Feeling empty inside can be difficult to describe. Like any other emotion, many people experience it differently. Depending on what’s causing you to feel this way, you may have different signs and symptoms each time.
Sign 1: You feel completely devoid of all emotions, whether they’re good or ... Views: 278
You will take many journeys throughout your life. As you get older, your needs change. You move further from the family home and you might put distance between some of your previous beliefs and values. Your core needs may remain the same: you still need a roof over your head, food, and water, ... Views: 255
There is more to eating disorders than food — it’s about body image and triggers that are often associated with trauma, loneliness, low self-esteem, and interpersonal issues. While some people may question whether eating disorders cause loneliness or loneliness causes the eating disorder — the ... Views: 325
Feeling empty is often a product of missing something you need. When you experience emptiness, it often follows an event where you lose something or someone that was very important to you. Sometimes, feeling empty happens when you realize you need something more or different in your life to feel ... Views: 283
You feel it right in the center of your chest. You don’t know where it came from or maybe even where it started, but you can feel the emptiness like it’s a tangible object within your grasp. You aren’t sure whether it’s boredom, sadness, or melancholy.
Maybe it’s a little bit of all of those ... Views: 300
While internal starvation may not sound as dire or devastating as physical starvation, it can lead to some similar problems within the mind. When a person is physically starving, their bodies are yearning for something they don’t have access to — the nutrition needed to sustain bodily energy and ... Views: 285
Having internal emptiness can be a very lonely and scary way to live. Feelings of unworthiness, depression, and despair lurk around every corner. Emptiness can take hold of a person and squeeze them so tight they don’t think they’ll ever be able to survive.
However, emptiness is not an ... Views: 276
Attaining fulfillment is an important part of life. It’s the key to having a purpose for the things you do. Your ambitions and dreams are driven by purpose and you can’t make a difference in the world without one. You can’t find meaning in the world without knowing your purpose. Before we ... Views: 258
No one wants to look back on his or her life with regrets. You might have some regrets about the mistakes you have made things you have done or opportunities you lost, but you can make a conscious decision to minimize your regrets by leading a more fulfilling life. In the future. Here are 10 ... Views: 362
With all the negativity that exists in the world, it’s difficult to imagine any other way to be. However, the benefits of having a positive self-image are numerous. Following are some of the major benefits.
Get More Done
When you have a positive outlook, you are more likely to find ways ... Views: 300
When the warmer weather approaches, advertising for diet and exercise explodes onto the scene. You see beautiful people along with the before and after shots. All too often, these commercials will try to make you believe that you can accomplish the same results within weeks or even days. This ... Views: 286
Our environment dictates how we will behave. If we live in a bad neighborhood, we will always be on the watch for crime. Crime can happen in good neighborhoods too, but the chances are less. Environment plays an important role when trying to set up a positive self-image. The wrong settings will ... Views: 237
By Judi Moreo
Emotions, by themselves, are neither good nor bad. They just are. It is how you allow your emotions to influence your thoughts and actions that is important. Awareness and understanding of your feelings can help ensure that you control your feelings and they aren’t controlling ... Views: 349
By Judi Moreo
It’s your choice! You can go through life getting by or you can do something that really matters. It could be something you do for someone else or something you do for yourself. It could even be something you do for the world.
One thing I’ve learned over the years is, it’s ... Views: 289
By Judi Moreo
One major identifying feature of emptiness is a lack of emotions. When you’re feeling empty inside, you may notice that you don’t feel much of anything at all – whether it’s good or bad.
Emotional emptiness can be caused by a variety of factors; consider these key causes ... Views: 351
By Judi Moreo
Taking on a coach can be one of the quickest ways to speed up development. If you are looking to improve your self-image, perhaps hiring a coach is the right way to go. But before you sign on the dotted line, use these tips to find the right person for the job.
