michigan Psychic Medium Lisa Bousson Inspirationtwo things…
The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
The drawing in of breath; inhalation.
What it means to me is IN (within ... Views: 1343
Many people are afraid of spirit because they can’t see them. Yes, sometimes it’s a surprising experience when I turn around and practically walk into a spirit person. My reaction is pretty much the same as what it would be if there were a physical person present behind me. Surprise, shock, and ... Views: 1477
Once in a while we see or read something that seemingly has no bearing upon us or our lives, so we pass it by, not paying attention. However, in the recesses of our mind we can recall that incident as clearly as if it had just happened to us. What’s happening here?
We are all affected by ... Views: 1605
It’s quite often that I have clients who are on the verge of major life changes.Searching for Pearls with Michigan Psychic Medium Lisa Bousson Maybe they’re looking for a new job, changing their marital status or just bored with life. What they all have in common is that very few of them see the ... Views: 1289
Piggybacking, in a spiritual sense, happens quite often during an event where there are more than one persons present such as a private or Public Spirit Gallery. Here’s what happens…
I’m quite clairaudient so when I hear names such as Fred, Robert and Harold when doing a demonstration there ... Views: 1610
Just watched a commercial saying that a golf ball doesn’t have control over where it lays, nor does it know where to go without our guidance. This reminds me of our spiritual path. We pull out our best moves hoping that we accomplish what we desire, but it’s our actions that dictate our landing ... Views: 1348
“You’re a muggle on the outside, but a wizard within.”Of course this quote is reminiscent of the Harry Potter movies, but when I heard it recently, it struck a cord.
I think we can all remember a time in our lives when we felt as though our true self wasn’t being expressed. Maybe we were ... Views: 1367
I was watching a rerun of House the other night. I just love House – he’s such a curmudgeon. The show started out with a 15 yr. old faith healer who was in church using his healing ability on an elderly woman who needed to use a walker. While healing the woman he had some sort of an attack ... Views: 1370
There’s quite a bit of confusion when deciding what type of reader one needs. What would best serve your purposes? Here’s a simple cheat sheet…
A psychic is someone who through clairvoyance, clairaudience, or clairsentience (clear seeing, clear hearing and clear feeling, respectively) is able ... Views: 2172
The Buddha Says:
“Young man, be aware of these four good-hearted friends: the helper, the friend who endures in good times and bad, the mentor, and the compassionate friend.”
The Helper can be identified by four things: by protecting you when you are vulnerable, and likewise your wealth, ... Views: 1362
When a dolphin became trapped in a marina lock in the 1980s, she was rescued and cared for at a dolphin sanctuary in Australia, where she must have picked up a few tricks from the other dolphins. Nearly 20 years later, marine biologists spotted several wild dolphins near Australia performing a ... Views: 1352
I was exposed to bigotry. I know that what I do confuses people, and I don’t profess to be any one belief or religion. However, when it stares you in the face and you are its victim, it may make you step back a little while and think about your life choices.
I did a public presentation ... Views: 1332
I’m sure you’ve read something I’ve written saying that it’s important to be able to give to yourself so that you can continue to give to others… and that continues to be true. However, giving to yourself is much different than taking (receiving) from someone else.
The cycle of abundance ... Views: 1428
In a recent conversation with a friend we began talking about the existence of the soul and its many facets. I explained that what I believe is that we don’t incarnate with the soul’s entirety. The justification for this is as a spiritual being we must always remain a part of the whole, ... Views: 3557
I had the pleasure of sitting for a class on physical mediumship with Lily Dale Assembly registered medium, Gerta Lestock, and was pleasantly entertained, instructed and empowered. Through the use of mental distraction and the elevation of personal energy, Ms Lestock led the students through the ... Views: 2432
My husband and I recently watched a preview of The Sound of Music, which Making Memories with Michigan Psychic Medium Lisa Boussonwill air on December 5, 2013.
