In the twenty-first century, book marketing increasingly includes online book reviews. These reviews are written by ordinary people who read books and want to share their views honestly, as part of a community.
Before buying a book, or even borrowing a book from a library, readers ... Views: 1412
Website marketing can be challenging to independent service professionals who want to grow their businesses without investing huge sums. Service business owners often believe they need to start with a web designer. They worry about obtaining graphics and designing a logo. They feel overwhelmed ... Views: 1163
I was inspired to write this post after reading about a former flight attendant who made a whole bunch of these mistakes. Don't look now but a lot of smart people make at least one.
Dumb Mistake #1: Posting a photo of yourself in a provocative pose on the Internet.
Dumb Mistake #2: Wearing ... Views: 1981
Clients often begin a career consultation with, “I feel overwhelmed.”
Often they’re right. These days we really have more to do than ever before.
Ironically, much of our overwhelm comes from awareness of what we need for a healthy, meaningful life. Our grandparents (and maybe our parents) ... Views: 1611
“Kevin” was experiencing sticker shock. After years of life in the corporate world, he had accumulated a healthy nest egg. The kids were grown and gone. Time, he said, to launch an Internet marketing business.
“But everything is so expensive!” he exclaimed. “Take this weekend seminar. Over ... Views: 1432
Q. After several years, I finally left middle school teaching, a career I had come to hate. Now I feel like a failure. My skills mean nothing to the business world. I have considered becoming a librarian, journalist or social worker, but I can’t afford to return to school. And I need a job ... Views: 1953
While some employees fear lay-offs, often my clients find themselves in the happy position of accepting a new job and saying good-by to a current employer. Surprisingly, many admit they’re nervous about telling a current boss they’re leaving.
And if you've held the same job for a long time, ... Views: 12504
Q. I just finished a job interview. Everything went well. But I can't get excited about the job. The people were nice but frankly, I got bored.
Should I withdraw my application or hang on to see what happens?
A. Let me share a secret. I love country music – especially the classics. Your ... Views: 1397
Time usually takes on a special meaning during life transitions. By definition, transitions take us from the familiar to the unknown. Most people feel they’re moving faster or slower than before. Here are three ways to steer your own time machine.
1. Get lots of information. Then get ... Views: 1412
Q. "My friend is really excited about her new business venture. She assures me her coach and boyfriend think it’s a winner. Personally, I think it’s a harebrained scheme with zero potential. How can I be supportive but also realistic?"
A. You’re a good friend. It’s easy to send lots of empty ... Views: 1404
Q. For my second career, I'd like to know "What to do when you have done a lot and nothing really interests you anymore. The things that interest me are not financially feasible right now, because one of the things I'd like to give up is working!"
A. People often want to stop working when ... Views: 1388
Q. Right after I accepted my new position, the manager who
hired me quit. I now have a boss "Sam" who's a classic
bully. He has most of the office terrorized. Every question
becomes a confrontation. Last week, he walked into the
conference room as I was meeting with a customer and ... Views: 4097
Very few people change careers by the book: listing their strengths, identifying options and aggressively pursuing choices. When career specialists conduct research on life change, they find that most people can point to a chance encounter or a moment when everything came together. The word ... Views: 1615
You're becoming convinced that no one wants your services -- at least enough to pay for them! You're ready to give up. Are you being negative -- or facing a tough market?
1. Take a reality check. Are others in your field experiencing similar frustrations? Do you resemble those who succeed or ... Views: 1308
These days, interviews don't come easily. When you get The Call, make the most of your time -- and go for it!
1. Investigate the company's culture, markets, and finances. But resist the temptation to show off what you've researched: "I just read that you're about to embark on a new ... Views: 1317
When a basketball team is down by 20 points with 30 seconds to go, giving up is not an option. Spectators start leaving and reserve players take the floor, but the game goes on.
When you're playing a business game, you blow your own whistle. Here are some ways to check the score.
1. How ... Views: 1418
Let's say you have baked a magnificent coconut cream pie and you've cut the pie into slices, ready to serve at a special dinner. As the hour approaches, you realize something is very wrong with your pie.
At one extreme, let's say some slices got more whipped cream than others. That's easy - a ... Views: 1356
Have you ever had a bad day, when everything went wrong from the moment the alarm didn't go off, your ten-minute commute grew to thirty minutes due to a freak accident, you couldn't find the notes you needed for a meeting? On those days you are also likely to collect traffic tickets, insults ... Views: 1533
My neighbor "Ed" found his career, he says, when he literally fell from the choir loft into the church organ. He was fascinated by the specialist who showed up to fix the damage. Ed began by sweeping up the shop, then served an apprenticeship. Now he owns a firm that repairs church organs all ... Views: 1416
Career in the doldrums? Don't reach for your resume just yet.