Ask About the ... Views: 318
By Judi Moreo
Our environment dictates how we will behave. If we live in a bad neighborhood, we will always be on the watch for crime. Crime can happen in good neighborhoods too, but the chances are less. Environment plays an important role when trying to set up a positive self-image. The wrong ... Views: 360
By Judi Moreo
It is important to project a positive self-image on social media. We see a lot of people posting negative comments or pictures. In some cases, these people can get away with it by posting anonymously. But if you post in a negative manner and people find out it is you, this can ... Views: 355
By Judi Moreo
Negativity is all around us. The news media never seems to have anything good to report, and many of the people you work with take joy in spreading negative messages about others or your workplace. It’s no wonder it gets more difficult by the day, to maintain a positive ... Views: 383
By Judi Moreo
It is possible to love yourself. Even with years of people constantly trying to bring you down, you can learn how to put aside those people and move on with your life. In many cases, people are not trying to bring you down on purpose. They think they are helping you by telling ... Views: 371
By Judi Moreo
Stress is something we all face at one time or another. It drains us of our ability to be the best we can be. In many cases, we can overcome stress and move on with our lives. Stress tends to appear in short bursts throughout our lives. But when it is more frequent and longer ... Views: 325
By Judi Moreo
What does it take for someone to be a leader? Some people believe that you must be born with it. While it may be true that some people possess a natural ability towards leadership, it can be learned. Like anything else, you get better at it with practice.
One of the key ... Views: 413
By Judi Moreo
Stress is something we all face at one time or another. It drains us of our ability to be the best we can be. In many cases, we can overcome stress and move on with our lives. Stress tends to appear in short bursts throughout our lives. But when it is more frequent and longer ... Views: 402
By Judi Moreo
Speed isn’t everything. To make a good decision, sometimes we need to take our time and weigh up all our options. That is particularly important when the decision you’re making has long-term or far-reaching consequences attached to it. Today, I am sharing with you my three ... Views: 404
By Judi Moreo
What does it take for someone to be a leader? Some people believe that you must be born with it. While it may be true that some people possess a natural ability towards leadership, it can be learned. Like anything else, you get better at it with practice.
One of the key ... Views: 415
By Judi Moreo
When we hear stories of people having world-changing ideas, often, they are told in a way that makes them sound like breakthroughs or sudden flashes of insight. They are portrayed as lightbulbs or bolts of lightning, and often, we hear stories of what sparked the idea, be it a ... Views: 340
By Judi Moreo
Do you know failure is your friend? Right now, you're probably either laughing out loud or cringing. You probably have this almost irresistible urge not to read this article.
Well, hear me out. Most people are afraid of failure. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that ... Views: 377
By Judi Moreo
Supposedly, imitation is the best form of flattery, but when someone actually copies one of our ideas, flattery tends to be the last thing we feel! Instead, it’s frustrating when someone benefits from what should have been our unique idea, and it makes the copier look bad for ... Views: 412
By Judi Moreo
Most of us would admit to finding a sunset somewhat moving and possibly inspirational. Few of us can walk under a beautifully red and purple sky without stopping to take a look and probably upload a picture to Instagram. The same can be said of star-filled skies and crashing ... Views: 386
By Judi Moreo
Do you know failure is your friend? Right now, you're probably either laughing out loud or cringing. You probably have this almost irresistible urge not to read this article.
Well, hear me out. Most people are afraid of failure. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that ... Views: 379
By Judi Moreo
If you're reading this, chances are you might have met with some form of failure at one time or another. I know it burns. I know it stings. I know that if given a chance, you'd rather not deal with it and focus more on enjoying the benefits of success.
