1. Patient wants to have the least painful post operative
2. Patient scalp donor area is very inelastic
3. Patient wants to keep hair short ( buzz cut) which is
very popular nowadays to avoid scar
4. Patient had donor area healing problem from previous
strip or ... Views: 641
Male and female pattern hair loss is considered to affect up to 70% of men and 40% of women during their lives. Men generally have a distinctive hair loss pattern, while women present a diffuse thinning pattern. For both genres, the low-level laser therapy can be a type of treatment for hair ... Views: 661
The latest in hair restorative treatments is undoubtedly Acellular Autologous Growth Factor concentrate. It is an advancement over Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy and encompasses the following:
In-vitro Platelet Activation - This ensures a high concentration of ready to inject growth ... Views: 647
Realize that the art of hair transplantation is a team effort. During your procedure, the surgeon will remove the hair follicles from the back of your scalp (donor area), segregate them and implant it to the required area where you are experiencing a hair loss. This practice of a Surgeon with a ... Views: 708
Hair Growth factors derived from plasma for tissue repair and healing process of ulcers and wounds were already documented.PRP Platelet-rich plasma
The action of growth factors on the germination Hair cycle has been studied in embryological and adult phases.
PRP has been used in several ... Views: 622
Food to avoid in Acne patients, While the causative role of diet in acne hasn’t been proved yet, studies have definitely shown that it does influence the course of acne in patients, to varying degrees. The following recommendations have been strengthened via scientific studies:
1. Milk and ... Views: 666
The advent of winter brings along with it many hazards for the unprepared soul. Along with worsening existing skin conditions such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, to name a few, it can even inconvenience people with normal skin. Here are a few tips to beat the winter chill and step up your ... Views: 547
Acne can often leave behind unsightly scars that remain for life. Fortunately, modern-day medicine and science have progressed by leaps and bounds over the past few decades and we now have numerous options to treat such scars.
One of the best options available to us at present would ... Views: 608
In the current time due to more of workaholic people who involve continuously and are glued to the same sitting posture while working on a computer with lack of body movements are more prone to problems of spine, tissues of neck and shoulder.
Greeva Basti is a neck therapy according to ... Views: 656
In a world filled with screens and devices, it is essential to take good care of your eyes. The constant and prolonged use of electronic devices has led to an increase in eyesight related problems and dry eyes. Imbalance in the Pitta level in the body leads to fatigue and weakness in the eye ... Views: 639
In today’s digital world where work mainly includes spending hours in front of the computer in a restricted position, body pain and defect in posture is a common phenomenon.
Stiff neck and lower back pain have sadly become a part of our daily life.
Traveling for long hours lead to body pain ... Views: 591
Sinus is a cavity or empty space in the body. These sinuses can be present in any tissue or organ, it helps in maintaining internal pressure.
When the body comes in contact with allergens, the paranasal sinus gets inflamed, which leads to an increase in the internal pressure of the body. This ... Views: 644
Lower back problem is the most common problem faced in the US today. The lower back or lumbar region bears the weight of the entire body and is subjected to wear and tear on a daily basis. Lower back pain can be caused due to bad posture or can also be a structural issue, if it is ignored it can ... Views: 525
It is a common problem faced by people of various age groups around the world. Knee pain can be caused due to numerous causes ranging from minor injuries to arthritis. It takes a prolonged period to get rid of the pain if it is not treated properly. Knee pain can cause restricted movement and ... Views: 597
Happy is a word easily used, but hard to define. It could reflect in the smile on your face or the way in which you view life. You could find happiness in your works. when you make money or when you buy a new car.
Happiness is more a state of mind than the external action or incident that ... Views: 577
Diabetes is caused by fluctuation in blood sugar level. Around 1.25 million people in America are diagnosed with diabetes. There are various causes of diabetes, popular ones include an unhealthy diet and an inactive lifestyle. On the positive side, there are major research done on the cause and ... Views: 982
One in six people are currently suffering with a mental disorder in the state of California. Evidently, the suicide rate is at all-time high in the age group of 13 to 25 age. Many people are struggling to work while coping up with stress-related issues and anxiety. Majority of the people ... Views: 653
Blood pressure problems are broadly classified into:
Hypotension: Hypotension is also called low blood pressure. When the cardiovascular system fails to react to sudden changes it causes a drastic drop in the blood pressure. Hypotension is a sign of an underlying problem which is resulting in ... Views: 644
25% of the population in California is facing difficulties related to obesity, consuming unhealthy food as a result of our fast lifestyle has had an adverse effect on the present generation. Any amount of cholesterol above 240 mg/dl is considered to be fatal to human health.