The show, which is a TV version of the stage play, brings back fond memories of the original movie from my childhood. I look forward ... Views: 1038
Up to twelve inches of snow is expected in the first winter storm of 2014. Since I hadn’t been grocery shopping in a few weeks and had to go out for a business meeting anyway, I stopped at a few stores. What I witnessed was amazing. The scenes at both stores were the same… Way too many people ... Views: 996
A little metaphysics 101. We’re not getting into the really deep stuff, What Is Metaphysics with Michigan Psychic Medium Lisa Boussonbut this is a little about how we can use metaphysics in our lives. I’m sharing some information I’ve learned through the years working with students, clients and ... Views: 1236
1. A person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief.
That’s me! There comes a time in our career when we are an adept, or someone who is skilled. And while we may be accomplished there’s always room for betterment or growth. You challenge yourself ... Views: 1496
Recently I have been working with quite a few youth who are extremely intuitive. This reminds me of an event that took place years ago where I met a young boy. The boy’s mother wanted me to discuss with him the normalcy of intuiting the spirit around him as he was afraid of the deceased ... Views: 1156
I’m sure that, like me, you have experienced times when you have felt that something was out of sorts, yet you couldn’t put your finger on what it was that made you feel ill at ease. Many times we chalk it off as our imagination because we can’t see anything forthcoming, nor can we pinpoint its ... Views: 1201
I’ll soon be taking another week-long advanced class in Mediumship at Lily Dale Assembly in NY. When I look back at all the classes and workshops I’ve attended I’m sure that I would have accumulated at least a Doctorate by now had I attended a traditional university as long. So when do I get to ... Views: 1341
As I’m driving down the highway I always seem to go into these deeply philosophical thoughts. They go something like this…
I was wondering why a bug always seems to splatter on your windshield right in the point of vision. I know, my mind works in very profound ways. I know that it’s not that ... Views: 1309
There are times in our life when we know we’re in sync with the universe and Bypassing challenges with Michigan psychic medium Lisa Boussonall that is around us, and then there’s times when we feel as if we’re being hit from all angles.
Everyone experiences times where it appears nothing is ... Views: 1204
I’m on my way to a Spirit Gallery and often happen to see things in the landscape or landmarks along the way that have to do with feathers, angels and spiritual beings. It reminds me to thank God for the messages that I’ve received at poignant times in my life.
When I was first developing as ... Views: 1252
Having been asked the questions numerous times, I have two theories on what the time span is between lives. One from my Spiritualist Theology and one gathered from years of working with spirit. Here they are respectively.
If spirit are considering reincarnation, most will do so approximately ... Views: 1291
I was recently given the opportunity to be in the presence of a man who inspired me, healed me, and gave me the gift of witnessing someone who was truly walking his path under the direction of God. Solomon Wickey is an Amish Iridologist and Herbalist who’s approximately 80 years of age. His face ... Views: 1612
Lillian Smith (1897-1966) wrote: Man, surrounded by facts, permitting himself no surprise, no intuitive flash, no great hypothesis, no risk, is in a locked cell. Ignorance cannot seal the mind and imagination more securely.
When I read this I thought of the many that have only one view of the ... Views: 1194
About 15 years ago, when my children were still in elementary school, I was very active in the Parent Teacher Association. At one of the monthly meetings the topic of discussion was the new curriculum that the state of Michigan was presenting. Many concerns were voiced at that meeting, and one ... Views: 1410
I never cease to be amazed by the clients who are led to me. Often having or experiencing something strikingly similar, I have found spirit’s hand in the joining of my clients and myself. Recently a client came to me and between us we estimated that spirit had been putting plans in motion for us ... Views: 1448
It’s our last night in Lily Dale and I’m sitting at my computer when for some reason I look up to the ceiling and see a huge black spider. Approximately 1” of a spider – Eeeeek! The bugger is right in the corner of the wall and ceiling, which being very short I can’t possibly reach as the ... Views: 1606