Who wouldn't? That's ... Views: 324
By Judi Moreo
One of the common desires that people experience in their lives is summed up in a well-known saying – “I want to thrive, not just survive.” This can also be interpreted as enjoying life as opposed to simply existing. When there is a deep need for people to change their way of ... Views: 388
By Judi Moreo
Emotions, by themselves, are neither good nor bad. They just are. It is how you allow your emotions to influence your thoughts and actions that is important. Awareness and understanding of your feelings can help ensure that you control your feelings and they aren’t controlling ... Views: 414
By Judi Moreo
You could say that in life we are motivated by two basic forces – love and fear. Love opens us to the passion and excitement that love has to offer, while fear causes us to withdraw from life and hide away, terrified of hurt and pain. John Lennon said something along these lines ... Views: 347
by Judi Moreo
Finding our way to an inner peace, especially at this time of year is not always easy to do. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season inevitably catches up with all of us. We get caught up in the hectic pace of getting all the decorating, shopping, cooking and visiting done ... Views: 404
By Judi Moreo
Make no mistake. We choose our beliefs. There's nobody sitting behind you with a gun pointed to your head telling you to believe certain things. There's nobody threatening to kill you if you don't believe you are worthless, incapable, and not up to the job.
Nobody's forcing ... Views: 452
By Judi Moreo
The world that we are living in today is anything but peaceful and predictable. It seems that every day there is some new tragedy or cause for fear that demands every ounce of our attention.
These incidents come from every direction and in all shapes and sizes. Whether a ... Views: 418
By Judi Moreo
It’s your choice! You can go through life getting by or you can do something that really matters. It could be something you do for someone else or something you do for yourself. It could even be something you do for the world.
One thing I’ve learned over the years is, it’s ... Views: 483
As We Think, So Shall We Be
By Judi Moreo
Have you been asking yourself questions such as, “Why is it taking me so long to achieve success? To find the right relationship? To get what I want out of life?”
If you have, perhaps it’s because you haven’t aligned your thinking to your wants, ... Views: 355
5 Irrational Reactions to Challenging Situations
By Judi Moreo
Most days, one or all of us are faced with challenging situations. Any situation will trigger any number of different emotional responses from our endocrine systems, which we then react to externally.
Webster defines Irrational ... Views: 382
Finding ways to force your mind or your team members’ minds to generate ideas, solve problems or process information when you are under pressure is extremely difficult. When these situations arise, certain thinking processes are necessary to induce creative thinking. You will find these mind ... Views: 514
Charles Kettering, former head of General Motors, once said, “My interest lies in the future, because I am going to spend the rest of my life there.” That’s where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives as well. We are living in times of tremendous change. We must look forward and ... Views: 502
Have you ever heard anyone say “There’s just not enough time to get everything done?” “The world is just going so fast.” “Technology is making life so hard.” “The faster I go the behinder I get.” The rate of change we are experiencing today does make it seem like the world is going faster. But ... Views: 570
To Do List Concept Discipline is a major key to success. It is the ability to do what needs to be done at the appropriate time in order to accomplish your desired goals.
Take the first step
My friend Wally, who is 72 years old, runs three miles every weekday morning and has done so for 35 ... Views: 534
There are always going to be challenging times in life. The real challenge is to overcome them. For some of us, an obstacle may be “the end of the line.” For others with strong beliefs and great expectations, an obstacle is simply regarded as a setback. Let it be that way for you. Have faith in ... Views: 588
You hear about it all the time. Writer’s Block – that awful moment you find yourself staring at the blank page and realize you have no idea how to begin and a deadline fast approaching. Oh, you have ideas, wonderful flights of fancy that have you finishing your report ahead of time, writing a ... Views: 508
It is up to us to open our minds to what “can be” and then make the choice to pursue it passionately. Many people are doing what they do because they think they have to do it. All too often, choices are made based on what we believe is the “right” thing to do rather than on what will make us ... Views: 521
It’s your choice! You can go through life getting by or you can do something that really matters. It could be something you do for someone else or something you do for yourself. It could even be something you do for the world.
One thing I’ve learned over the years is, it’s just as easy to do ... Views: 503
It seems like every conversation I have had with someone lately, they have brought up the terrible state of the economy. I’ve started many conversations this week with the sentence, “No negativity allowed.” I refuse to accept the “ain’t it awful mentality” of the masses. I know I make my own ... Views: 523
Success and failure are largely the result of habit, the automatic ways you respond and react to what’s going on around you. Changing habits which are no longer consistent with your purpose is one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do, and one of the most essential to the quality of your ... Views: 488