Anyone who works out regularly dreads this time of year. On January 2nd, gyms around the world are going to be crowded 24/7 with people who made a New Year’s resolution to get a six-pack.
Fortunately, they’ll all be gone in two weeks.
It’s a statistical fact that over 90% of New Year’s ... Views: 1091
Those of you who have been around here for a while and know how I roll, know that part of my life is exploring how deep the rabbit hole goes.
It’s “crazy” to tell a “normal” person that you do meditation and hypnosis a couple of hours a day because you perceive that world to be deeper than ... Views: 1321
If I asked how you train your mind, what would you say?
“I read a lot.”
“I meditate for an hour every day.”
“I journal every night.”
If any of those things are true, then you’re doing a great job of feeding your mind. But what happens when you feed yourself and don’t workout? ... Views: 1590