1. Get moving!
Action creates momentum.
2. Do something different.
Even if you just find a new route to walk the dog or drive to work.
3. Rejuenate your fitness program.
Go to the gym three times a week? Ask your trainer for ... Views: 1339
When you feel lost and confused, it is easy to give your power to anyone who appears on your doorstep -- a coach, a counselor, even a good friend or relative. People in transition, who are seeking direction, are especially vulnerable to anyone who offers help. The US government has developed ... Views: 1321
"James is so restless and energetic. I wonder if he's hyperactive."
"Nancy seems to be all over the place. She's got a dozen projects going at once!"
"Harley does things so fast! He put up a website in two weeks."
"Marlene is so intense. She needs to lighten up."
While it's possible that James ... Views: 2724
Many of us are influenced by the sports ethic: Never give up! When a basketball team is down by 20 with 30 seconds on the clock, the players never stop working. The spectators might be filing out, and the winning team might bring players off the bench, but the game goes on.
If your game is ... Views: 1297
Q. "I hate my job. I'm considering starting a business…and I really want to move to a warmer climate. Arizona sounds good! But it's the holiday season. I'll start the process on New Year's Day."
A. The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas often gets dismissed as dead time. It's a happy, ... Views: 1346
Have you ever had a bad day, when everything went wrong from the moment the alarm didn't go off, your ten-minute commute grew to forty minutes while you waited for someone to fix the road, and you couldn't find the notes you needed for a meeting? On those days you are also likely to collect ... Views: 1347
Which coach fits you?
Karen hired a "mentor" coach to help her business grow. The coach applauded Karen's efforts to design her website. On a slow week, the coach said, "Clear clutter and learn to dance."
After three months, Karen had a big coaching bill, a multicolored website, an empty ... Views: 1265
When clients change their lives or careers, they oftenstruggle with the notion of abundance. It's hard to feelabundant when you watch your savings dwindle or you realizethat a former routine purchase has now become a luxury.
And you may hear the guidance, "Maybe you don't need so muchmoney." ... Views: 1269
When we're struggling with a career, or settling into an unfamiliar new residence, we're most likely to think of winter: cold, bleak and endless. At some point any life transition feels like being buried under a coat of ice, hibernating through long, dark days. Hopefully we learn to see the ... Views: 1414
A life transition calls for a new concept of time. You no longer have the luxury of waiting to clear the deck so you can focus on your new goal. You've moved to fantasyland when you say, "I'll begin planning my transition next month, when I have more time."
Next month you might have less time ... Views: 1732
Recently someone asked me, "What coaching tools do you use?" "Tools?" I asked, bewildered. "I avoid tests and assessments." See
"No," she explained. "Listening skills?"
Well, of course I listen -- but I mostly listen to my own intuition.
Since I derive ... Views: 1463
Entrepreneurs tend to be strong, independent people with little experience in getting help. Therefore, they often end up with the coach from hell. They grab the first resource that comes along and follow instructions brilliantly. Too late, they realize they're following a lost leader.
Cathy, ... Views: 1357
Nearly every week a visitor to my website will write, "I'm glad someone understands. Most people think I'm crazy. I love to move! I have no desire to settle down." In my younger days, I, too, thought nothing of selling my meager supply of furniture and flying across the country to start a new ... Views: 1631
When people want to move to career freedom, often they don't want a new career at all. They love their career -- but they also want a balanced life. Here are ten questions to help you get started on the quest for "more time in your life -- and more fun."
1. Where does leisure rank among ... Views: 1647
We are about to celebrate US Thanksgiving -- a holiday that celebrates and appreciates abundance -- which means something different to every person. You probably don't bring in a harvest from the fields, but we all reap a harvest every year, based on what we did in earlier years.
When ... Views: 1640
Have you ever noticed that authors of "how-to" best-sellers created their own rituals? They design their own form of visualization, affirmation, or just walking outdoors. Creating a ritual adds energy and purpose to your goals far more powerfully than following someone else's.
What are ... Views: 2521
Q. "My vision of career freedom doesn't pay enough to live on, but I really want to do it."
A. "No money" can mean that you want to enter a place where most people earn very little (e.g., working with children or animals). Alternatively, you might be evaluating a high-risk career, where most ... Views: 2328