Consumption ... Views: 647
Polycystic ovarian disorder is a common disorder seen in millions of women in their reproductive age all over the world, it is mainly caused due to hormonal imbalance and excessive production of the male hormone “Androgen”. According to WHO, 1 in 10 women faces serious problems like infertility, ... Views: 604
The Mahabharata has inspired many people to lead a better life, to achieve excellence and to manage difficult situations. The epic has a good mix of philosophy, spirituality and practicality. In this article, I would like to quote the example of two characters from the epic – Bhima and Krishna. ... Views: 880
Increased Arsenic level in drinking water:
Arsenic is a chemical element found in traces on the earth’s crust. Recently, there is a rapid increase in the level of arsenic present in the water and food that we are consuming, this is caused due to pollution. The maximum limit of arsenic in ... Views: 651
Cupping is an ancient alternative treatment, which used to be practised in Egypt several decades ago. Cupping was used to treat severe diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, and cold.
Recently, Cupping therapy is widely used to minimize the circulation of toxins, release muscle ... Views: 614
It is commonly called as Traditional Chinese Medicine(TMC), alternative treatment and therapy that originated 5000 years ago. It is believed that everything in the world is controlled by two equal, opposite force Yin-Yang, Oriental medicine aims to maintain harmony between these two forces ... Views: 628
Preventive Programs
Every day, more than 130 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids. The misuse of and addiction to opioids which includes prescription pain relievers, heroin, and synthetic opioids. To reduce the intake of drugs, the 2020 Budget proposal, popularly known ... Views: 983
According to recent studies, 1,43,000 people die every year due to lead poisoning. Lead is highly toxic metal and a strong poison. Lead poisoning is a serious issue which can even be fatal in some cases. The damages that are brought about due to lead poisoning cannot be reversed.
Causes ... Views: 670
“Whether you are 15 or 50, your attitude will always be under construction”- Anonymous.
Your attitude could be your best friend or the worst of enemy. Whatever the situation is, how you take charge of it will decide what outputs you will receive. Your attitude gets stored in a repository and ... Views: 792
Do you wait for that Déjà vu moment every now and then? Do you wish that you had experienced a perfect moment? Do you feel totally lost waiting for the perfect moment to arrive?
But, how would you define perfect moment?
Eugene O’Kelly in his famous book Chasing Daylight has provided his ... Views: 688
Each one of us goes through stress. Whether it is a one-time activity or regular work, stress has become a part of most of our lives. There are many types of stress- some that you experience at work, your partners, or even parents and kids. You may be experiencing stress managing your finances, ... Views: 649
How many times have you experienced butterflies flying inside your stomach? How many times have you stopped yourself in important meetings thinking you maybe be wrong? Many a times it happens that you leave some great opportunity because you are in this great fear that you cannot do it!!
Yes, ... Views: 635
Teenage can be a difficult and rebellious time for your kids. Teenage is the time when kids develop beliefs, ideas, and values that totally contradict with their parents. This is not an unusual process, yet parents experiencing it seem bewildered.
Most parents are appalled by the level of ... Views: 671
“There is huge difference between commitment and interest. You are interested in something, you would only do it at your convenience. However, if you are committed, you would accept no excuses; just results.” Rahul Kapoor
If you are committed towards something, you will surely find a way to do ... Views: 800
Blood is one of the most important connective tissues in human. As of today, there is no innovation made on manufacturing blood cells, hence blood donors are the only hope. Blood is the most valuable gift you can give since it is a gift of life. Studies show that one blood donation can save ... Views: 746
What are the benefits of Herbal massages?
Skill or technique used to help cleanse our tissues, organs, and mind. It is one of the most ancient methods and the only way to scrub our inner body and keep it healthy.
One of the most common problems today is improper sitting posture. It creates ... Views: 648
Good manners are essential in building good relationships. You might have observed that people with pleasing demeanour are popular and they have edge over others. In this article, I will highlight a few examples of our day to day work-life behaviour and illustrate how that affect us and the ones ... Views: 712
‘Maximising on available time to get more results’ is one of the mantras of today’s generation. Living on the edge and performing 24/7 seems to be an exciting concept but in reality, does multitasking really works? does it bring in the desired outcome? Do people achieve extraordinary results? ... Views: 729
There are things line of difference between humour and insult. Let me explain this with an example. Let's say you work with a friend who is a perfectionist, a very quality conscious person. To ensure that everything is fine he normally he goes overboard in getting things right and might appear ... Views: 864
Everyone talks about growth, power, marking-share and do everything that they can to maximize their returns on their investment. If your an employee and if you think that you have nothing to do with ROI, then think again.
I am certain that you want to grow in your field, earn more money, move ... Views: 617
Our growth economy has given birth to plenty of new age entrepreneurs running small businesses to meet the needs of the corporate world. This new breed of entrepreneurs consists of people who get up their secure jobs or youngsters who are just out of college.
But begin in business has its own ... Views: 974
Fortune lies in follow-up -- whether it is a job interview, networking with people, closing on business deals, getting the life. One of the person or to achieve success in any other aspect of life, one has to master the art of follow-up.
Follow -up is the key to building a successful ... Views: 618
This is the story of Soichiro Honda, The founder of Honda Motors Co.Ltd. Read this Inspirational tale of his meteoric rise to success, despite the Innumerable hurdles he faced along the way. Honda’s success won him legendary status and his life story is a perfect example of how failure breed ... Views: 593
Hiring has become a key function in most companies today. Two reasons contribute to the emergence of this function in such a big way. They are:
Hire to increase the bench strength to attract new business.
Rehire for existing positions when someone leaves the company.
Attrition has become a ... Views: 701
The Big Idea: Hotmail, Worth $400 million,
Founder: Sabeer Bhatia
‘A big idea can change everything’. Let me share with you a story I recently read about India’s most celebrated name in the field of the Internet. In 1988, Sabeer, at age of 19, arrived in America with a mere $250 and went on ... Views: 864
Playing the game at Level 10 is the key to success for
individuals and teams. Rahul Kapoor’s keynotes are
45-90 minutes of a memorable journey that inspires
participants to focus on achieving personal and
professional goals. If you are truly seeking a ‘wow’
for your event, you’ve definitely ... Views: 938
Discover Your Inner Powers To Achieve Incredible Breakthroughs In Life. More Info
Rahul Kapoor's keynotes are 45-90 minutes of memorable journey that inspires participants to focus on achieving personal and professional goals. If you are truly seeking wow for your event, you've definitely ... Views: 732
Misunderstanding and conflicts are part and parcel of everyone’s life; it is not possible to eliminate them from our lives. However, converting them into ego battles and not resolving them can take away the joy and happiness out of our lives.
Life is so unpredictable, so, let’s stop the game ... Views: 1025
The power of motivation is often either underestimated or brushed aside by some people. People fail to realize that motivating someone in any arena of life only cultivates more force in generating positive feelings. To pat someone on the back, to congratulate someone when the going gets great or ... Views: 1475
“If you want to take your mission in life to the next level, don’t look outside yourself. Look inside.”– The Level 10 Game, Leadership & Teamwork, Work Wise
This is a little story of a boy and a girl who were playing together. The boy had lot of marbles and the girl had sweets with her. The ... Views: 1171
Communication is an imperative art, but effective communication requires creativity that is imbibed through learning and teaching communication is in itself a great art imparted by great teachers. Well, one does not have to be old to teach the art. And one youngster in the league is Rahul ... Views: 980
To get things right the first time is easier said than done. Many people struggle, some give up and remain ordinary, others excel and become champions. The quest to get things right itself is difficult and get to get it right the first time can really be challenging. Try the following:
Invest ... Views: 1690